11192 publications

  1. Human Resources, Employment and Development Volume 5: Developing Countries
  2. Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus
  3. Human Retrotransposons in Health and Disease
  4. Human Retroviral Infections
  5. Human Retrovirology
  6. Human Retrovirus Protocols
  7. Human Retroviruses
  8. Human Rights
  9. Human Rights
  10. Human Rights Behind Bars
  11. Human Rights Discourse in the Post-9/11 Age
  12. Human Rights Dissemination in Central Asia
  13. Human Rights During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  14. Human Rights Education Beyond Universalism and Relativism
  15. Human Rights Education Globally
  16. Human Rights Education Through Ciné Débat
  17. Human Rights Education in China
  18. Human Rights Film Festivals
  19. Human Rights Journalism
  20. Human Rights Journalism and its Nexus to Responsibility to Protect
  21. Human Rights Literacies
  22. Human Rights Policies in Chile
  23. Human Rights Politics
  24. Human Rights Practices during Financial Crises
  25. Human Rights Prosecutions in Democracies at War
  26. Human Rights Protection System in China
  27. Human Rights Protection and Ius Puniendi
  28. Human Rights Protection in Global Politics
  29. Human Rights Redefining Legal Thought
  30. Human Rights Struggles in Twentieth-century France
  31. Human Rights Trade-Offs in Times of Economic Growth
  32. Human Rights Violation in Turkey
  33. Human Rights Violations in Latin America
  34. Human Rights and Agents of Change in Iran
  35. Human Rights and Civil Liberties in the 21st Century
  36. Human Rights and Development
  37. Human Rights and Digital Technology
  38. Human Rights and Foreign Policy
  39. Human Rights and Free Trade in Mexico
  40. Human Rights and Human Diversity
  41. Human Rights and Human Nature
  42. Human Rights and Humanity’s Rights During Year Three of the French Revolution
  43. Human Rights and Incarceration
  44. Human Rights and Legal Services for Children and Youth
  45. Human Rights and Literature
  46. Human Rights and Narrated Lives
  47. Human Rights and Relative Universalism
  48. Human Rights and Religion in Educational Contexts
  49. Human Rights and Responsibilities in Britain and Ireland
  50. Human Rights and Transitional Justice in Chile
  51. Human Rights and Universal Child Primary Education
  52. Human Rights and the Environment under African Union Law
  53. Human Rights and the Internet
  54. Human Rights and the Moral Responsibilities of Corporate and Public Sector Organisations
  55. Human Rights and the Separation of State and Religion
  56. Human Rights as Battlefields
  57. Human Rights as Political Imaginary
  58. Human Rights for Refugees and Other Marginalised Persons
  59. Human Rights in Africa
  60. Human Rights in Asia
  61. Human Rights in Child Protection
  62. Human Rights in European Criminal Law
  63. Human Rights in Higher Education
  64. Human Rights in Language and STEM Education
  65. Human Rights in Prisons
  66. Human Rights in Transnational Business
  67. Human Rights in Turkey
  68. Human Rights in War
  69. Human Rights in War
  70. Human Rights in a Changing World
  71. Human Rights in the 21st Century
  72. Human Rights in the Emerging Global Order
  73. Human Rights in the Extractive Industries
  74. Human Rights in the Field of Comparative Education
  75. Human Rights in the Middle East
  76. Human Rights in the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism
  77. Human Rights in this Age of Uncertainty
  78. Human Rights of Older People
  79. Human Rights under the African Charter
  80. Human Rights with Modesty: The Problem of Universalism
  81. Human Rights, Development and Decolonization
  82. Human Rights, Disability, and Capabilities
  83. Human Rights, Imperialism, and Corruption in US Foreign Policy
  84. Human Rights, Migration, and Social Conflict
  85. Human Rights, Refugee Protest and Immigration Detention
  86. Human Rights, Social Movements and Activism in Contemporary Latin American Cinema
  87. Human Rights, Transitional Justice, and the Reconstruction of Political Order in Latin America
  88. Human Rights-Based Approach to Short-Term Study Abroad
  89. Human Rights-Based Approaches to Clinical Social Work
  90. Human Rights-Based Community Practice in the United States
  91. Human Rights: Realities and Possibilities
  92. Human Ring Chromosomes
  93. Human Sciences and the Problem of Values / Les Sciences Humaines et le Problème des Valeurs
  94. Human Security
  95. Human Security Norms in East Asia
  96. Human Security and Cross-Border Cooperation in East Asia
  97. Human Security and Migration in Europe’s Southern Borders
  98. Human Security and Philanthropy
  99. Human Security in Asia
  100. Human Security in China
  101. Human Service Organizations in the Disaster Context
  102. Human Settlements
  103. Human Settlements: The Environmental Challenge
  104. Human Simulation: Perspectives, Insights, and Applications
  105. Human Sleep
  106. Human Sleep and Its Disorders
  107. Human Smart Cities
  108. Human Spaceflight and Exploration
  109. Human Subject Research for Engineers
  110. Human Subjects Research
  111. Human Subjects Research after the Holocaust
  112. Human Suffering and Quality of Life
  113. Human Sustainable Cities
  114. Human System Responses to Disaster
  115. Human Systems Engineering and Design
  116. Human Systems Engineering and Design II
  117. Human Systems Engineering and Design III
  118. Human T Cell Clones
  119. Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus
  120. Human T-Lymphotropic Viruses
  121. Human Temperature Control
  122. Human Thought
  123. Human Thriving and the Law
  124. Human Tissue in the Realist Novel, 1850-1895
  125. Human Touch in Healthcare
  126. Human Trafficking Finances
  127. Human Trafficking Is a Public Health Issue
  128. Human Trafficking Under International and Tanzanian Law
  129. Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling in Southeast Europe and Russia
  130. Human Trafficking and Security in Southern Africa
  131. Human Trafficking as a New (In)Security Threat
  132. Human Trafficking in Africa
  133. Human Trafficking in Conflict
  134. Human Trafficking in Europe
  135. Human Trafficking: A Global Health Emergency
  136. Human Transit
  137. Human Trophoblast Neoplasms
  138. Human Tumor Cells in Vitro
  139. Human Tumour Xenografts in Anticancer Drug Development
  140. Human Uses of Outer Space
  141. Human Values
  142. Human Virology in Latin America
  143. Human Viruses: Diseases, Treatments and Vaccines
  144. Human Vision and the Night Sky
  145. Human Walking in Virtual Environments
  146. Human Well-Being
  147. Human Well-Being and Policy in South Asia
  148. Human Work Interaction Design
  149. Human Work Interaction Design. Artificial Intelligence and Designing for a Positive Work Experience in a Low Desire Society
  150. Human Work Interaction Design. Designing Engaging Automation
  151. Human Work Interaction Design. Work Analysis and HCI
  152. Human Work Interaction Design. Work Analysis and Interaction Design Methods for Pervasive and Smart Workplaces
  153. Human Work Interaction Design: Designing for Human Work
  154. Human Work Interaction Design: Usability in Social, Cultural and Organizational Contexts
  155. Human and Animal Relationships
  156. Human and Animal Relationships
  157. Human and Artificial Rationalities
  158. Human and Automatic Speaker Recognition over Telecommunication Channels
  159. Human and Energy Factors in Urban Planning: A Systems Approach
  160. Human and Environmental Risks of Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds
  161. Human and Environmental Security in the Era of Global Risks
  162. Human and Machine Learning
  163. Human and Machine Locomotion
  164. Human and Machine Perception
  165. Human and Machine Perception 2
  166. Human and Machine Perception 3
  167. Human and Machine Problem Solving
  168. Human and Machine Vision
  169. Human and Machines
  170. Human and Mammalian Cytogenetics
  171. Human and Mediated Communication around the World
  172. Human and Mosquito Lysozymes
  173. Human and Nature Minding Automation
  174. Human and Organisational Factors
  175. Human and Other Animals
  176. Human and Robot Hands
  177. Human and Water Security in Israel and Jordan
  178. Human error and system design and management
  179. Human iPS Cells in Disease Modelling
  180. Human iPSC-derived Disease Models for Drug Discovery
  181. Human in Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer
  182. Human – Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 2
  183. Human – Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 2
  184. Human- und kulturökologische Ansätze zur Umweltforschung
  185. Human-Animal Relationships in San and Hunter-Gatherer Cosmology, Volume I
  186. Human-Animal Relationships in San and Hunter-Gatherer Cosmology, Volume II
  187. Human-Automation Interaction
  188. Human-Automation Interaction
  189. Human-Automation Interaction
  190. Human-Aware Robotics: Modeling Human Motor Skills for the Design, Planning and Control of a New Generation of Robotic Devices
  191. Human-Centered Agriculture
  192. Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence
  193. Human-Centered Data Discovery
  194. Human-Centered Design, Operation and Evaluation of Mobile Communications
  195. Human-Centered Design, Operation and Evaluation of Mobile Communications
  196. Human-Centered Digitalization and Services
  197. Human-Centered Service Design for Healthcare Transformation
  198. Human-Centered Services Computing for Smart Cities
  199. Human-Centered Social Media Analytics
  200. Human-Centered Software Engineering