11372 publications

  1. Grosse Stimmen
  2. Grosse Tage aus der Zeit der Befreiungskriege
  3. Grosser Mann im seidenen Rock
  4. Grossissements de filtrations: exemples et applications
  5. Groteske Aufklärung
  6. Grothendieck Duality and Base Change
  7. Grothendieck- und Wittringe von nichtausgearteten symmetrischen Bilinearformen
  8. Ground Characterization and Foundations
  9. Ground Engineering - Principles and Practices for Underground Coal Mining
  10. Ground Improvement Techniques
  11. Ground Improvement Techniques
  12. Ground Improvement Techniques and Geosynthetics
  13. Ground Improvement and Earth Structures
  14. Ground Improvement and Reinforced Soil Structures
  15. Ground Motion Seismology
  16. Ground States of Quantum Field Models
  17. Ground States of the Two-Dimensional Electron System at Half-Filling under Hydrostatic Pressure
  18. Ground Vehicle Dynamics
  19. Ground Vibration Engineering
  20. Ground Water Abstraction Structures
  21. Ground Water Contamination in India
  22. Ground Water Development - Issues and Sustainable Solutions
  23. Ground and Air Robotic Manipulation Systems in Agriculture
  24. Ground-Based Aerosol Optical Depth Measurement Using Sunphotometers
  25. Ground-Based Radar in Structural Design, Optimization, and Health Monitoring of Stationary and Rotating Structures
  26. Ground-penetrating Radar and Magnetometry for Buried Landscape Analysis
  27. Grounded Theory
  28. Grounded Theory
  29. Grounded Theory
  30. Grounded Theory
  31. Grounded Theory Reader
  32. Grounding Global Climate Change
  33. Grounding Human Rights in Human Nature
  34. Grounding in Medieval Philosophy
  35. Groundwater
  36. Groundwater
  37. Groundwater Base Level Changes and Adjoining Hydrological Systems
  38. Groundwater Chemical Kinetics and Fractal Characteristics of Karst Tunnel
  39. Groundwater Contamination: Use of Models in Decision-Making
  40. Groundwater Development and Management
  41. Groundwater Distribution in the Recharge Area of Ljubljanica Springs
  42. Groundwater Dynamics in Hard Rock Aquifers
  43. Groundwater Engineering
  44. Groundwater Engineering
  45. Groundwater Engineering
  46. Groundwater Flow and Quality Modelling
  47. Groundwater Geochemistry
  48. Groundwater Geochemistry
  49. Groundwater Geophysics
  50. Groundwater Geophysics
  51. Groundwater Hydraulics
  52. Groundwater Law and Management in India
  53. Groundwater Management in Asian Cities
  54. Groundwater Management in the East of the European Union
  55. Groundwater Pollution Risk Control from an Industrial Economics Perspective
  56. Groundwater Prospecting and Management
  57. Groundwater Quality and Geochemistry in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions
  58. Groundwater Radon in the Taiwan Subduction Zone
  59. Groundwater Recharge from Run-Off, Infiltration and Percolation
  60. Groundwater Resources Development and Planning in the Semi-Arid Region
  61. Groundwater Sustainability
  62. Groundwater Updates
  63. Groundwater and Ecosystems
  64. Groundwater and Environment Policies for Vietnam’s Mekong Delta
  65. Groundwater and Global Change in the Western Mediterranean Area
  66. Groundwater and Society
  67. Groundwater and Subsurface Environments
  68. Groundwater and Subsurface Remediation
  69. Groundwater and Water Quality
  70. Groundwater as a Key for Adaptation to Changing Climate and Society
  71. Groundwater in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas
  72. Groundwater in Egypt’s Deserts
  73. Groundwater in Ethiopia
  74. Groundwater in the Arab Middle East
  75. Groundwater in the Coastal Zones of Asia-Pacific
  76. Groundwater in the Nile Delta
  77. Groundwater of South Asia
  78. Groundwater overexploitation in the North China Plain: A path to sustainability
  79. Groundwork for a New Kind of African Metaphysics
  80. Groundwork in the Theory of Argumentation
  81. Group 13 Chemistry I
  82. Group 13 Chemistry II
  83. Group 13 Chemistry III
  84. Group 2 Mediated Dehydrocoupling
  85. Group A Streptococcus
  86. Group Actions and Vector Fields
  87. Group Analysis of Classical Lattice Systems
  88. Group B Coxsackieviruses
  89. Group Beliefs
  90. Group Cell Architecture for Cooperative Communications
  91. Group Chase and Escape
  92. Group Communications and Charges. Technology and Business Models
  93. Group Coordination and Cooperative Control
  94. Group Decision Making under Multiple Criteria
  95. Group Decision and Negotiation in an Uncertain World
  96. Group Decision and Negotiation in the Era of Multimodal Interactions
  97. Group Decision and Negotiation. A Process-Oriented View
  98. Group Decision and Negotiation. A Socio-Technical Perspective
  99. Group Decision and Negotiation. Theory, Empirical Evidence, and Application
  100. Group Decision and Negotiation: A Multidisciplinary Perspective
  101. Group Decision and Negotiation: Behavior, Models, and Support
  102. Group Decision and Negotiation: Methodological and Practical Issues
  103. Group Extensions, Representations, and the Schur Multiplicator
  104. Group IV Elements, IV-IV and III-V Compounds. Part a - Lattice Properties
  105. Group IV Elements, IV-IV and III-V Compounds. Part b - Electronic, Transport, Optical and Other Properties
  106. Group Identities on Units and Symmetric Units of Group Rings
  107. Group Identity Fabrication Theory
  108. Group Integration and Multiculturalism
  109. Group Interventions in Schools
  110. Group Invariance in Engineering Boundary Value Problems
  111. Group Matrices, Group Determinants and Representation Theory
  112. Group Model Building
  113. Group Privacy
  114. Group Processes
  115. Group Purchasing Organizations
  116. Group Recommender Systems
  117. Group Recommender Systems
  118. Group Representation for Quantum Theory
  119. Group Representations
  120. Group Representations in Mathematics and Physics
  121. Group Representations, Ergodic Theory, Operator Algebras, and Mathematical Physics
  122. Group Responsibility
  123. Group Rights as Human Rights
  124. Group Rings and Class Groups
  125. Group Rings and Their Augmentation Ideals
  126. Group Rings of Finite Groups Over p-adic Integers
  127. Group Search Optimization for Applications in Structural Design
  128. Group Sequential and Confirmatory Adaptive Designs in Clinical Trials
  129. Group Symmetries in Nuclear Structure
  130. Group Technology
  131. Group Technology
  132. Group Technology and Cellular Manufacturing
  133. Group Testing Theory in Network Security
  134. Group Theoretic Methods in Bifurcation Theory
  135. Group Theoretical Methods and Their Applications
  136. Group Theoretical Methods in Image Processing
  137. Group Theoretical Methods in Physics
  138. Group Theoretical Methods in Physics
  139. Group Theoretical Methods in Physics
  140. Group Theoretical Methods in Physics
  141. Group Theoretical Methods in Physics
  142. Group Theoretical Methods in Physics
  143. Group Theoretical Methods in Physics
  144. Group Theoretical Methods in Physics
  145. Group Theory
  146. Group Theory
  147. Group Theory
  148. Group Theory
  149. Group Theory Applied to Chemistry
  150. Group Theory Applied to Chemistry
  151. Group Theory and Computation
  152. Group Theory and Its Applications in Physics
  153. Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics
  154. Group Theory and the Interaction of Composite Nucleon Systems
  155. Group Theory in Non-Linear Problems
  156. Group Theory in Physics
  157. Group Theory, Beijing 1984
  158. Group Therapy with Children
  159. Group Verbal Decision Analysis
  160. Group Work in the English Language Curriculum
  161. Group and Ring Theoretic Properties of Polycyclic Groups
  162. Group theory for chemists
  163. Group-Centered Prevention Programs for At-Risk Students
  164. Group-Centered Prevention in Mental Health
  165. Group-Sequential Clinical Trials with Multiple Co-Objectives
  166. Group-Theoretic Algorithms and Graph Isomorphism
  167. Group-Theoretical Methods for Integration of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
  168. Group-Theoretical Methods in Image Understanding
  169. Group-based Cryptography
  170. Group-target Tracking
  171. Groupe de Brauer
  172. Groupes Discrets
  173. Groupes algébriques semi-simples en dimension cohomologique ≤2
  174. Groupes de Monodromie en Géométrie Algébrique
  175. Groupes de Monodromie en Géométrie Algébrique
  176. Groupes de Type Multiplicatif, et Structure des Schémas en Groupes Généraux
  177. Groupes et Anneaux Réticulés
  178. Groupes et algèbres de Lie
  179. Groupes et algèbres de Lie
  180. Groupes et algèbres de Lie
  181. Grouping Genetic Algorithms
  182. Grouping Multidimensional Data
  183. Groupoid Metrization Theory
  184. Groupoids, Inverse Semigroups, and their Operator Algebras
  185. Groups
  186. Groups
  187. Groups Acting on Hyperbolic Space
  188. Groups IV, V, and VI Transition Metals and Compounds
  189. Groups and Geometries
  190. Groups and Markets
  191. Groups and Related Topics
  192. Groups and Representations
  193. Groups and Symmetries
  194. Groups and Symmetries
  195. Groups and Symmetry
  196. Groups and Symmetry
  197. Groups of Automorphisms of Manifolds
  198. Groups of Cohomological Dimension One
  199. Groups of Companies
  200. Groups of Exceptional Type, Coxeter Groups and Related Geometries