11372 publications

  1. Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with MAPLE
  2. Geometry of Cuts and Metrics
  3. Geometry of Deep Learning
  4. Geometry of Defining Relations in Groups
  5. Geometry of Digital Spaces
  6. Geometry of Foliations
  7. Geometry of Harmonic Maps
  8. Geometry of Higher Dimensional Algebraic Varieties
  9. Geometry of Holomorphic Mappings
  10. Geometry of Homogeneous Bounded Domains
  11. Geometry of Hypersurfaces
  12. Geometry of Knowledge for Intelligent Systems
  13. Geometry of Lie Groups
  14. Geometry of Light
  15. Geometry of Linear Matrix Inequalities
  16. Geometry of Manifolds with Non-negative Sectional Curvature
  17. Geometry of Minkowski Space-Time
  18. Geometry of Moduli
  19. Geometry of Müntz Spaces and Related Questions
  20. Geometry of PDEs and Related Problems
  21. Geometry of Principal Sheaves
  22. Geometry of Pseudo-Finsler Submanifolds
  23. Geometry of Quantum Theory
  24. Geometry of Quantum Theory
  25. Geometry of Single-point Turning Tools and Drills
  26. Geometry of State Spaces of Operator Algebras
  27. Geometry of Subanalytic and Semialgebraic Sets
  28. Geometry of Submanifolds and Applications
  29. Geometry of Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
  30. Geometry of Surfaces
  31. Geometry of Surfaces
  32. Geometry of Vector Sheaves
  33. Geometry of Voting
  34. Geometry of the Fundamental Interactions
  35. Geometry of the Plane Cremona Maps
  36. Geometry of the Standard Model of Elementary Particles
  37. Geometry of the Time-Dependent Variational Principle in Quantum Mechanics
  38. Geometry of the Unit Sphere in Polynomial Spaces
  39. Geometry with Applications and Proofs
  40. Geometry — Intuitive, Discrete, and Convex
  41. Geometry — von Staudt’s Point of View
  42. Geometry, Algebra and Applications: From Mechanics to Cryptography
  43. Geometry, Algebra, Number Theory, and Their Information Technology Applications
  44. Geometry, Analysis and Probability
  45. Geometry, Fields and Cosmology
  46. Geometry, Lie Theory and Applications
  47. Geometry, Mechanics, and Control in Action for the Falling Cat
  48. Geometry, Mechanics, and Dynamics
  49. Geometry, Mechanics, and Dynamics
  50. Geometry, Morphology, and Computational Imaging
  51. Geometry, Particles, and Fields
  52. Geometry, Structure and Randomness in Combinatorics
  53. Geometry, Topology and Quantization
  54. Geometry, Topology and Quantum Field Theory
  55. Geometry-Driven Diffusion in Computer Vision
  56. Geometry: Euclid and Beyond
  57. Geometry: Plane and Fancy
  58. Geometry: from Isometries to Special Relativity
  59. Geomicrobiological Properties and Processes of Travertine
  60. Geomicrobiology and Biogeochemistry
  61. Geomicrobiology: Molecular and Environmental Perspective
  62. Geomicrobiology: Natural and Anthropogenic Settings
  63. Geomorphic Approaches to Integrated Floodplain Management of Lowland Fluvial Systems in North America and Europe
  64. Geomorphic Risk Reduction Using Geospatial Methods and Tools
  65. Geomorphological Fluid Mechanics
  66. Geomorphological Hazards in High Mountain Areas
  67. Geomorphological Landscapes of the World
  68. Geomorphological impacts of extreme weather
  69. Geomorphologie
  70. Geomorphology
  71. Geomorphology and Physical Oceanography of the Lakshadweep Coral Islands in the Indian Ocean
  72. Geomorphology and Society
  73. Geomorphology of Brazil: Complexity, Interscale and Landscape
  74. Geomorphology of Desert Environments
  75. Geomorphology of Desert Environments
  76. Geomorphology of Europe
  77. Geomorphology of Georgia
  78. Geomorphology of Lake-Catchment Systems
  79. Geomorphology of Proglacial Systems
  80. Geomorphology of the Tropics
  81. Geoparks of Taiwan
  82. Geoparsing Early Modern English Drama
  83. Geoparticipatory Spatial Tools
  84. Geopedology
  85. Geopedology
  86. Geophysical Applications of Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
  87. Geophysical Approach to Marine Coastal Ecology
  88. Geophysical Data Inversion Methods and Applications
  89. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
  90. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
  91. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
  92. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics I
  93. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics II
  94. Geophysical Hazards
  95. Geophysical Interpretation using Integral Equations
  96. Geophysical Methods for Cultural Heritage Management
  97. Geophysical Studies in the Caucasus
  98. Geophysics
  99. Geophysics in Mining and Environmental Protection
  100. Geophysics of the Canary Islands
  101. Geophysik
  102. Geophysik
  103. Geophysik I / Geophysics I
  104. Geophysik II / Geophysics II
  105. Geophysik III / Geophysics III
  106. Geophysik III / Geophysics III
  107. Geophysik III / Geophysics III
  108. Geophysik an Altlasten
  109. Geophysik an Altlasten
  110. Geophysik in Heidelberg
  111. Geophysik — Signale aus der Erde
  112. Geopiracy: Oaxaca, Militant Empiricism, and Geographical Thought
  113. Geopolitical Change, Grand Strategy and European Security
  114. Geopolitical Perspectives from the Italian Border
  115. Geopolitical Risk, Sustainability and “Cross-Border Spillovers” in Emerging Markets, Volume I
  116. Geopolitical Risk, Sustainability and “Cross-Border Spillovers” in Emerging Markets, Volume II
  117. Geopolitical Transformations in Higher Education
  118. Geopolitical Turmoil in the Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean
  119. Geopolitics Reframed
  120. Geopolitics and Business
  121. Geopolitics of the Outer Space
  122. Geopolitics, Development, and National Security
  123. Geopolitics, Geoeconomics and Borderlands
  124. Geopolitik
  125. Geopolitische Identitätskonstruktionen in der Netzwerkgesellschaft
  126. Geopolymer and Geopolymer Matrix Composites
  127. Geordnete Uebersicht der Verhandlungen des ersten Preussischen Vereinigten Landtages, gehalten in Berlin 1847
  128. Georeferenziertes Disponieren mit nutzerfreundlichen, mobilen und stationären Multi-Touch-Systemen
  129. Georessource Boden — Wirtschaftsfaktor und Ökosystemdienstleister
  130. Georessource Wasser - Herausforderung Globaler Wandel
  131. Georessource Wasser - Herausforderung Globaler Wandel
  132. Georessourcen
  133. Georg Büchner
  134. Georg Büchner
  135. Georg Büchner
  136. Georg Büchner
  137. Georg Büchner
  138. Georg Büchner und die Romantik
  139. Georg Cantor
  140. Georg Cantor 1845 – 1918
  141. Georg Cantor und das Unendliche in der Mathematik
  142. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
  143. Georg Ernst Stahl
  144. Georg Forster
  145. Georg Friedrich Händel
  146. Georg Friedrich Händel Der Messias
  147. Georg Heym
  148. Georg Jellineks Anorganische Lehre in ihren Grundzügen als Rechtssystem Dargestellt
  149. Georg Lukács
  150. Georg Lukács
  151. Georg Lukács. Kultur, Kunst und politisches Engagement
  152. Georg Lukács’ Marxism Alienation, Dialectics, Revolution
  153. Georg Picht: A Pioneer in Philosophy, Politics and the Arts
  154. Georg Simmel and Contemporary Sociology
  155. Georg Simmel und Max Weber
  156. Georg Simmel und das Leben in der Gegenwart
  157. Georg Simmel und die Entstehung der Soziologie in Deutschland
  158. Georg Simmel und die aktuelle Stadtforschung
  159. Georg Simmel’s Concluding Thoughts
  160. Georg Trakl
  161. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  162. Georg von Siemens
  163. Georg von Siemens
  164. Georg von Siemens Ein Lebensbild aus Deutschlands großer Zeit
  165. Georg von Siemens Ein Lebensbild aus Deutschlands großer Zeit
  166. George Alexander and the Work of the Actor-Manager
  167. George Berkeley 1685–1753
  168. George Berkeley: Religion and Science in the Age of Enlightenment
  169. George Bernard Shaw
  170. George Boole
  171. George Bush and the Guardianship Presidency
  172. George C. Marshall
  173. George C. Williams and Evolutionary Literacy
  174. George Devereux zum 75. Geburtstag. Eine Festschrift
  175. George E. Andrews 80 Years of Combinatory Analysis
  176. George Eliot
  177. George Eliot
  178. George Eliot
  179. George Eliot
  180. George Eliot
  181. George Eliot
  182. George Eliot
  183. George Eliot
  184. George Eliot
  185. George Eliot (Marian Evans) A Literary Life
  186. George Eliot and Intoxication
  187. George Eliot and Italy
  188. George Eliot and Music
  189. George Eliot and Victorian Historiography
  190. George Eliot for the Twenty-First Century
  191. George Eliot, Judaism and the Novels
  192. George Eliot, Music and Victorian Culture
  193. George Eliot: An Intellectual Life
  194. George Eliot: Romantic Humanist
  195. George Eliot’s Feminism
  196. George Eliot’s Originals and Contemporaries
  197. George Gissing: The Cultural Challenge
  198. George Herbert
  199. George Herbert and the Mystery of the Word
  200. George III