20293 publications

  1. Euthanasia, Abortion, Death Penalty and Religion – The Right to Life and its Limitations
  2. Euthanasia: Searching for the Full Story
  3. Eutrophication Management and Ecotoxicology
  4. Eutrophication and Land Use
  5. Eutrophication and Oligotrophication in Japanese Estuaries
  6. Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems
  7. Eutrophication in Planktonic Ecosystems: Food Web Dynamics and Elemental Cycling
  8. Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea
  9. Eutrophication of Freshwaters
  10. Eutrophication of Shallow Lakes with Special Reference to Lake Taihu, China
  11. Eutrophication: Causes, Consequences and Control
  12. Eutrophication: causes, consequences and control
  13. Euvitalistische Biologie
  14. Eva Picardi on Language, Analysis and History
  15. Evacuation Modeling Trends
  16. Evading Class in Contemporary British Literature
  17. Evaluability Assessment
  18. Evaluación económica de medicamentos y tecnologías sanitarias:
  19. Evaluating AAL Systems Through Competitive Benchmarking
  20. Evaluating AAL Systems Through Competitive Benchmarking
  21. Evaluating AAL Systems Through Competitive Benchmarking. Indoor Localization and Tracking
  22. Evaluating Active Labour Market Policies
  23. Evaluating Business and Industry Training
  24. Evaluating Campus Climate at US Research Universities
  25. Evaluating Change in English Language Teaching
  26. Evaluating Climate Change Action Plans
  27. Evaluating Climate Change Action for Sustainable Development
  28. Evaluating Collaboration Networks in Higher Education Research
  29. Evaluating Competencies
  30. Evaluating Corporate Financial Performance
  31. Evaluating Corporate Training: Models and Issues
  32. Evaluating Critical Care
  33. Evaluating Culture
  34. Evaluating Econometric Forecasts of Economic and Financial Variables
  35. Evaluating Economic Liberalization
  36. Evaluating Economic Success
  37. Evaluating Educational and Social Programs
  38. Evaluating Emotions
  39. Evaluating Employee Performance through Christian Virtues
  40. Evaluating Entrepreneurship Education
  41. Evaluating Ethical Frameworks for the Assessment of Human Cognitive Enhancement Applications
  42. Evaluating European Education Policy-Making
  43. Evaluating Evaluators
  44. Evaluating Evidence of Mechanisms in Medicine
  45. Evaluating Factors Controlling Damage and Productivity in Tight Gas Reservoirs
  46. Evaluating Family Mental Health
  47. Evaluating Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in the Forensic Context
  48. Evaluating Feynman Integrals
  49. Evaluating HIV Prevention Interventions
  50. Evaluating Health and Social Care
  51. Evaluating Human Service Outcomes
  52. Evaluating Information Retrieval and Access Tasks
  53. Evaluating International Public Health Issues
  54. Evaluating Investments in Health Care Systems
  55. Evaluating Learning Environments
  56. Evaluating Mathematical Programming Techniques
  57. Evaluating Measurement Accuracy
  58. Evaluating Measurement Accuracy
  59. Evaluating Measurement Accuracy
  60. Evaluating Mental Health Disability in the Workplace
  61. Evaluating Multiple Narratives
  62. Evaluating NATO Enlargement
  63. Evaluating Natural Language Processing Systems
  64. Evaluating New Technologies
  65. Evaluating New Telecommunications Services
  66. Evaluating Participatory Mapping Software
  67. Evaluating Philosophies
  68. Evaluating Preparation Programs for School Leaders and Teachers in Specialty Areas
  69. Evaluating R&D Impacts: Methods and Practice
  70. Evaluating Reforms of Local Public and Social Services in Europe
  71. Evaluating Research Efficiency of Chinese Universities
  72. Evaluating Schools
  73. Evaluating Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility Projects
  74. Evaluating Systems for Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access
  75. Evaluating Teaching Practices in Graduate Programs
  76. Evaluating Theory-Practice and Urban-Rural Interplay in Planning
  77. Evaluating Transitional Justice
  78. Evaluating Transnational NGOs
  79. Evaluating User Experience in Games
  80. Evaluating Voting Systems with Probability Models
  81. Evaluating Water Projects
  82. Evaluating a Large Group Awareness Training
  83. Evaluating and Monitoring the Health of Large-Scale Ecosystems
  84. Evaluating and Promoting Positive School Attitude in Adolescents
  85. Evaluating and Standardizing Therapeutic Agents, 1890–1950
  86. Evaluating e-Participation
  87. Evaluating for Good Practice
  88. Evaluating the Africa-EU Partnership on Peace and Security
  89. Evaluating the Employment Effects of Job Creation Schemes in Germany
  90. Evaluating the Experiential Quality of Musical Instruments
  91. Evaluating the Impact of Nutrition and Health Programs
  92. Evaluating the Language of Argument
  93. Evaluating the Organizational Impact of Healthcare Information Systems
  94. Evaluating the Political Rationality of Terrorist Groups
  95. Evaluation
  96. Evaluation Method of Energy Consumption in Logistic Warehouse Systems
  97. Evaluation Methods in Biomedical Informatics
  98. Evaluation Methods in Biomedical and Health Informatics
  99. Evaluation Methods in Medical Informatics
  100. Evaluation Models
  101. Evaluation Models
  102. Evaluation Platform of Sustainability for Global Systems
  103. Evaluation allgemeinpsychiatrischtagesklinischer Behandlung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Behandlungsendes
  104. Evaluation an Hochschulen
  105. Evaluation and Accountability in Clinical Training
  106. Evaluation and Assessment for Conservation
  107. Evaluation and Control of Meat Quality in Pigs
  108. Evaluation and Decision Models
  109. Evaluation and Decision Models with Multiple Criteria
  110. Evaluation and Decision Models with Multiple Criteria
  111. Evaluation and Explanation in the Biomedical Sciences
  112. Evaluation and Governing in the 21st Century
  113. Evaluation and Installation of Surgical Laser Systems
  114. Evaluation and Management of Autonomic Disorders
  115. Evaluation and Management of Blepharoptosis
  116. Evaluation and Management of Chronic Pain for Primary Care
  117. Evaluation and Management of Dysphagia
  118. Evaluation and Management of Hospital Infections
  119. Evaluation and Management of Liver Masses
  120. Evaluation and Social Research
  121. Evaluation and Surgical Management of the Ankle
  122. Evaluation and Treatment of Obesity
  123. Evaluation and Treatment of the Aging Face
  124. Evaluation der Besonderen Versorgung nach § 140a SGB V
  125. Evaluation der Nachhaltigkeit von Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
  126. Evaluation der Weiterbildung von Führungskräften
  127. Evaluation der psychiatrischen Versorgung in der Bundesrepublik
  128. Evaluation des Aufsichtsrats
  129. Evaluation des Justizvollzugs
  130. Evaluation einer Therapievorbereitungsstation für drogenabhängige und -missbrauchende Gefangene
  131. Evaluation eines komplexen Lehr-Lern-Arrangements
  132. Evaluation im Kulturbetrieb
  133. Evaluation im Kulturbetrieb
  134. Evaluation im Kulturbetrieb
  135. Evaluation in Advertising Reception
  136. Evaluation in Decision Making
  137. Evaluation in Foreign Language Education in the Middle East and North Africa
  138. Evaluation in Planning
  139. Evaluation in Small Development Non-Profits
  140. Evaluation in der Sozialwirtschaft
  141. Evaluation in the Crowd. Crowdsourcing and Human-Centered Experiments
  142. Evaluation of Advanced Semiconductor Materials by Electron Microscopy
  143. Evaluation of Basic Government Service Capability in Chinese Cities
  144. Evaluation of Cancer Screening
  145. Evaluation of Cardiac Function by Echocardiography
  146. Evaluation of Clinical Biofeedback
  147. Evaluation of Continuing Education in the Health Professions
  148. Evaluation of Cooperative Planning in Supply Chains
  149. Evaluation of Cross-Language Information Retrieval Systems
  150. Evaluation of Electronic Voting
  151. Evaluation of Fire Flow Methodologies
  152. Evaluation of Gastrointestinal Motility and its Disorders
  153. Evaluation of German Active Labour Market Policies and their Organisational Framework
  154. Evaluation of Global Bearing Capacities of Structures
  155. Evaluation of Groundwater Resources on the Coral Islands of Lakshadweep, India
  156. Evaluation of Interstitial Nerve Cells in the Central Nervous System
  157. Evaluation of Multilingual and Multi-modal Information Retrieval
  158. Evaluation of Natural Language and Speech Tools for Italian
  159. Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
  160. Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
  161. Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
  162. Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
  163. Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
  164. Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
  165. Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
  166. Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
  167. Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
  168. Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
  169. Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
  170. Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
  171. Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
  172. Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
  173. Evaluation of Online Higher Education
  174. Evaluation of Performance
  175. Evaluation of Quality of Fruits and Vegetables
  176. Evaluation of Quality of Fruits and Vegetables
  177. Evaluation of Science and Technology Education at the Dawn of a New Millennium
  178. Evaluation of Scientific Sources in Mechanics
  179. Evaluation of Shale Source Rocks and Reservoirs
  180. Evaluation of Soil Organic Matter Models
  181. Evaluation of State-of-the-Art Hardware Architectures for Fast Cone-Beam CT Reconstruction
  182. Evaluation of Statistical Matching and Selected SAE Methods
  183. Evaluation of Supply Chain Performance
  184. Evaluation of Technology Policy Programmes in Germany
  185. Evaluation of Text Summaries Based on Linear Optimization of Content Metrics
  186. Evaluation of Text and Speech Systems
  187. Evaluation of Uncertainties and Risks in Geology
  188. Evaluation of performance of selected tillage tines regarding quality of work
  189. Evaluation of the Computer Fire Model DETACT-QS
  190. Evaluation of the Psychiatric Patient
  191. Evaluation on Government Transparency Index in China (2009—2016)
  192. Evaluation online
  193. Evaluation und Radikalisierungsprävention
  194. Evaluation von Anlagestrategien
  195. Evaluation von Berufswahlvorbereitung
  196. Evaluation von Hochschulleistungen
  197. Evaluation von Programmen und Projekten für eine demokratische Kultur
  198. Evaluation von Sicherheitsgesetzen
  199. Evaluation von Studium und Lehre
  200. Evaluation von Studium und Lehre