20301 publications

  1. Ensembles ordonnés finis : concepts, résultats et usages
  2. Enslaved Women and the Art of Resistance in Antebellum America
  3. Ensuring Control Accuracy
  4. Ensuring Minority Success in Corporate Management
  5. Ensuring Quality in Professional Education Volume I
  6. Ensuring Quality in Professional Education Volume II
  7. Ensuring Supply Reliability and Grid Stability in a 100% Renewable Electricity Sector in the Faroe Islands
  8. Ensuring Sustainability
  9. Ent-Grenztes Heranwachsen
  10. Ent-Täuschungen
  11. Entangled Ecologies as Metaphors of State Design
  12. Entangled Histories
  13. Entangled Life
  14. Entangled Pieties
  15. Entangled State Representations in Quantum Optics
  16. Entanglement Between Noncomplementary Parts of Many-Body Systems
  17. Entanglement Measures and Their Properties in Quantum Field Theory
  18. Entanglement and Decoherence
  19. Entanglement in Spin Chains
  20. Entanglement, Information, and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
  21. Entarsenisierung von Eisenerz, Roheisen und Stahl
  22. Entbürgerlichung durch Adressierung?
  23. Entdecke das Riechen wieder
  24. Entdecken und Begründen im Mathematikunterricht
  25. Entdecken und Erfinden
  26. Entdecken und Verraten
  27. Entdeckendes Lernen im Mathematikunterricht
  28. Entdeckungen in Arabien
  29. Entdeckungsgeschichte frühkindlicher Reflexe
  30. Entdeckungsreisen in Berg und Tal
  31. Entdeckungsreisen in Feld und Flur
  32. Entdeckungsreisen in Haus und Hof
  33. Entdeckungsreisen in Stadt und Land
  34. Entdeckungsreisen in der Heimat
  35. Enteignetes Material
  36. Enteignung der Subjekte — Lehrer und Schule in der DDR
  37. Enteric Infections and Immunity
  38. Entering Emerging Markets
  39. Entering the Battlefield
  40. Entering the Global Arena
  41. Enteroceptors
  42. Enterprise -Integration
  43. Enterprise 2.0
  44. Enterprise Application Integration
  45. Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry
  46. Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry
  47. Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry
  48. Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry
  49. Enterprise Applications, Markets and Services in the Finance Industry
  50. Enterprise Applications, Markets and Services in the Finance Industry
  51. Enterprise Applications, Markets and Services in the Finance Industry
  52. Enterprise Applications, Markets and Services in the Finance Industry
  53. Enterprise Architecture
  54. Enterprise Architecture Frameworks Kompendium
  55. Enterprise Architecture Function
  56. Enterprise Architecture Patterns
  57. Enterprise Architecture and Cartography
  58. Enterprise Architecture at Work
  59. Enterprise Architecture at Work
  60. Enterprise Architecture at Work
  61. Enterprise Architecture at Work
  62. Enterprise Architecture for Global Companies in a Digital IT Era
  63. Enterprise Architecture, Integration and Interoperability
  64. Enterprise Architektur entschlüsselt: Ein Praxisorientierter Leitfaden von den Grundlagen bis zur Anwendung
  65. Enterprise Collaboration
  66. Enterprise Content Management in Information Systems Research
  67. Enterprise Cyber Risk Management as a Value Creator
  68. Enterprise Cybersecurity
  69. Enterprise Cybersecurity Study Guide
  70. Enterprise Data at Huawei
  71. Enterprise Design, Operations, and Computing
  72. Enterprise Design, Operations, and Computing
  73. Enterprise Design, Operations, and Computing. EDOC 2022 Workshops
  74. Enterprise Design, Operations, and Computing. EDOC 2023 Workshops
  75. Enterprise DevOps Framework
  76. Enterprise Development with Visual Studio .NET, UML, and MSF
  77. Enterprise Drupal 8 Development
  78. Enterprise Education in Vocational Education
  79. Enterprise Engineering
  80. Enterprise Engineering and Integration
  81. Enterprise Governance
  82. Enterprise Governance and Enterprise Engineering
  83. Enterprise Governance of Information Technology
  84. Enterprise Governance of Information Technology
  85. Enterprise Governance of Information Technology
  86. Enterprise Identity Management
  87. Enterprise Information Management
  88. Enterprise Information Management in Practice
  89. Enterprise Information Systems
  90. Enterprise Information Systems
  91. Enterprise Information Systems
  92. Enterprise Information Systems
  93. Enterprise Information Systems
  94. Enterprise Information Systems
  95. Enterprise Information Systems
  96. Enterprise Information Systems
  97. Enterprise Information Systems
  98. Enterprise Information Systems
  99. Enterprise Information Systems
  100. Enterprise Information Systems
  101. Enterprise Information Systems
  102. Enterprise Information Systems
  103. Enterprise Information Systems
  104. Enterprise Information Systems
  105. Enterprise Information Systems
  106. Enterprise Information Systems
  107. Enterprise Information Systems Engineering
  108. Enterprise Information Systems II
  109. Enterprise Information Systems V
  110. Enterprise Information Systems VI
  111. Enterprise Information Systems VII
  112. Enterprise Information Systems of the Future
  113. Enterprise Innovation Ecosystem
  114. Enterprise Integration and Modeling: The Metadatabase Approach
  115. Enterprise Inter- and Intra-Organizational Integration
  116. Enterprise Interoperability
  117. Enterprise Interoperability
  118. Enterprise Interoperability
  119. Enterprise Interoperability
  120. Enterprise Interoperability
  121. Enterprise Interoperability
  122. Enterprise Interoperability II
  123. Enterprise Interoperability III
  124. Enterprise Interoperability IV
  125. Enterprise Interoperability IX
  126. Enterprise Interoperability V
  127. Enterprise Interoperability VI
  128. Enterprise Interoperability VII
  129. Enterprise Interoperability VIII
  130. Enterprise Interoperability X
  131. Enterprise Java Development on a Budget: Leveraging Java Open Source Technologies
  132. Enterprise Java for SAP
  133. Enterprise JavaBeans 2.1
  134. Enterprise Knowledge Infrastructures
  135. Enterprise Knowledge Infrastructures
  136. Enterprise Mac Administrator’s Guide
  137. Enterprise Mac Administrator’s Guide
  138. Enterprise Mac Managed Preferences
  139. Enterprise Mac Security
  140. Enterprise Mac Security
  141. Enterprise Management Control Systems in China
  142. Enterprise Management with SAP SEM™ / Business Analytics
  143. Enterprise Management with SAP SEM™/Business Analytics
  144. Enterprise Marketing Management
  145. Enterprise Mobility
  146. Enterprise Modeling
  147. Enterprise Modeling
  148. Enterprise Modeling
  149. Enterprise Networks and Logistics for Agile Manufacturing
  150. Enterprise Networks and Telephony
  151. Enterprise Ontology
  152. Enterprise Ontology
  153. Enterprise Ontology
  154. Enterprise Organization Engineering
  155. Enterprise Portfolio Governance
  156. Enterprise Programme Management
  157. Enterprise Reforms in a Centrally Planned Economy
  158. Enterprise Resource Planning
  159. Enterprise Resource Planning
  160. Enterprise Resource Planning and Business Intelligence Systems for Information Quality
  161. Enterprise Resource Planning and Supply Chain Management
  162. Enterprise Resource Planning, Corporate Governance and Internal Auditing
  163. Enterprise Risk Management
  164. Enterprise Risk Management
  165. Enterprise Risk Management
  166. Enterprise Risk Management Models
  167. Enterprise Risk Management Models
  168. Enterprise Risk Management Models
  169. Enterprise Risk Management Models
  170. Enterprise Risk Management in Finance
  171. Enterprise Risk Management in International Construction Operations
  172. Enterprise Risk Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  173. Enterprise Security
  174. Enterprise Service Oriented Architectures
  175. Enterprise Social Networks
  176. Enterprise Social for the Java Platform
  177. Enterprise Software Sourcing Performance
  178. Enterprise Systems Architecture
  179. Enterprise Systems Integration
  180. Enterprise Systems. Strategic, Organizational, and Technological Dimensions
  181. Enterprise Wikis
  182. Enterprise and Inclusion in Italy
  183. Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation
  184. Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation
  185. Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation
  186. Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation
  187. Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation
  188. Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation
  189. Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation
  190. Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation
  191. Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation
  192. Enterprise as a Carrier of Culture
  193. Enterprise as an Instrument of Civilization
  194. Enterprise iPhone and iPad Administrator’s Guide
  195. Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling
  196. Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling
  197. Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling
  198. Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling
  199. Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling
  200. Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling