20293 publications

  1. Effective Multilateralism
  2. Effective Non-Hermiticity and Topology in Markovian Quadratic Bosonic Dynamics
  3. Effective Parameters of Hydrogeological Models
  4. Effective Parameters of Hydrogeological Models
  5. Effective People Management in Africa
  6. Effective Policing?
  7. Effective Polynomial Computation
  8. Effective Probation Practice
  9. Effective Properties of Heterogeneous Materials
  10. Effective Psychotherapy for Low-Income and Minority Patients
  11. Effective Public Administration Strategies for Global "New Normal"
  12. Effective Public Health Policy in Organ Donation
  13. Effective Resource Management in Manufacturing Systems
  14. Effective Risk Communication
  15. Effective Risk Communication
  16. Effective Software Development for the Enterprise
  17. Effective Spacetime
  18. Effective Statistical Learning Methods for Actuaries I
  19. Effective Statistical Learning Methods for Actuaries II
  20. Effective Statistical Learning Methods for Actuaries III
  21. Effective Strategy Execution
  22. Effective Strategy Execution
  23. Effective Strategy Implementation
  24. Effective Supply Mechanism and Path of Environmental Public Goods in China
  25. Effective Systems Design and Requirements Analysis
  26. Effective Tax Burden in Europe
  27. Effective Teaching Around the World
  28. Effective Team Management with VSTS and TFS
  29. Effective Technology Integration for Disabled Children
  30. Effective Technology Transfer Offices
  31. Effective Theories in Physics
  32. Effective Training of Arthroscopic Skills
  33. Effective Treatments for Pain in the Older Patient
  34. Effective Virtual Project Teams
  35. Effective and Creative Leadership in Diverse Workforces
  36. Effective and Efficient Organisations?
  37. Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science Education
  38. Effective writing in English
  39. Effectiveness and Fairness of Chinese Higher Education Admissions Policy
  40. Effectiveness of Enterprise Risk Management
  41. Effectiveness of Influencer Marketing
  42. Effectiveness of Information Use for Strategic Decision Making
  43. Effectiveness of Online Marketing Campaigns
  44. Effectiveness of Protected Areas in Conserving Biodiversity
  45. Effectiveness of Time Investments in Education
  46. Effectiveness of University Education in Italy
  47. Effectiveness, Quality and Efficiency: A Management Oriented Approach
  48. Effectivity Functions in Social Choice
  49. Effector-Triggered Immunity
  50. Effectors of Thermogenesis
  51. Effects of Accumulation of Air Pollutants in Forest Ecosystems
  52. Effects of Acid Precipitation on Terrestrial Ecosystems
  53. Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on Animals
  54. Effects of Atmospheric Pollutants on Forests, Wetlands and Agricultural Ecosystems
  55. Effects of Climate Change and Variability on Agricultural Production Systems
  56. Effects of Crop Rotation on Potato Production in the Temperate Zones
  57. Effects of Data Overload on User Quality of Experience
  58. Effects of Deregulation on Safety
  59. Effects of Drugs on Cellular Control Mechanisms
  60. Effects of Exercise on Hypertension
  61. Effects of Explosions on Materials
  62. Effects of Foreign Aid
  63. Effects of Globalization on Education Systems and Development
  64. Effects of Herbicide-Tolerant Crop Cultivation
  65. Effects of High Pressure on Biological Systems
  66. Effects of Higher Education Reforms
  67. Effects of Hypergravity and Microgravity on Biomedical Experiments, The
  68. Effects of Insurance on Maritime Liability Law
  69. Effects of Ionospheric Scattering on Very-Long-Distance Radio Communication
  70. Effects of Joint Incongruity on Articular Pressure Distribution and Subchondral Bone Remodeling
  71. Effects of Land-Use Change on Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations
  72. Effects of Magnetoelastic Interactions in Conductive Plates and Shells
  73. Effects of Mass Loss on Stellar Evolution
  74. Effects of Mineral Dusts on Cells
  75. Effects of Nanoconfinement on Catalysis
  76. Effects of Nicotine on Biological Systems
  77. Effects of Nicotine on Biological Systems II
  78. Effects of Non-locality in Gravity and Quantum Theory
  79. Effects of Opera Music from Brain to Body
  80. Effects of Peripheral Vision on Eye Movements
  81. Effects of Radiation on Semiconductors
  82. Effects of Space Weather on Technology Infrastructure
  83. Effects of Stress on Photosynthesis
  84. Effects of Teacher Collaboration and Tandem Compositions on Pre-Service Teachers’ Professional Self-Concepts in Inclusive Education
  85. Effects of Temperature on Ectothermic Organisms
  86. Effects of Thermal Stimulation during Passive Driver Fatigue
  87. Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Employee Well-Being
  88. Effects of triazine herbicides on the physiology of plants
  89. Effectuation als Startup-Entscheidungslogik
  90. Effectuation entwickeln
  91. Effectuation oder Causation?
  92. Effekte deliberativer Ereignisse in der Endlagerpolitik
  93. Effekte der außenpolitischen Instrumente Chinas in Afrika
  94. Effekte der pulmonalen Ballonangioplastie auf die Herzfunktion bei inoperabler chronisch thromboembolischer pulmonaler Hypertonie
  95. Effekte des Einsatzes integrierter Unternehmenssoftware im kaufmännischen Unterricht an Berufsschulen
  96. Effekte eines Gerontopsychiatrischen Zentrums auf das regionale Versorgungssystem psychisch gestörter älterer Menschen
  97. Effekte inter-organisationaler Balanced Scorecards
  98. Effektiv Programmieren in C
  99. Effektiv Programmieren in C
  100. Effektiv Programmieren in C und C++
  101. Effektiv Programmieren in C und C++
  102. Effektiv Programmieren mit Turbo Pascal 5.0/5.5
  103. Effektiv Starten mit Turbo C++
  104. Effektiv Starten mit Turbo Pascal 6.0
  105. Effektive Kompetenzdiagnose in der Lehrerbildung
  106. Effektive Mitarbeiterführung
  107. Effektive Sicherheit
  108. Effektive interne CSR-Kommunikation
  109. Effektive politisch-administrative Steuerung in Stadtverwaltungen
  110. Effektiver Umgang mit Stress
  111. Effektiver und besser Führen in Teilzeit
  112. Effektives Bau-Projektmanagement
  113. Effektives Bestandscontrolling
  114. Effektives Compliance Management in Unternehmen
  115. Effektives Customer Relationship Management
  116. Effektives Customer Relationship Management
  117. Effektives Customer Relationship Management
  118. Effektives Customer Relationship Management
  119. Effektives Customer Relationship Management
  120. Effektives Customer Relationship Management
  121. Effektives Personalmarketing
  122. Effektives Umweltmanagement
  123. Effektives Verhalten von Vertriebsmitarbeitern im Kundenkontakt
  124. Effektivität computergestützter Management-Entscheidungsprozesse
  125. Effektivität der Ergotherapie im psychiatrischen Krankenhaus
  126. Effektivität der transformationalen Führung
  127. Effektivität des Marketing von Verbänden
  128. Effektivität in der Online-Kommunikation
  129. Effektivität von Ausgestaltungsformen des Product Placement
  130. Effektivität von Top Management Teams
  131. Effektivitätsorientierte Ausgestaltung von Audit Committees
  132. Effetti, potenzialità e limiti della globalizzazione
  133. Effi Briest-Handbuch
  134. Efficacy Analysis in Clinical Trials an Update
  135. Efficacy, Agency, and Self-Esteem
  136. Efficiency Analysis by Production Frontiers the Nonparametric Approach
  137. Efficiency Auditing
  138. Efficiency Enhanced DC-DC Converter Using Dynamic Inductor Control
  139. Efficiency Evaluation of Energy Systems
  140. Efficiency Instead of Justice?
  141. Efficiency Measures in the Agricultural Sector
  142. Efficiency Models in Data Envelopment Analysis
  143. Efficiency and Competitiveness of International Airlines
  144. Efficiency and Effectiveness of XML Tools and Techniques and Data Integration over the Web
  145. Efficiency and Equity in Welfare Economics
  146. Efficiency and Equity of Climate Change Policy
  147. Efficiency and Growth of Ethiopian Air Transport Industry
  148. Efficiency and Innovation in Logistics
  149. Efficiency and Logistics
  150. Efficiency in Business and Economics
  151. Efficiency in Complex Systems
  152. Efficiency in Environmental Regulation
  153. Efficiency in Sustainable Supply Chain
  154. Efficiency in the Public Sector
  155. Efficiency of Elementary Education in India
  156. Efficiency of Growth Drivers
  157. Efficiency of Manufacturing Processes
  158. Efficiency of Manufacturing Systems
  159. Efficiency versus Sustainability in Dynamic Decision Making
  160. Efficiency, Equality and Public Policy
  161. Efficiency, Equity and Well-Being in Selected African Countries
  162. Efficiency, Institutions, and Economic Policy
  163. Efficiency, Justice and Care
  164. Efficiency, Market Dynamics and Industry Growth
  165. Efficiency, Sustainability, and Justice to Future Generations
  166. Efficient 3D Scene Modeling and Mosaicing
  167. Efficient Algorithms
  168. Efficient Algorithms for Discrete Wavelet Transform
  169. Efficient Algorithms for Global Optimization Methods in Computer Vision
  170. Efficient Approximation and Online Algorithms
  171. Efficient Auction Games
  172. Efficient Biometric Indexing and Retrieval Techniques for Large-Scale Systems
  173. Efficient Branch and Bound Search with Application to Computer-Aided Design
  174. Efficient Checking of Polynomials and Proofs and the Hardness of Appoximation Problems
  175. Efficient Conservation Of Crop Genetic Diversity
  176. Efficient Consumer Response
  177. Efficient Consumer Response
  178. Efficient Consumer Response
  179. Efficient Consumer Response aus kooperationstheoretischer Sicht
  180. Efficient Consumer Response und die Bereitschaft zur Kooperation
  181. Efficient Control and Spontaneous Transitions
  182. Efficient Data Handling for Massive Internet of Medical Things
  183. Efficient Design of Variation-Resilient Ultra-Low Energy Digital Processors
  184. Efficient Dynamic Simulation of Robotic Mechanisms
  185. Efficient Economic Growth
  186. Efficient Execution of Irregular Dataflow Graphs
  187. Efficient Graph Rewriting and Its Implementation
  188. Efficient High-Order Discretizations for Computational Fluid Dynamics
  189. Efficient Implementation of High-Order Accurate Numerical Methods on Unstructured Grids
  190. Efficient Implementation of Quantum Circuit Simulation with Decision Diagrams
  191. Efficient Integration of 5G and Beyond Heterogeneous Networks
  192. Efficient Joint Analysis of Surface Waves and Introduction to Vibration Analysis: Beyond the Clichés
  193. Efficient Learning Machines
  194. Efficient Management of Wastewater
  195. Efficient Methods for Valuing Interest Rate Derivatives
  196. Efficient Methods for WCDMA Radio Network Planning and Optimization
  197. Efficient Modeling and Control of Large-Scale Systems
  198. Efficient Nonlinear Adaptive Filters
  199. Efficient Numerical Methods and Information-Processing Techniques for Modeling Hydro- and Environmental Systems
  200. Efficient Online Incentive Mechanism Designs for Wireless Communications