22252 publications

  1. Creative Ways of Knowing in Engineering
  2. Creative Ways to apply Historical GIS
  3. Creative Web Design
  4. Creative Writing
  5. Creative Writing
  6. Creative Writing Practice
  7. Creative Writing for Critical Thinking
  8. Creative and Collaborative Learning through Immersion
  9. Creatively Gifted Students are not like Other Gifted Students
  10. Creativity Policy, Partnerships and Practice in Education
  11. Creativity Under Duress in Education?
  12. Creativity and Anxiety: Making, Meaning, Experience
  13. Creativity and Community among Autism-Spectrum Youth
  14. Creativity and Constraint in the British Film Industry
  15. Creativity and Creative Industries in Regional Australia
  16. Creativity and Critique in Online Learning
  17. Creativity and Cultural Production
  18. Creativity and Education
  19. Creativity and English Language Teaching
  20. Creativity and Entrepreneurial Performance
  21. Creativity and Giftedness
  22. Creativity and HCI: From Experience to Design in Education
  23. Creativity and Humour in Occupy Movements: Intellectual Disobedience in Turkey and Beyond
  24. Creativity and Innovation
  25. Creativity and Innovation
  26. Creativity and Innovation
  27. Creativity and Innovation Among Science and Art
  28. Creativity and Innovation in the Music Industry
  29. Creativity and Innovation in the Music Industry
  30. Creativity and Innovation: towards a European Network
  31. Creativity and Learning
  32. Creativity and Mental Illness
  33. Creativity and Rationale
  34. Creativity and Social Support in Mental Health
  35. Creativity and Strategy
  36. Creativity and Technology in Mathematics Education
  37. Creativity and Time: A Sociological Exploration
  38. Creativity and Universality in Language
  39. Creativity and the Mind
  40. Creativity and the Philosophy of C.S. Peirce
  41. Creativity at Work
  42. Creativity for 21st Century Skills
  43. Creativity in Art, Design and Technology
  44. Creativity in Intelligent Technologies and Data Science
  45. Creativity in Intelligent Technologies and Data Science
  46. Creativity in Intelligent Technologies and Data Science
  47. Creativity in Intelligent Technologies and Data Science
  48. Creativity in Intelligent Technologies and Data Science
  49. Creativity in Intelligent Technologies and Data Science
  50. Creativity in Management Education
  51. Creativity in Music Education
  52. Creativity in Theatre
  53. Creativity in Tokyo
  54. Creativity in the Age of Digital Reproduction
  55. Creativity in the Classroom
  56. Creativity in the Design Process
  57. Creativity in the Digital Age
  58. Creativity in the Imagination Age
  59. Creativity in the Recording Studio
  60. Creativity — A New Vocabulary
  61. Creativity — A New Vocabulary
  62. Creativity — A Sociological Approach
  63. Creativity, Culture, and Development
  64. Creativity, Design Thinking and Interdisciplinarity
  65. Creativity, Innovation, and Change Across Cultures
  66. Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Across Cultures
  67. Creativity, Problem Solving, and Aesthetics in Engineering
  68. Creativity, Psychology and the History of Science
  69. Creativity, Talent and Excellence
  70. Creativity, Technology & Education: Exploring their Convergence
  71. Creativity, Wellbeing and Mental Health Practice
  72. Creativity: Unconventional Wisdom from 20 Accomplished Minds
  73. Creators of Mathematical and Computational Sciences
  74. Creatural Fictions
  75. Creatures of the Dark
  76. Credential Market
  77. Credibilistic Programming
  78. Credibility Assessment
  79. Credibility, Validity, and Assumptions in Program Evaluation Methodology
  80. Credibility, Validity, and Assumptions in Program Evaluation Methodology
  81. Credible Asset Allocation, Optimal Transport Methods, and Related Topics
  82. Credible Threats in Negotiations
  83. Credit Control in Boom and Recession
  84. Credit Cooperative Institutions in European Countries
  85. Credit Correlation
  86. Credit Default Swaps
  87. Credit Default Swaps und Informationsgehalt
  88. Credit Guarantee Institutions and SME Finance
  89. Credit Markets with Asymmetric Information
  90. Credit Portfolio Management
  91. Credit Rating Agencies
  92. Credit Rating and Bank-Firm Relationships
  93. Credit Rating durch internationale Agenturen
  94. Credit Rating und Risikomanagement
  95. Credit Ratings and Sovereign Debt
  96. Credit Relations
  97. Credit Risk
  98. Credit Risk Management
  99. Credit Risk Management for Derivatives
  100. Credit Risk Pricing Models
  101. Credit Risk Valuation
  102. Credit Risk and Exposure in Securitization and Transactions
  103. Credit Risk: Modeling, Valuation and Hedging
  104. Credit Scoring, Response Modeling, and Insurance Rating
  105. Credit Scoring, Response Modelling and Insurance Rating
  106. Credit Treasury
  107. Credit and Trade in Later Medieval England, 1353-1532
  108. Credit-Risk Modelling
  109. CreditRisk+ in the Banking Industry
  110. Creep Behaviour in Cracked Sections of Fibre Reinforced Concrete
  111. Creep Mechanics
  112. Creep Mechanics
  113. Creep Mechanics
  114. Creep Properties of Heat Resistant Steels and Superalloys
  115. Creep Transition in Cylinders
  116. Creep and Damage in Materials and Structures
  117. Creep and Hygrothermal Effects in Concrete Structures
  118. Creep and Shrinkage
  119. Creep in Ceramics
  120. Creep in Structures
  121. Creep in Structures
  122. Creep in Structures
  123. Creep in Structures VI
  124. Creep-Fatigue Fracture: Analysis of Internal Damage
  125. Creo Parametric 10.0 für Einsteiger ‒ kurz und bündig
  126. Creo Parametric 10.0 für Fortgeschrittene – kurz und bündig
  127. Creo Parametric 2.0 - Einstiegskurs für Maschinenbauer
  128. Creo Parametric 2.0 für Einsteiger - kurz und bündig
  129. Creo Parametric 3.0 - Einstiegskurs für Maschinenbauer
  130. Creo Parametric 3.0 für Fortgeschrittene – kurz und bündig
  131. Creo Parametric 4.0 für Einsteiger ‒ kurz und bündig
  132. Creo Parametric 6.0 für Fortgeschrittene – kurz und bündig
  133. Creole Cultures, Vol. 1
  134. Creole Cultures, Vol. 2
  135. Creole Testimonies
  136. Cretaceous Resources, Events and Rhythms
  137. Cretaceous Tectonics of the Andes
  138. Crew Resource Management für Führungskräfte im Gesundheitswesen
  139. Crib Death
  140. Crib Death - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
  141. Crib Speech and Language Play
  142. Cricket Performance Management
  143. Cricket Pitches
  144. Cricket and Society in South Africa, 1910–1971
  145. Cricket's Changing Ethos
  146. Cricket, Kirikiti and Imperialism in Samoa, 1879–1939
  147. Crime At Work
  148. Crime Control
  149. Crime Modeling and Mapping Using Geospatial Technologies
  150. Crime News in Modern Britain
  151. Crime Prevention
  152. Crime Prevention and Justice in 2030
  153. Crime Prevention in the 21st Century
  154. Crime Prevention through Housing Design
  155. Crime Prevention, Security and Community Safety Using the 5Is Framework
  156. Crime Scene Management within Forensic Science
  157. Crime Scene Management within Forensic science
  158. Crime Scenery in Postwar Film and Photography
  159. Crime Script Analysis
  160. Crime Solvability Factors
  161. Crime Statistics in the News
  162. Crime Unlimited? Questions for the 21st Century
  163. Crime Victimisation in India
  164. Crime and Art
  165. Crime and Coercion
  166. Crime and Compensation in North Africa
  167. Crime and Corruption in New Democracies
  168. Crime and Criminal Policy in Japan
  169. Crime and Deviance
  170. Crime and Justice at the Millennium
  171. Crime and Justice in Contemporary Japan
  172. Crime and Morality
  173. Crime and Music
  174. Crime and Power
  175. Crime and Punishment in England
  176. Crime and Safety in the Rural
  177. Crime and Security: Managing the Risk to Safe Shopping
  178. Crime and Social Justice
  179. Crime and Society
  180. Crime and Technology
  181. Crime and Transition in Central and Eastern Europe
  182. Crime and Victimization of the Elderly
  183. Crime and the City
  184. Crime and the Construction of Forensic Objectivity from 1850
  185. Crime and the Imaginary of Disaster: Post-Apocalyptic Fictions and the Crisis of Social Order
  186. Crime at Work
  187. Crime in Europe
  188. Crime in Japan
  189. Crime in Japan
  190. Crime in the Art and Antiquities World
  191. Crime or Disease?
  192. Crime, Anti-Social Behaviour and Schools
  193. Crime, Broadsides and Social Change, 1800-1850
  194. Crime, Criminal Justice, and the Evolving Science of Criminology in South Asia
  195. Crime, Criminalization and Refugees
  196. Crime, Critique and Utopia
  197. Crime, Deviance and Doping: Fallen Sports Stars, Autobiography and the Management of Stigma
  198. Crime, Deviance and Popular Culture
  199. Crime, Disorder and Symbolic Violence
  200. Crime, Fear and the Law in True Crime Stories