22259 publications

  1. Climate Change Adaptation in Developed Nations
  2. Climate Change Adaptation in Eastern Europe
  3. Climate Change Adaptation in Latin America
  4. Climate Change Adaptation in North America
  5. Climate Change Adaptation in Pacific Countries
  6. Climate Change Adaptation in River Management
  7. Climate Change Adaptation in Southeast Asia
  8. Climate Change Adaptation, Governance and New Issues of Value
  9. Climate Change Adaptation, Resilience and Hazards
  10. Climate Change Adaptation, Risk Management and Sustainable Practices in the Himalaya
  11. Climate Change Adaptations in Dryland Agriculture in Semi-Arid Areas
  12. Climate Change Begins at Home
  13. Climate Change Challenge (3C) and Social-Economic-Ecological Interface-Building
  14. Climate Change Countermeasures in Ports Toward Carbon Neutrality
  15. Climate Change Discourse in China
  16. Climate Change Economics
  17. Climate Change Economics between Europe and China
  18. Climate Change Fictions
  19. Climate Change Governance
  20. Climate Change Impact on Environmental Variability in the Forest
  21. Climate Change Impact on Groundwater Resources
  22. Climate Change Impact on Livestock: Adaptation and Mitigation
  23. Climate Change Impact on Soil Erosion in Sub-tropical Environment
  24. Climate Change Impact on Water Resources
  25. Climate Change Impacts
  26. Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for Coastal Communities
  27. Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Water Resources and Water Use Sectors
  28. Climate Change Impacts for the Conterminous USA
  29. Climate Change Impacts in India
  30. Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture
  31. Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Food Security in Egypt
  32. Climate Change Impacts on Basin Agro-ecosystems
  33. Climate Change Impacts on Gender Relations in Bangladesh
  34. Climate Change Impacts on High-Altitude Ecosystems
  35. Climate Change Impacts on Hydrological Processes and Sediment Dynamics: Measurement, Modelling and Management
  36. Climate Change Impacts on Natural Resources, Ecosystems and Agricultural Systems
  37. Climate Change Impacts on Nigeria
  38. Climate Change Impacts on Plant Biomass Growth
  39. Climate Change Impacts on Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum
  40. Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources
  41. Climate Change Loss and Damage
  42. Climate Change Mitigation
  43. Climate Change Modeling Methodology
  44. Climate Change Modelling, Planning and Policy for Agriculture
  45. Climate Change Policies and Challenges in Indonesia
  46. Climate Change Policy and Global Trade
  47. Climate Change Research at Universities
  48. Climate Change Research, Policy and Actions in Indonesia
  49. Climate Change Risks in Brazil
  50. Climate Change Science: A Modern Synthesis
  51. Climate Change Signals and Response
  52. Climate Change Strategies: Handling the Challenges of Adapting to a Changing Climate
  53. Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in Asia and the Pacific
  54. Climate Change Vulnerability and Communities in Agro-climatic Regions of West Bengal, India
  55. Climate Change Vulnerability in Southern African Cities
  56. Climate Change and Adaptation for Food Sustainability
  57. Climate Change and Agriculture
  58. Climate Change and Agriculture Worldwide
  59. Climate Change and Agriculture in India: Impact and Adaptation
  60. Climate Change and Agriculture in Zimbabwe
  61. Climate Change and Agrometeorology
  62. Climate Change and Air Pollution
  63. Climate Change and American Foreign Policy
  64. Climate Change and American Foreign Policy
  65. Climate Change and Ancient Societies in Europe and the Near East
  66. Climate Change and Arctic Security
  67. Climate Change and Biodiversity
  68. Climate Change and Coastal Resources in Tanzania
  69. Climate Change and Community Resilience
  70. Climate Change and Conservation of Coastal Built Heritage
  71. Climate Change and Cooling Cities
  72. Climate Change and Crops
  73. Climate Change and Developing Countries
  74. Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management
  75. Climate Change and Economic Development
  76. Climate Change and Economics
  77. Climate Change and Energy Dynamics in the Middle East
  78. Climate Change and Energy Pathways for the Mediterranean
  79. Climate Change and Energy Supply and Use
  80. Climate Change and Environmental Impacts: Past, Present and Future Perspective
  81. Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability
  82. Climate Change and European Leadership
  83. Climate Change and Finance
  84. Climate Change and Food Security
  85. Climate Change and Food Security in Asia Pacific
  86. Climate Change and Food Security in South Asia
  87. Climate Change and Food Security in West Asia and North Africa
  88. Climate Change and Future Rice Production in India
  89. Climate Change and Global Development
  90. Climate Change and Global Policy Regimes
  91. Climate Change and Global Public Health
  92. Climate Change and Green Chemistry of CO2 Sequestration
  93. Climate Change and Groundwater: Planning and Adaptations for a Changing and Uncertain Future
  94. Climate Change and Health
  95. Climate Change and Health Hazards
  96. Climate Change and Human Adaptation in India
  97. Climate Change and Human Health Scenario in South and Southeast Asia
  98. Climate Change and Human Health Scenarios
  99. Climate Change and Human Impact on the Landscape
  100. Climate Change and Human Responses
  101. Climate Change and Human Systems
  102. Climate Change and Human Well-Being
  103. Climate Change and Impacts in the Pacific
  104. Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples in the United States
  105. Climate Change and Individual Responsibility: Agency, Moral Disengagement and the Motivational Gap
  106. Climate Change and Infrastructure, Urban Systems, and Vulnerabilities
  107. Climate Change and Island and Coastal Vulnerability
  108. Climate Change and Its Impacts
  109. Climate Change and Livestock Production: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives
  110. Climate Change and Management of Cool Season Grain Legume Crops
  111. Climate Change and Microbiome Dynamics
  112. Climate Change and Multi-Dimensional Sustainability in African Agriculture
  113. Climate Change and Ocean Renewable Energy
  114. Climate Change and Order
  115. Climate Change and Plants in East Asia
  116. Climate Change and Policy
  117. Climate Change and Renewable Energy
  118. Climate Change and Resilient Food Systems
  119. Climate Change and Rocky Mountain Ecosystems
  120. Climate Change and Safety in High-Risk Industries
  121. Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in South Florida
  122. Climate Change and Social Movements
  123. Climate Change and Socio-Ecological Transformation
  124. Climate Change and Socio-political Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa in the Anthropocene
  125. Climate Change and Sovereignty
  126. Climate Change and Starvation
  127. Climate Change and Storytelling
  128. Climate Change and Sustainable Urban Development in Africa and Asia
  129. Climate Change and Technological Options
  130. Climate Change and United States Forests
  131. Climate Change and Urban Environment Sustainability
  132. Climate Change and Water Governance
  133. Climate Change and Water Resources
  134. Climate Change and Water Resources Planning Criteria
  135. Climate Change and Water Resources in Africa
  136. Climate Change and Water Security
  137. Climate Change and World Food Security
  138. Climate Change and Writing the Canadian Arctic
  139. Climate Change and its Effects on Water Resources
  140. Climate Change and the Future of Democracy
  141. Climate Change and the Future of Europe
  142. Climate Change and the Humanities
  143. Climate Change and the Law
  144. Climate Change and the Microbiome
  145. Climate Change and the Role of Education
  146. Climate Change and the Sustainable Use of Water Resources
  147. Climate Change and the White World
  148. Climate Change as Societal Risk
  149. Climate Change from a Criminological Perspective
  150. Climate Change in Africa
  151. Climate Change in Bangladesh
  152. Climate Change in Central Asia
  153. Climate Change in Cities
  154. Climate Change in Cyprus
  155. Climate Change in Eurasian Arctic Shelf Seas
  156. Climate Change in North America
  157. Climate Change in Poland
  158. Climate Change in Regional Perspective
  159. Climate Change in Santos Brazil: Projections, Impacts and Adaptation Options
  160. Climate Change in Southeast Asia and Surrounding Areas
  161. Climate Change in Sustainable Water Resources Management
  162. Climate Change in Wildlands
  163. Climate Change in World Politics
  164. Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific Region
  165. Climate Change in the Forest of Bengal Duars
  166. Climate Change in the Himalayas
  167. Climate Change in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Region
  168. Climate Change in the Northwest
  169. Climate Change in the South Pacific: Impacts and Responses in Australia, New Zealand, and Small Island States
  170. Climate Change on Mountains
  171. Climate Change —
  172. Climate Change — Environment and Civilization in the Middle East
  173. Climate Change, Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods in Developing Countries
  174. Climate Change, Agriculture and Society
  175. Climate Change, Climate Science and Economics
  176. Climate Change, Disaster Risks, and Human Security
  177. Climate Change, Disaster and Adaptations
  178. Climate Change, Disasters, Sustainability Transition and Peace in the Anthropocene
  179. Climate Change, Energy Use, and Sustainability
  180. Climate Change, Energy, Sustainability and Pavements
  181. Climate Change, Extreme Events and Disaster Risk Reduction
  182. Climate Change, Food Security and Natural Resource Management
  183. Climate Change, Forests and Federalism
  184. Climate Change, Glacier Response, and Vegetation Dynamics in the Himalaya
  185. Climate Change, Hazards and Adaptation Options
  186. Climate Change, Human Impact and Green Energy Transformation
  187. Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict
  188. Climate Change, Intercropping, Pest Control and Beneficial Microorganisms
  189. Climate Change, Justice and Sustainability
  190. Climate Change, Livelihood Diversification and Well-Being
  191. Climate Change, Natural Resources and Sustainable Environmental Management
  192. Climate Change, Ocean Acidification and Sponges
  193. Climate Change, Photosynthesis and Advanced Biofuels
  194. Climate Change, Security Risks and Conflict Reduction in Africa
  195. Climate Change, Shifting Cultivation and Livelihood Vulnerabilities in India
  196. Climate Change, Urbanization, and Water Resources
  197. Climate Change, Vulnerabilities and Adaptation
  198. Climate Change-Resilient Agriculture and Agroforestry
  199. Climate Change: An Integrated Perspective
  200. Climate Change: Significance for Agriculture and Forestry