22255 publications

  1. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2019 Proceedings
  2. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2020 Proceedings: Volume I
  3. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2020 Proceedings: Volume II
  4. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2020 Proceedings: Volume III
  5. China Seismic Experimental Site
  6. China Sourcing
  7. China Superpower
  8. China VAT
  9. China and ASEAN: Pivoting Trade and Shock Transmission
  10. China and Africa
  11. China and Africa
  12. China and America: Destined for Conflict?
  13. China and Global Capitalism
  14. China and Global Governance
  15. China and India
  16. China and India in Central Asia
  17. China and India’s Development Cooperation in Africa
  18. China and International Human Rights
  19. China and Japan at Odds
  20. China and Latin America in Transition
  21. China and North Korea
  22. China and Taiwan in Africa
  23. China and Taiwan in Central America
  24. China and Taiwan in Latin America and the Caribbean
  25. China and World Politics in Transition
  26. China and the Belt and Road Initiative
  27. China and the EU in Context
  28. China and the Global Business Revolution
  29. China and the Global Economy
  30. China and the Global Economy Since 1840
  31. China and the Global Political Economy
  32. China and the Global Political Economy
  33. China and the Indo-Pacific
  34. China and the International Astronomical Union
  35. China and the International Criminal Court
  36. China and the Middle East
  37. China and the Mortgaging of America
  38. China and the New Silk Road
  39. China and the People’s Liberation Army
  40. China and the United States
  41. China and the West
  42. China and the West at the Crossroads
  43. China and the World Economy
  44. China and the World in a Changing Context
  45. China and the World in the Liangzhu Era
  46. China and the World since 1949
  47. China as a Double-Bind Regulatory State
  48. China as a Global Clean Energy Champion
  49. China as a Nuclear Power in World Politics
  50. China from the Inside
  51. China im Blickpunkt des 21. Jahrhunderts
  52. China im Blickpunkt des 21. Jahrhunderts
  53. China in 2035
  54. China in Africa
  55. China in Argentina
  56. China in Global Finance
  57. China in Global Governance of Intellectual Property
  58. China in International Society since 1949
  59. China in Malaysia
  60. China in Space
  61. China in Space
  62. China in Transition
  63. China in World History
  64. China in World History
  65. China in World History
  66. China in World History
  67. China in an Era of Transition
  68. China in der deutschen Berichterstattung 2008
  69. China in the 1980s
  70. China in the 1990s
  71. China in the 1990s
  72. China in the Global South
  73. China in the International System, 1918–20
  74. China in the Twenty-First Century
  75. China in the WTO
  76. China in the Xi Jinping Era
  77. China on the Ground in Latin America
  78. China since 1911
  79. China und Südostasien in Geschichte und Gegenwart
  80. China under Deng Xiaoping
  81. China – Business und Alltag meistern
  82. China — Stratigraphy, Paleogeography and Tectonics
  83. China#x2019;s Emerging Global Businesses
  84. China's Art Market since 1978
  85. China's Belt and Road Initiative
  86. China's Challenge to Liberal Norms
  87. China's Challenge to US Supremacy
  88. China's Development and the Construction of the Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
  89. China's Eco-city Construction
  90. China's Economic Arrival
  91. China's Economic Engagement in North Korea
  92. China's Economic Growth: Towards Sustainable Economic Development and Social Justice
  93. China's Economic Growth: Towards Sustainable Economic Development and Social Justice
  94. China's Economic Rise
  95. China's Energy Efficiency and Conservation
  96. China's Energy Efficiency and Conservation
  97. China's Energy Revolution in the Context of the Global Energy Transition
  98. China's Environmental Governing and Ecological Civilization
  99. China's Expansion in International Business
  100. China's Food Security
  101. China's Global Aspirations and Confucianism
  102. China's Global Rebalancing and the New Silk Road
  103. China's Governance
  104. China's Grand Strategy
  105. China's High-Speed Rail Technology
  106. China's Industrialization Process
  107. China's International Projection in the Xi Jinping Era
  108. China's Japan Policy: Learning from the Past
  109. China's Labour Market, 1950–2050
  110. China's Legal System
  111. China's Lessons for India: Volume I
  112. China's Lessons for India: Volume II
  113. China's Long-Term Low-Carbon Development Strategies and Pathways
  114. China's Macroeconomic Outlook
  115. China's Macroeconomic Outlook
  116. China's Macroeconomic Outlook
  117. China's Macroeconomic Outlook
  118. China's Maritime Silk Road Initiative and Southeast Asia
  119. China's Medium and Long-Term Science and Technology Program
  120. China's National Balance Sheet
  121. China's National Balance Sheet (2015): Leverage Adjustment and Risk Management
  122. China's New Strategic Layout
  123. China's Path of Industrialization
  124. China's Path to Development
  125. China's Private Army
  126. China's Qualitative Economic Transformation
  127. China's Renaissance: Global Strategies in 21st Century
  128. China's Rise in the Age of Globalization
  129. China's Rise to Power in the Global Order
  130. China's Road and Aging Population
  131. China's Road and China's Dream
  132. China's Solution to Its Ethno-national Issues
  133. China's Space Programme
  134. China's Sustainability Transitions
  135. China's Technology Innovators
  136. China's Urban Pattern
  137. China's Water Resources Management
  138. China's White-Collar Wave
  139. China+1: De-Risking für deutsche Unternehmen
  140. China, Britain and Businessmen
  141. China, Engineering, and Ethics: A Sketch of the Landscape
  142. China, Hong Kong, and the Long 1970s: Global Perspectives
  143. China, Latin America, and the Global Economy
  144. China, New Zealand, and the Complexities of Globalization
  145. China, Russia and Central Asian Infrastructure
  146. China, South Korea, and the Socotra Rock Dispute
  147. China, Taiwan, the UK and the CPTPP
  148. China, the European Union, and the International Politics of Global Governance
  149. China-ASEAN Environment Outlook 1 (CAEO-1)
  150. China-EU Relations
  151. China-Focused Cases
  152. China-GDR Relations from 1949 to 1989
  153. China-Gulf Oil Cooperation Under the Belt and Road Initiative
  154. China-Handbuch für Manager
  155. China-India Relations
  156. China-Japan Relations in the 21st Century
  157. China-Kompetenz für Wissenschaftler
  158. China-Kompetenz in Deutschland
  159. China-Kompetenz in Deutschland und Deutschland-Kompetenz in China
  160. China-Marketing
  161. China-Russia Relations in Central Asia
  162. China-US Competition
  163. China-US Trade War and Trade Talk
  164. China.de
  165. China.de
  166. China.de
  167. China: A Historical Geography of the Urban
  168. China: Bioethics, Trust, and The Challenge Of The Market
  169. China: From Revolution to Reform
  170. China: Innovative Green Development
  171. China: Innovative Green Development
  172. China: Politics and Government
  173. China: Surpassing the “Middle Income Trap”
  174. China: The Bankable State
  175. China: The Great Transition
  176. Chinas Industriepolitik von 1978-2013
  177. Chinas Innovationsstrategie in der globalen Wissensökonomie
  178. Chinas Power-Tuning
  179. Chinas Trauma – Chinas Stärke
  180. Chinas dynamischer Rollenkonflikt
  181. Chinas großer Tech Crackdown
  182. Chinas ländliche Gesellschaft im Umbruch
  183. Chinaʼs Macroeconomic Outlook
  184. China–Europe Tax Treaties
  185. China–Latin America Relations in the 21st Century
  186. China‘s Global Vision for Ecological Civilization
  187. China‘s Macroeconomic Outlook
  188. China‘s Macroeconomic Outlook
  189. China’s 40 Years of Economic Reform and Development
  190. China’s 40 Years of Reform
  191. China’s Achilles’ Heel
  192. China’s Agriculture at the Crossroads
  193. China’s Approach to Energy Security
  194. China’s Automotive Modernization
  195. China’s Belt and Road Initiative
  196. China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the Triangle Great Game of Contemporary International Politics
  197. China’s Belt and Road Initiative in a Global Context
  198. China’s Belt and Road Initiative in a Global Context
  199. China’s Belt and Road Initiatives
  200. China’s Belt and Road Vision