27204 publications

  1. An Introduction to Mathematics
  2. An Introduction to Mathematics of Emerging Biomedical Imaging
  3. An Introduction to Measure and Probability
  4. An Introduction to Medical Decision-Making
  5. An Introduction to Medical Leadership for Surgeons
  6. An Introduction to Medical Manipulation
  7. An Introduction to Medical Physics
  8. An Introduction to Medical Science
  9. An Introduction to Medical Teaching
  10. An Introduction to Medical Teaching
  11. An Introduction to Medical Teaching
  12. An Introduction to Meshfree Methods and Their Programming
  13. An Introduction to Mesoscale Meteorology
  14. An Introduction to Metaheuristics for Optimization
  15. An Introduction to Microscopy by Means of Light, Electrons, X-Rays, or Ultrasound
  16. An Introduction to Microwave Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection
  17. An Introduction to Mine Hydrogeology
  18. An Introduction to Minimax Theorems and Their Applications to Differential Equations
  19. An Introduction to Mission Design for Geostationary Satellites
  20. An Introduction to Model-Based Cognitive Neuroscience
  21. An Introduction to Model-Based Cognitive Neuroscience
  22. An Introduction to Modeling Neuronal Dynamics
  23. An Introduction to Modelling of Power System Components
  24. An Introduction to Models and Decompositions in Operator Theory
  25. An Introduction to Models of Online Peer-to-Peer Social Networking
  26. An Introduction to Modern Analysis
  27. An Introduction to Modern European Philosophy
  28. An Introduction to Modern European Philosophy
  29. An Introduction to Modern Mathematical Computing
  30. An Introduction to Modern Mathematical Computing
  31. An Introduction to Modern Political Theory
  32. An Introduction to Modern Political Theory
  33. An Introduction to Modern Social and Political Thought
  34. An Introduction to Modern Timekeeping and Time Transfer
  35. An Introduction to Modern Variational Techniques in Mechanics and Engineering
  36. An Introduction to Multivariable Analysis from Vector to Manifold
  37. An Introduction to Multivariable Mathematics
  38. An Introduction to Multivariate Techniques for Social and Behavioural Sciences
  39. An Introduction to Mössbauer Spectroscopy
  40. An Introduction to National Accounts Statistics
  41. An Introduction to Navier'Stokes Equation and Oceanography
  42. An Introduction to Network Programming with Java
  43. An Introduction to Network Programming with Java
  44. An Introduction to Neural Information Processing
  45. An Introduction to Neural Network Methods for Differential Equations
  46. An Introduction to Non-Abelian Discrete Symmetries for Particle Physicists
  47. An Introduction to Non-Abelian Discrete Symmetries for Particle Physicists
  48. An Introduction to Noncommutative Spaces and their Geometries
  49. An Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis and Fixed Point Theory
  50. An Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis: Theory
  51. An Introduction to Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Elliptic Problems
  52. An Introduction to Nonlinear Optics
  53. An Introduction to Nuclear Astrophysics
  54. An Introduction to Nuclear Fission
  55. An Introduction to Number Theory
  56. An Introduction to Numerical Methods for the Physical Sciences
  57. An Introduction to Object Recognition
  58. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming in C++
  59. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming in C++
  60. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic .NET
  61. An Introduction to Observational Astrophysics
  62. An Introduction to Observational Astrophysics
  63. An Introduction to Online Computation
  64. An Introduction to Operator Polynomials
  65. An Introduction to Operators on the Hardy-Hilbert Space
  66. An Introduction to Optimal Control Problems in Life Sciences and Economics
  67. An Introduction to Optimal Control Theory
  68. An Introduction to Optimal Control Theory
  69. An Introduction to Optimal Control of FBSDE with Incomplete Information
  70. An Introduction to Optimal Satellite Range Scheduling
  71. An Introduction to Order Statistics
  72. An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations
  73. An Introduction to Organometallic Chemistry
  74. An Introduction to PHP
  75. An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
  76. An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
  77. An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
  78. An Introduction to Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
  79. An Introduction to Photonic Switching Fabrics
  80. An Introduction to Phytoplanktons: Diversity and Ecology
  81. An Introduction to Piecewise Smooth Dynamics
  82. An Introduction to Place-Based Development Economics and Policy
  83. An Introduction to Plasma Astrophysics and Magnetohydrodynamics
  84. An Introduction to Polymer Colloids
  85. An Introduction to Practical Infra-red Spectroscopy
  86. An Introduction to Probabilistic Modeling
  87. An Introduction to Probability and Stochastic Processes
  88. An Introduction to Production and Inventory Control
  89. An Introduction to Programming Languages: Simultaneous Learning in Multiple Coding Environments
  90. An Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLAB
  91. An Introduction to Programming in Prolog
  92. An Introduction to Programming with Mathematica®
  93. An Introduction to Project Modeling and Planning
  94. An Introduction to Proofs with Set Theory
  95. An Introduction to Protein Informatics
  96. An Introduction to Psychodynamic Counselling
  97. An Introduction to Python and Computer Programming
  98. An Introduction to Quantum Computing Algorithms
  99. An Introduction to Quantum Spin Systems
  100. An Introduction to Quantum Stochastic Calculus
  101. An Introduction to Quantum Stochastic Calculus
  102. An Introduction to Quantum and Vassiliev Knot Invariants
  103. An Introduction to Quasisymmetric Schur Functions
  104. An Introduction to Queueing Systems
  105. An Introduction to Queueing Theory
  106. An Introduction to Queueing Theory
  107. An Introduction to Queueing Theory and Matrix-Analytic Methods
  108. An Introduction to R for Quantitative Economics
  109. An Introduction to Radiation Protection
  110. An Introduction to Radiation Protection
  111. An Introduction to Random Currents and Their Applications
  112. An Introduction to Random Interlacements
  113. An Introduction to Recent Developments in Theory and Numerics for Conservation Laws
  114. An Introduction to Relativistic Processes and the Standard Model of Electroweak Interactions
  115. An Introduction to Riemann Surfaces
  116. An Introduction to Riemann Surfaces, Algebraic Curves and Moduli Spaces
  117. An Introduction to Riemann Surfaces, Algebraic Curves and Moduli Spaces
  118. An Introduction to Riemann-Finsler Geometry
  119. An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry
  120. An Introduction to Robot Technology
  121. An Introduction to Saline Lakes on the Qinghai—Tibet Plateau
  122. An Introduction to Scientific Computing
  123. An Introduction to Scientific Computing
  124. An Introduction to Secret Sharing
  125. An Introduction to Semiclassical and Microlocal Analysis
  126. An Introduction to Sequential Dynamical Systems
  127. An Introduction to Sequential Monte Carlo
  128. An Introduction to Shakespeare
  129. An Introduction to Shakespeare’s Comedies
  130. An Introduction to Shakespeare’s Poems
  131. An Introduction to Shell Structures
  132. An Introduction to Signal Detection and Estimation
  133. An Introduction to Signal Detection and Estimation
  134. An Introduction to Silent Speech Interfaces
  135. An Introduction to Single-User Information Theory
  136. An Introduction to Smooth Manifolds
  137. An Introduction to Sobolev Spaces and Interpolation Spaces
  138. An Introduction to Social Anthropology
  139. An Introduction to Socio-Finance
  140. An Introduction to Software Design
  141. An Introduction to Soil Dynamics
  142. An Introduction to Soil Mechanics
  143. An Introduction to Soil Mechanics and Foundations
  144. An Introduction to Special Functions
  145. An Introduction to Statistical Learning
  146. An Introduction to Statistical Learning
  147. An Introduction to Statistical Learning
  148. An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values
  149. An Introduction to Statistics
  150. An Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences
  151. An Introduction to Statistics with Python
  152. An Introduction to Statistics with Python
  153. An Introduction to Stochastic Processes and Their Applications
  154. An Introduction to Stochastic Thermodynamics
  155. An Introduction to Strategic Studies
  156. An Introduction to Structural Mechanics for Architects
  157. An Introduction to Structural Optimization
  158. An Introduction to Surface Alloying of Metals
  159. An Introduction to Surface-Micromachining
  160. An Introduction to Swedish Law
  161. An Introduction to System Programming — Based on the PDP11
  162. An Introduction to TCP/IP
  163. An Introduction to Teichmüller Spaces
  164. An Introduction to Tensors and Group Theory for Physicists
  165. An Introduction to Tensors and Group Theory for Physicists
  166. An Introduction to Text-to-Speech Synthesis
  167. An Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
  168. An Introduction to Thyristors and Their Applications
  169. An Introduction to Toxicology
  170. An Introduction to Traffic Flow Theory
  171. An Introduction to Traffic Flow Theory
  172. An Introduction to Transfer Entropy
  173. An Introduction to Trenchless Technology
  174. An Introduction to Trenchless Technology
  175. An Introduction to Twentieth-Century Poetry in English
  176. An Introduction to Two-Dimensional Quantum Field Theory with (0,2) Supersymmetry
  177. An Introduction to Ultrametric Summability Theory
  178. An Introduction to Ultrametric Summability Theory
  179. An Introduction to Undergraduate Research in Computational and Mathematical Biology
  180. An Introduction to Using Mapping Sentences
  181. An Introduction to Vector Analysis For Physicists and Engineers
  182. An Introduction to Vegetation Analysis
  183. An Introduction to Vegetation Analysis
  184. An Introduction to Verification of Visualization Techniques
  185. An Introduction to Veterinary Medicine Engineering
  186. An Introduction to Water Quality Science
  187. An Introduction to Wavelet Analysis
  188. An Introduction to Wavelets Through Linear Algebra
  189. An Introduction to Wavelets Through Linear Algebra
  190. An Introduction to Waves and Oscillations in the Sun
  191. An Introduction to Well Control Calculations for Drilling Operations
  192. An Introduction to Western Financial Markets
  193. An Introduction to Zooarchaeology
  194. An Introduction to the Analysis and Processing of Signals
  195. An Introduction to the Analysis and Processing of Signals
  196. An Introduction to the Blood-Brain Barrier
  197. An Introduction to the Boltzmann Equation and Transport Processes in Gases
  198. An Introduction to the Commodore 64
  199. An Introduction to the Confinement Problem
  200. An Introduction to the Confinement Problem