27205 publications

  1. Ambient Intelligence
  2. Ambient Intelligence
  3. Ambient Intelligence
  4. Ambient Intelligence
  5. Ambient Intelligence
  6. Ambient Intelligence
  7. Ambient Intelligence
  8. Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications
  9. Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications
  10. Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications
  11. Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications
  12. Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications
  13. Ambient Intelligence and Future Trends-International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (ISAmI 2010)
  14. Ambient Intelligence for Health
  15. Ambient Intelligence for Scientific Discovery
  16. Ambient Intelligence in Everyday Life
  17. Ambient Intelligence in Health Care
  18. Ambient Intelligence with Microsystems
  19. Ambient Intelligence – Software and Applications
  20. Ambient Intelligence – Software and Applications – 12th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence
  21. Ambient Intelligence – Software and Applications – 14th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence
  22. Ambient Intelligence – Software and Applications –, 9th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence
  23. Ambient Intelligence – Software and Applications –,10th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence
  24. Ambient Intelligence- Software and Applications – 7th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (ISAmI 2016)
  25. Ambient Intelligence: Impact on Embedded Sytem Design
  26. Ambient Intelligence– Software and Applications – 8th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (ISAmI 2017)
  27. Ambient Intelligence—Software and Applications—13th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence
  28. Ambient Literature
  29. Ambient Media and Systems
  30. Ambient Media and Systems
  31. Ambient Networks
  32. Ambient Temperature and Health in China
  33. Ambient-Marketing für Printmedien
  34. Ambiguities in Decision-oriented Life Cycle Inventories
  35. Ambiguities in Intensional Contexts
  36. Ambiguities of Europe’s Eastern Neighbourhood
  37. Ambiguity and Film Criticism
  38. Ambiguity and Sexuality
  39. Ambiguity in Mind and Nature
  40. Ambisonics
  41. Ambit Stochastics
  42. Ambitionierte Komplizenschaft
  43. Ambivalence and the Structure of Political Opinion
  44. Ambivalence in Hardy
  45. Ambivalence, Politics and Public Policy
  46. Ambivalences of Creating Life
  47. Ambivalences of Inclusion in Society and Social Work
  48. Ambivalent Joint Production and the Natural Environment
  49. Ambivalente Gesellschaftlichkeit
  50. Ambivalente Reaktionen von α-Acyloxy-Carbonsäurechloriden
  51. Ambivalenz
  52. Ambivalenzen der Moderne — Chancen und Risiken der Identitätsarbeit von Jugendlichen
  53. Ambivalenzen der Optimierung
  54. Ambivalenzen der Ordnung
  55. Ambivalenzen der digitalen Transformation
  56. Ambivalenzen des Konsums und der werblichen Kommunikation
  57. Ambivalenzen des Ökonomischen
  58. Ambivalenzen von Maske
  59. Ambulance Services
  60. Ambulant erworbene Pneumonie
  61. Ambulante Pflege von A bis Z
  62. Ambulante Poesie
  63. Ambulante Versorgung: Nachfrage und Steuerung
  64. Ambulantes Blutdruckmonitoring
  65. Ambulantes Operieren
  66. Ambulantes Operieren
  67. Ambulantes Operieren
  68. Ambulantes Operieren - Vernetzung der Dienste
  69. Ambulantes Operieren in Klinik, Praxis und MVZ
  70. Ambulantes Operieren — Der neue Weg in der Gynäkologie
  71. Ambulantes geriatrisches Assessment
  72. Ambulanzmanual Pädiatrie von A-Z
  73. Ambulanzmanual Pädiatrie von A-Z 4.Aufl.
  74. Ambulanzmanual Pädiatrie von A–Z
  75. Ambulanzprotokolle chirurgische Notfälle
  76. Ambulation Analysis in Wearable ECG
  77. Ambulatory Anorectal Surgery
  78. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
  79. Ambulatory Electrocardiography
  80. Ambulatory Gynecology
  81. Ambulatory Impedance Cardiography
  82. Ambulatory Monitoring
  83. Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis
  84. Ambush Marketing & the Mega-Event Monopoly
  85. Ambush Marketing und Markenschutz
  86. Amebiasis
  87. Amedeo Avogadro
  88. Ameisen
  89. Amenable Banach Algebras
  90. Amenity Horticulture
  91. Amenorrhea
  92. Amenorrhea
  93. America According to Colbert
  94. America Constantin Boym
  95. America Imagined
  96. America Responds to Terrorism
  97. America Unbound
  98. America and Enlightenment Constitutionalism
  99. America and the British Imaginary in Turn-of-the-Twentieth-Century Literature
  100. America and the Rogue States
  101. America and the World since 1945
  102. America and the World, 1898–2025
  103. America at Work
  104. America in an Arab Mirror
  105. America in the British Imagination
  106. America in the Modern World
  107. America in the Philippines, 1899–1902
  108. America in the Shadow of Empires
  109. America in the World from Truman to Biden
  110. America on the Edge
  111. America's Early Montessorians
  112. America's Environmental Legacies
  113. America's Failing Economy and the Rise of Ronald Reagan
  114. America's Free Market Myths
  115. America's Leaning Ivory Tower
  116. America's Wars on Democracy in Rwanda and the DR Congo
  117. America, Britain and Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons Programme, 1974-1980
  118. America, China, and the Struggle for World Order
  119. America, Pakistan, and the India Factor
  120. American Administrative Capacity
  121. American Alternative Theatre
  122. American Ambassadors
  123. American Ambassadors The Past, Present, and Future of America’s Diplomats
  124. American Anti-Nuclear Activism, 1975–1990
  125. American Ascendance and British Retreat in the Persian Gulf Region
  126. American Authorship and Autobiographical Narrative
  127. American Black Women and Interpersonal Leadership Styles
  128. American Borders
  129. American Catholic Women Religious
  130. American Catholicism
  131. American Chaucers
  132. American Cinema and Cultural Diplomacy
  133. American Circumstance
  134. American Circumstance
  135. American Comics, Literary Theory, and Religion
  136. American Creationism, Creation Science, and Intelligent Design in the Evangelical Market
  137. American Crime Fiction
  138. American Crime Fiction
  139. American Culture Transformed
  140. American Culture and Society since the 1930s
  141. American Declarations of Love
  142. American Democracy
  143. American Democracy in Crisis
  144. American Diplomacy and Strategy toward Korea and Northeast Asia, 1882–1950 and After
  145. American Diplomacy’s Public Dimension
  146. American Drama
  147. American Dramatists, 1918–1945
  148. American Economic Development since 1945: Growth, Decline and Rejuvenation
  149. American Education and the Demography of the US Student Population, 1880 – 2014
  150. American Education in Popular Media
  151. American Education, Democracy, and the Second World War
  152. American Empire and the Arsenal of Entertainment
  153. American Empire and the Canadian Oil Sands
  154. American Empire and the Political Economy of Global Finance
  155. American Exceptionalism
  156. American Exceptionalism Revisited
  157. American Exceptionalism and US Foreign Policy
  158. American Exceptionalism and the Legacy of Vietnam
  159. American Exceptionalism?
  160. American Film Satire in the 1990s
  161. American Film and Society since 1945
  162. American Football and the American Way of War
  163. American Foreign Policy
  164. American Foreign Policy Towards the Colonels' Greece
  165. American Foreign Policy and Forced Regime Change Since World War II
  166. American Foreign Policy in Regions of Conflict
  167. American Foreign Policy in the English-speaking Caribbean
  168. American Gangster Cinema
  169. American Gitanos in Mexico City
  170. American Global Challenges
  171. American Grand Strategy and National Security
  172. American Grand Strategy from Obama to Trump
  173. American Hegemony after the Great Recession
  174. American Higher Education
  175. American Higher Education, Leadership, and Policy
  176. American History, Race and the Struggle for Equality
  177. American Horror Fiction
  178. American Horror Fiction and Class
  179. American Horror Show
  180. American Immigration Policy
  181. American Immigration and Ethnicity
  182. American Indian/First Nations Schooling
  183. American Individualisms
  184. American Industrial Policy
  185. American Jewish Year Book 2012
  186. American Jewish Year Book 2013
  187. American Jewish Year Book 2014
  188. American Jewish Year Book 2015
  189. American Jewish Year Book 2016
  190. American Jewish Year Book 2017
  191. American Jewish Year Book 2018
  192. American Jewish Year Book 2019
  193. American Jewish Year Book 2020
  194. American Jewish Year Book 2021
  195. American Jewish Year Book 2022
  196. American Jewry and the Oslo Years
  197. American Labor: A Documentary Collection
  198. American Labor’s Global Ambassadors
  199. American Labour and Consensus Capitalism, 1935–1990
  200. American League Franchises