27206 publications

  1. Algebraic and Computational Aspects of Real Tensor Ranks
  2. Algebraic and Differential Methods for Nonlinear Control Theory
  3. Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics
  4. Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Nonlinear Control Theory
  5. Algebraic and Geometric Topology
  6. Algebraic and Geometric Topology
  7. Algebraic and Geometrical Methods in Topology
  8. Algebraic and Logic Programming
  9. Algebraic and Logic Programming
  10. Algebraic and Logic Programming
  11. Algebraic and Logic Programming
  12. Algebraic and Logic Programming
  13. Algebraic and Logic Programming
  14. Algebraic and Numeric Biology
  15. Algebraic and Proof-theoretic Aspects of Non-classical Logics
  16. Algebraic and Symbolic Computation Methods in Dynamical Systems
  17. Algebraic semantics
  18. Algebraic system specification and development
  19. Algebraic, Number Theoretic, and Topological Aspects of Ring Theory
  20. Algebraic-Geometric Codes
  21. Algebraically Approximate and Noisy Realization of Discrete-Time Systems and Digital Images
  22. Algebraische Algorithmen
  23. Algebraische Algorithmen zur Lösung von linearen Differentialgleichungen
  24. Algebraische Geometrie
  25. Algebraische Grundlagen
  26. Algebraische Grundlagen der Informatik
  27. Algebraische Spezifikation
  28. Algebraische Spezifikation abstrakter Datentypen
  29. Algebraische Strukturen
  30. Algebraische Strukturen
  31. Algebraische Topologie
  32. Algebraische Topologie
  33. Algebraische Topologie
  34. Algebraische Transformationsgruppen und Invariantentheorie Algebraic Transformation Groups and Invariant Theory
  35. Algebraische Zahlentheorie
  36. Algebraische und zahlentheoretische Grundlagen für die Informatik
  37. Algebraisches Denken im Arithmetikunterricht der Grundschule
  38. Algebraisieren von Sachsituationen
  39. Algebras and Orders
  40. Algebras and Representation Theory
  41. Algebras in Genetics
  42. Algebras of Linear Transformations
  43. Algebras of Pseudodifferential Operators
  44. Algebras, Quivers and Representations
  45. Algebras, Rings and Modules
  46. Algebras, Rings and Modules
  47. Algebren
  48. Algebren
  49. Algebroid Curves in Positive Characteristic
  50. Algemene Wet Bijzondere Ziektekosten
  51. Algemene Wet Bijzondere Ziektekosten
  52. Algemene ziekteleer voor tandartsen
  53. Algen und Problematica aus dem Perm Süd-Anatoliens und Irans
  54. Algen, Quallen, Wasserfloh
  55. Algen-Großkulturen im Sommer 1951
  56. Algen-Kleingesellschaften des Salzlachengebietes am Neusiedler See I
  57. Algerian Languages in Education
  58. Alginate Biomaterial
  59. Alginates and Their Biomedical Applications
  60. Alginates: Biology and Applications
  61. Algodystrophy
  62. Algohallucinosis
  63. Algol-like Languages
  64. Algol-like Languages
  65. Algols
  66. Algorithm & SoC Design for Automotive Vision Systems
  67. Algorithm Collections for Digital Signal Processing Applications Using Matlab
  68. Algorithm Concept for Crash Detection in Passenger Cars
  69. Algorithm Design for Computer System Design
  70. Algorithm Design for Networked Information Technology Systems
  71. Algorithm Engineering
  72. Algorithm Engineering
  73. Algorithm Engineering
  74. Algorithm Engineering
  75. Algorithm Engineering
  76. Algorithm Engineering and Experimentation
  77. Algorithm Engineering and Experimentation
  78. Algorithm Engineering and Experiments
  79. Algorithm Portfolios
  80. Algorithm Synthesis: A Comparative Study
  81. Algorithm Theory - SWAT 2000
  82. Algorithm Theory - SWAT 2004
  83. Algorithm Theory - SWAT 2010
  84. Algorithm Theory – SWAT 2006
  85. Algorithm Theory – SWAT 2008
  86. Algorithm Theory – SWAT 2012
  87. Algorithm Theory – SWAT 2014
  88. Algorithm Theory — SWAT '92
  89. Algorithm Theory — SWAT '94
  90. Algorithm Theory — SWAT 2002
  91. Algorithm Theory — SWAT'96
  92. Algorithm Theory — SWAT'98
  93. Algorithm-Architecture Matching for Signal and Image Processing
  94. Algorithm-Driven Truss Topology Optimization for Additive Manufacturing
  95. Algorithmen
  96. Algorithmen der Netzwerkanalyse für programmierbare Taschenrechner (HP-41C)
  97. Algorithmen für Ingenieure
  98. Algorithmen für Ingenieure
  99. Algorithmen für Ingenieure—realisiert mit Visual Basic
  100. Algorithmen in Zellularautomaten
  101. Algorithmen in der Computergraphik
  102. Algorithmen in der Graphentheorie
  103. Algorithmen kompakt und verständlich
  104. Algorithmen kompakt und verständlich
  105. Algorithmen kompakt und verständlich
  106. Algorithmen kompakt und verständlich
  107. Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
  108. Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
  109. Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
  110. Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
  111. Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
  112. Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
  113. Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
  114. Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
  115. Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
  116. Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen im VLSI-Design
  117. Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen mit Modula — 2
  118. Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen mit Modula — 2
  119. Algorithmen und Problemlösungen mit C++
  120. Algorithmen und Problemlösungen mit C++
  121. Algorithmen und Verfahren zur Erstellung innerbetrieblicher Anordnungspläne
  122. Algorithmen und rekursive Funktionen
  123. Algorithmen von Hammurapi bis Gödel
  124. Algorithmen zur Gefäßerkennung für die Koronarangiographie mit Synchrotronstrahlung
  125. Algorithmen zur flexiblen Gestaltung der kurzfristigen Fertigungssteuerung
  126. Algorithmentheorie
  127. Algorithmes d’approximation
  128. Algorithmic Advances in Riemannian Geometry and Applications
  129. Algorithmic Adventures
  130. Algorithmic Algebra
  131. Algorithmic Algebra and Number Theory
  132. Algorithmic Algebraic Combinatorics and Gröbner Bases
  133. Algorithmic Antitrust
  134. Algorithmic Applications in Management
  135. Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management
  136. Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management
  137. Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management
  138. Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management
  139. Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management
  140. Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management
  141. Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management
  142. Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management
  143. Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management
  144. Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management
  145. Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management
  146. Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management
  147. Algorithmic Aspects of Analysis, Prediction, and Control in Science and Engineering
  148. Algorithmic Aspects of Bioinformatics
  149. Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing
  150. Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing
  151. Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing
  152. Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing
  153. Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing
  154. Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing
  155. Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing
  156. Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing
  157. Algorithmic Aspects of Flows in Networks
  158. Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks
  159. Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks
  160. Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks
  161. Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks
  162. Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks
  163. Algorithmic Bias: Verzerrungen durch Algorithmen verstehen und verhindern
  164. Algorithmic Bioprocesses
  165. Algorithmic Combinatorics: Enumerative Combinatorics, Special Functions and Computer Algebra
  166. Algorithmic Composition
  167. Algorithmic Decision Making with Python Resources
  168. Algorithmic Decision Theory
  169. Algorithmic Decision Theory
  170. Algorithmic Decision Theory
  171. Algorithmic Decision Theory
  172. Algorithmic Decision Theory
  173. Algorithmic Decision Theory
  174. Algorithmic Decision Theory
  175. Algorithmic Democracy
  176. Algorithmic Differentiation in Finance Explained
  177. Algorithmic Differentiation of Pragma-Defined Parallel Regions
  178. Algorithmic Discrimination and Ethical Perspective of Artificial Intelligence
  179. Algorithmic Foundation of Robotics VII
  180. Algorithmic Foundation of Robotics VIII
  181. Algorithmic Foundations of Geographic Information Systems
  182. Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics IX
  183. Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics V
  184. Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics VI
  185. Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics X
  186. Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics XI
  187. Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics XII
  188. Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics XIII
  189. Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics XIV
  190. Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics XV
  191. Algorithmic Game Theory
  192. Algorithmic Game Theory
  193. Algorithmic Game Theory
  194. Algorithmic Game Theory
  195. Algorithmic Game Theory
  196. Algorithmic Game Theory
  197. Algorithmic Game Theory
  198. Algorithmic Game Theory
  199. Algorithmic Game Theory
  200. Algorithmic Game Theory