27204 publications

  1. Agile Office 365
  2. Agile Oracle Application Express
  3. Agile Performance Improvement
  4. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
  5. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
  6. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
  7. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
  8. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
  9. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
  10. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
  11. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
  12. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
  13. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
  14. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
  15. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
  16. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
  17. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
  18. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
  19. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
  20. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
  21. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming – Workshops
  22. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming – Workshops
  23. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming – Workshops
  24. Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming – Workshops
  25. Agile Processes, in Software Engineering, and Extreme Programming
  26. Agile Procurement
  27. Agile Procurement
  28. Agile Product Development
  29. Agile Product and Project Management
  30. Agile Project Management using Team Foundation Server 2015
  31. Agile Project Management with Azure DevOps
  32. Agile Project Management: Managing for Success
  33. Agile Prozesse: Von XP über Scrum bis MAP
  34. Agile Risk Management
  35. Agile Service Development
  36. Agile Skalierungsframeworks in der Theorie und Praxis
  37. Agile Software Construction
  38. Agile Software Development
  39. Agile Software Development
  40. Agile Software Development Teams
  41. Agile Software Development with HP Agile Manager
  42. Agile Software Engineering
  43. Agile Software Engineering Skills
  44. Agile Spielzüge
  45. Agile Strategy Management in the Digital Age
  46. Agile Swift
  47. Agile Testing
  48. Agile UX Storytelling
  49. Agile Unternehmen durch Business Rules
  50. Agile Verwaltung
  51. Agile Visualization with Pharo
  52. Agile Werte- und Kompetenzentwicklung
  53. Agile Working and Well-Being in the Digital Age
  54. Agile and Lean Concepts for Teaching and Learning
  55. Agile eHealth Usability Evaluation
  56. Agile in ISO 9001
  57. Agile in der Unternehmenspraxis
  58. Agile objektorientierte Anforderungsanalyse
  59. Agile objektorientierte Software-Entwicklung
  60. Agile objektorientierte Software-Entwicklung
  61. Agile!
  62. Agile-SOFL
  63. Agiler Einkauf
  64. Agiler Organisationsaufbau
  65. Agiler Vertrieb mit Scrum
  66. Agiler führen
  67. Agiler führen
  68. Agiler führen
  69. Agiles Arbeiten in der Praxis
  70. Agiles Controlling
  71. Agiles Event Management
  72. Agiles Human Resources
  73. Agiles Innovationsmanagement
  74. Agiles Innovationsmanagement in sieben Schritten
  75. Agiles Lernen im Unternehmen
  76. Agiles Management als Antwort auf die Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung
  77. Agiles Marketing
  78. Agiles Marketing Performance Management
  79. Agiles Personalmanagement
  80. Agiles Projektmanagement im Berufsalltag
  81. Agiles Projektmanagement im Berufsalltag
  82. Agiles Prozessmanagement im Krankenhaus
  83. Agiles Studieren
  84. Agility Across Time and Space
  85. Agility kompakt
  86. Agilität im HR-Management
  87. Agilität im dynamischen Wettbewerb
  88. Agilität in Unternehmen
  89. Agilität in der Schulentwicklung
  90. Aging
  91. Aging 2000
  92. Aging 2000: Our Health Care Destiny
  93. Aging 2000: Our Health Care Destiny
  94. Aging Across Cultures
  95. Aging And Ethics
  96. Aging Effects on Natural Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites
  97. Aging Friendly Technology for Health and Independence
  98. Aging Hair
  99. Aging Issues in Cardiology
  100. Aging Masculinities in Contemporary U.S. Fiction
  101. Aging Mechanisms
  102. Aging Mechanisms II
  103. Aging Methods and Protocols
  104. Aging Phenomena
  105. Aging Research - Methodological Issues
  106. Aging Research - Methodological Issues
  107. Aging Research in Yeast
  108. Aging Voice
  109. Aging Welfare and Social Policy
  110. Aging Well
  111. Aging Workers and the Employee-Employer Relationship
  112. Aging and Age-Related Disorders
  113. Aging and Aging-Related Diseases
  114. Aging and Behavior
  115. Aging and Biological Rhythms
  116. Aging and Cancer
  117. Aging and Cell Function
  118. Aging and Cell Structure
  119. Aging and Cell Structure
  120. Aging and Chronic Disorders
  121. Aging and Cognitive Processes
  122. Aging and Drug Therapy
  123. Aging and Health in Africa
  124. Aging and Hearing
  125. Aging and Heart Failure
  126. Aging and Human Longevity
  127. Aging and Human Motivation
  128. Aging and Human Nature
  129. Aging and Life-Prolonging Processes
  130. Aging and Lung Disease
  131. Aging and Money
  132. Aging and Money
  133. Aging and Neuropsychological Assessment
  134. Aging and Recovery of Function in the Central Nervous System
  135. Aging and Stabilization of Polymers
  136. Aging and Technological Advances
  137. Aging and the Brain
  138. Aging and the Heart
  139. Aging at the Molecular Level
  140. Aging in Cell and Tissue Culture
  141. Aging in China
  142. Aging in Comparative Perspective
  143. Aging in European Societies
  144. Aging in Hong Kong
  145. Aging in a Second Language
  146. Aging of Cells in and Outside the Body
  147. Aging of Organisms
  148. Aging of the Organs and Systems
  149. Aging with HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa
  150. Aging, Aging Populations and Welfare
  151. Aging, Carcinogenesis, and Radiation Biology
  152. Aging, Creativity and Art
  153. Aging, Health, and Longevity in the Mexican-Origin Population
  154. Aging, Heart Disease, and Its Management
  155. Aging, Immunity, and Infection
  156. Aging, Reproduction, and the Climacteric
  157. Aging, Shaking, and Cracking of Infrastructures
  158. Aging: Caring for Our Elders
  159. Aging: Culture, Health, and Social Change
  160. Aging: Decisions at the End of Life
  161. Aging: The Paradox Of Life
  162. Agnes Heller
  163. Agnosie und Funktionswandel
  164. Agnosis: Theology in the Void
  165. Agogic Maps
  166. Agogiek voor gezondheidszorg en verpleegkunde
  167. Agonistic Democracy and Political Practice
  168. Agonistic Memory and the Legacy of 20th Century Wars in Europe
  169. Agora, Academy, and the Conduct of Philosophy
  170. Agoraphobie
  171. Agoraphobie — Theoretische Konzepte und Behandlungsmethoden
  172. Agrammatismus im Deutschen und im marokkanischen Arabisch
  173. Agrammatismus im Koreanischen
  174. Agrar-Öko-Audit
  175. Agrarholz – Schnellwachsende Bäume in der Landwirtschaft
  176. Agrarian Capitalism and Poor Relief in England, 1500–1860
  177. Agrarian Change and Urbanization in Southern India
  178. Agrarian Policies in Central America
  179. Agrarian structures and agrarian reform
  180. Agrarischer Protest und Krise der Familie
  181. Agrarkommunikation
  182. Agrarmeteorologische Studien über Bestandsklima, über Windschutz und über Transpirationsverhältnisse im Gewächshaus
  183. Agrarpolitik in der EG — Markt oder Lenkung?
  184. Agrarpolitik, Landentwicklung und Umweltschutz
  185. Agrarpreisbildung
  186. Agrarunternehmensrecht
  187. Agreeable News from Persia
  188. Agreement Technologies
  189. Agreement Technologies
  190. Agreement Technologies
  191. Agreement and Anti-Agreement
  192. Agreement in Argumentation
  193. Agressie bij kinderen
  194. Agri-food and Forestry Sectors for Sustainable Development
  195. AgriCultura
  196. Agribusiness Innovation and Contextual Evolution, Volume I
  197. Agribusiness Innovation and Contextual Evolution, Volume II
  198. Agribusiness for Economic Growth in Africa
  199. Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change
  200. Agricultural Applications