In addition to its expertise in optimising solvent cleaning processes, a new laboratory service also offers solvent analyses and oil compatibility tests to improve process reliability.

High-quality parts cleaning and degreasing plays an increasingly decisive role in many industries. Choosing the right cleaning system and the most appropriate solvent is as important in competitive terms as continuous quality control.

Under the brand Chemaware, Safechem Europe offers expertise and services relating to the sustainable and efficient use of solvents in industrial parts cleaning. Its portfolio now also includes the well-established and varied laboratory services from Dow/Safechem, such as solvent analyses and oil compatibility tests. Because of the high levels of demand, the company has increased its capacity by opening additional labs in Germany. The new certified Chemaware labs are equipped with state-of-the-art analysis facilities and a faster logistics system. Different analytical processes are used to monitor the quality of the solvent. They enable important factors to be measured, such as the purity, stabiliser concentration, decomposition products, oil and water content and acid profile of the solvent, which could affect the cleaning process. However, the analyses are not only used to track down and resolve the causes of cleaning problems. They are also a means of documenting the stability and quality of the cleaning process for the purpose of quality audits or to provide proof for customers. At the same time, carrying out checks on the quality of the solvent makes it possible to take the necessary bath maintenance measures in good time. When a company decides to invest in a new cleaning system, oil compatibility tests can help to ensure that the system chosen is the right one. They enable the possible influence of machining oils on the properties of the solvent and the reliability of the cleaning process to be identified in advance. The results allow an informed decision to be made about the most suitable solvent and stabiliser for the application in question. As the tests can be carried out at normal pressure and in a vacuum, it is also possible to identify the best type of machine, from both a technical and a cost perspective. This is an important criterion for plant manufacturers, in particular in the case of customers who are using critical oils containing chlorine or sulphur.

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The new packaging improves safety when handling and transporting the samples.

The oil and solvent samples are now enclosed in a new type of safety packaging. The bottle for the sample is placed in a steel container inside a cardboard box.