Correction to: Genome Biol (2018) 19:229

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors reported the following error in the name of the fourth author.

Incorrect author name: Avazeh Ghanbarian

Correct author name: Avazeh T. Ghanbarian

Avazeh T. Ghanbarian is currently affiliated with ‘European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Hinxton, Cambridge, UK, CB10 1SD’

Further to this correction, the authors have reported a typographical error in the equation under the section Predictors of translation initiation and efficiency.

“MFEs of rG4 secondary structures (ΔG0rG4) were computed by subtracting MFEs obtained when considering rG4 formation into the structure prediction algorithm to the previous values (ΔG0rG4 = ΔG0dsRNA − ΔG0dsRNA + rG4).”

should be corrected to:

“MFEs of rG4 secondary structures (ΔG0rG4) were computed by subtracting the previous values to MFEs obtained when considering rG4 formation into the structure prediction algorithm (ΔG0rG4 = ΔG0dsRNA + rG4 − ΔG0dsRNA).”