Correction to: BMC Genetics (2018) 19:4 DOI: 10.1186/s12863-017-0595-2

The original version of this article [1], published on 5 January 2018, contained 3 formatting errors. In this Correction the affected parts of the article are shown. The original article has been updated.

Table 1 contained a formatting error. The correct version of Table 1 is shown below and the corrected entry is marked in bold:

Table 1 Descriptive statistics of simulation schemes


Table 5 contained a formatting error. The correct version of Table 5 is shown below and the corrected entry is marked in bold:

Table 5 Number of selected SNPs, number of tagged QTL, percentage of genetic variance explained, and accuracies of genomic and phenotype prediction under different π values, sampling distribution for the QTL effects and density of the marker panel using BayesC method. Standard errors of accuracies are listed between parentheses

The first equation contained formatting errors. The correct version of this equation is shown below:

$$ {F}_{ST}=\frac{H_T-{H}_S}{H_T} $$

with H T  = 2 ∗ p ∗ q, \( {H}_S=\frac{H_{S1}\ast {n}_{S1}+{H}_{S2}\ast {n}_{S2}}{n_{S1}+{n}_{S2}} \), and H Si  = 2 ∗ p Si  ∗ q Si