
Since this method was first used to cure Patient Y, a patient suffered from congenital spina bifida with complication of fecal and urinary incontinence on 23rd of November, 1998, a total number of 120 cases of patients have been treated by the same method and satisfactory results have been obtained.

Materials and methods

1) Patients lie on left side;

2) Epidural anesthesia or general anesthesia;

3) A longitudinal incision is cut along the middle of sacrum and lower lumbar;

4) Dissect out the sacral nerve, release the conglutination and enlarge the neural hole;

5) Cut from the bottom of the dural cyst the adhesion with sacrum vertebrae and release the dural cyst.


Assessment aspects: 1) restoration of urinary function; 2) restoration of bowel function; 3) restoration of function of lower limbs; 4) restoration of sexual function (restoration of emmenia for female patients); Assessment criteria: Excellent: attain of fecal and urinary function; restoration of lower limbs sensation, distinct improvement of muscle force and restoration of sexual function; Good: one of the fecal or urinary function is restored; restoration of lower limbs and sexual function; Fair: restore sensation of fecal and urinary activities but couldn't control; lower limbs function restored badly. Poor: no respects restored Assessment of result: Excellent and good 86%, Fair 12%, Poor 1.2%, Death: 1 case.


Because of sacrum spina bifida, the sacrum nerve is not protected by the spinal bone. During the growth period, the spinal cyst and sacrum nerve are getting tethered with sacrum, resulting damage to the nerves. With develop of age, the spinal is growing and the damages to nerves become worse. The operation is to release the adhesion between sacrum nerve and sacrum, restore the nerve path and blood circulation to the nerve. Therefore many patients restored their nerve function. The younger the patient is, the better is the result of the operation. The advantages of the operation are:- 1). It targets to cure the cause of the neural damage; 2). Though the operation method is very completed, it is safe and has no harm to the nerve.