Correction to: International Journal of Energy and Water Resources

In the original publication of the paper, the affiliation of the second author (Geremew Bultosa) was incorrect:

Department of Food Science and Technology, Botswana College of Agriculture, Gaborone, Botswana

The affiliation should be:

Department of Food Science and Technology, Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (BUAN), Gaborone, Botswana

In the Paragraph entitled “Water sampling and analyses”, under Materials and methods, the first sentence has been published incorrectly:

Water samples were taken from five sample sites of groundwater at Haramaya Woreda (Meda Belina, Addale Waltaha, Tinike, Haro Adi, and Derartu Mechetu) and the data interpretations were done at the end of the 2018.

The correct sentence should be:

Water samples taken from five sample sites of groundwater at Haramaya Woreda (Meda Belina, Addale Waltaha, Tinike, Haro Adi, and Derartu Mechetu) were studied from January to February 2010 and data interpretations for publication in the present format were done at the end of the 2018.