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Why Russian anti-corruption policies fail? Examination of corruption in the civil service and the business community

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Jindal Global Law Review Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Corruption is an entrenched phenomenon in Russian society. This article examines factors contributing to corruption in Russian civil service, such as low salaries, non-competitive hiring and promotion process, widespread nepotism and the culture of corruption. It also looks at corruption when it comes to Russian business enterprises and how it has been impacted by the history of questionable privatization deals in the 1990’s as well as the current relationship between business entities and state officials. The article concludes that while combatting corruption is not an easy task, it is not an entirely hopeless undertaking. Reform is still possible despite of multiple problems that currently exist and prevent the effective carrying out of the anti-corruption agenda in Russia. These reforms will depend upon a true partnership being developed between government and various civil society organizations, development of solid opposition parties that can hold government responsible for following through on its anti-corruption agenda and encouraging mechanisms for developing a general intolerance of corrupt practices.

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Merkulov, P.A., Shedij, M.V. Why Russian anti-corruption policies fail? Examination of corruption in the civil service and the business community. Jindal Global Law Review 9, 29–42 (2018).

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