1 Correction to: Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12215-019-00426-z

The authors used the notion of Nil clean rings, which was introduced by P. V. Danchev and W. Wm. McGovern in their paper “Danchev P.V., McGovern W.Wm., Commutative weakly nil clean unital rings, J. Algebra 425 (2015), 410–422.”. But unfortunately, it was not cited in the paper. So the reference no. 2 of the paper should be replaced by the paper of P. V. Danchev and W. Wm. McGovern. The authors regret for the mistake and would like to thank Prof. Danchev for pointing it out.