Erratum to: Lipids DOI 10.1007/s11745-017-4305-7

The authors would like to correct two figures from the original version of their article. The corrections to Figs. 4 and 7 are as follows:

1. Fig. 4

Fig. 4
figure 4

−ESI/MS2 product ion spectrum of a precursor ion at m/z 750.6 PakEtn (18:0/20:5) from the oyster Crassostrea plicatula

The three CH2 groups between O and NH2 have been corrected to show two CH2 groups. For EPA, the vertical dashed line from the O=C–O bond has been moved to the O–CH bond.

2. Fig. 7

Fig. 7
figure 7

Hydrolyzation mechanism of PtdCho (16:0/20:5) by the corresponding enzymes during storage at 4 °C

The first diglyceride produced by PtdCho should have contained an oxygen atom, thus the vertical dashed line from the CH2–O bond has been moved to the O–P bond. The same is true for PtdOH, so the vertical dashed line from the P–O bond has been moved to the O–CH2 bond. For Lyso-PtdCho (16:0), the vertical dashed line from the O–CH bond has been moved to the O=C–O bond. In addition, the carbon number of EPA has been corrected to 20, instead of 22, near the CH2–C=O bond.