Correction to: Wetlands Ecology and Management

In the original publication, the affiliation of second author and acknowledgements were incorrectly published. The correct affiliation and acknowledgements are given in this Correction.


We are grateful for support from Scripps Institution of Oceanography, the Charles Darwin Foundation, and the Galapagos National Park. We especially thank SIO and CDF staff, especially E. Rastoin, for facilitating travel and field logistics; J. J. Cota-Nieto and I. Mascarenas for fieldwork; K. Laface and E. Navarro for lab assistance; J. Kumagai for GIS support; and E. Cleland and J. Leichter for providing useful comments on the manuscript. This research was conducted under Galapagos National Park Directorate permit PC-16-15 granted to Dr. Pelayo Salinas de León from the Charles Darwin Foundation. Sediment samples were exported from Ecuador using the Ministerio del Ambiente permit 054-2015 DPNG. This is contribution number 2241 from the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands. The data in this paper are available in the appendix.