
The apparent electrical conductivity of the vadose zone (ECa) is most strongly dependent on soil moisture content and solution electrolyte concentration. Nonetheless ECa can be influenced by a host of physical and chemical factors in addition to moisture content and salt concentration. These other properties include porosity, clay content and its mineralogy, temperature and phase of water retained in pores (Corwin and Lesch 2005). The composition of soil colloids, depth to clay-rich layers, depth to groundwater and root density can also influence ECa measurements (McNeill 1980a).

The use of soil ECa has gained attention as a good surrogate method for detection of spatial variation in the chemical and physical properties of intact soils and to map such factors. Irrigation drainage patterns (Corwin and Lesch 2005), compaction (Hedley et al. 2004) and sand and clay content (Domsch and Giebel 2004) are examples of such physical properties. Soil ECa is the most extensively used method for estimating soil salinity in tilled soil under irrigation (De Clercq and Van Meirvenne 2005; Horney et al. 2005). In addition, soil ECa has been used in agricultural settings to characterize a number of soil properties besides salinity that have an influence on plant performance. Such applications that have been found useful include estimation of fertility, organic material and the volumetric water content (θv) (Hedley et al. 2004). This is largely possible because θv is the other dominant factor in addition to the true electrical conductivity (ECe—which is a function of electrolyte concentration) that is detected in a natural soil when measuring ECa (Noborio 2001; Shmulik 2005). Fertility generally corresponds to availability of ions of the principal plant macro- and micronutrients. A number of recent scientific reviews exist concerning the use of ECa to estimate soil properties (Allred et al. 2008; Corwin and Lesch 2005; Hendrickx et al. 2002).

There exist a number of procedures for measuring soil ECa at the field scale. A primary method is electromagnetic induction (McNeill 1980b). The use of this procedure has several advantages relative to other methods that use electrodes: excellent resolution of conductivity is generally achieved, problems associated with soil penetration are avoided and the ease and speed with which numerous measurements can be gathered in the field is greatly increased (McNeill 1980b).

The most commonly used electromagnetic induction conductivity meter for agricultural purposes is the EM38 (Geonics Limited, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) because of ease of use and a functional measurement depth (Corwin and Lesch 2005). The EM38 can be placed in the horizontal coil configuration, where its effective signal detection (±70% of the response) is from 0.75 m, or in the vertical coil configuration with an effective signal detection depth of 1.5 m (Geonics Limited 1999). These depths generally correspond well with the depth of the grape rooting zone (Smart et al. 2006).

In viticulture, the measurement of ECa to estimate edaphic parameters that condition vineyard productivity is in its infancy. As with other agricultural crops, the most extensively studied application concerns the assessment of salinity of vineyards in grape production primarily in Australia (Bramley and Lanyon 2002; Bramley 2004; Bramley and Hamilton 2004) as well as long-term effects of irrigation (De Clercq and Van Meirvenne 2005). Soil ECa has also been used to map soil texture in viticulture areas of France (Winkel et al. 1995) and New Zealand (Hedley et al. 2004). Acevedo-Opazo et al. (2008) used soil electrical properties (electrical resistivity), vine information (vegetative, water status and harvest) and airborne imagery to estimate soil water content so that vine water restriction within vineyards could be defined. The most extensive current applications are related to precision viticulture because ECa has been found to estimate spatial patterns of grape yield (Bramley 2003). Yield spatial heterogeneity forms a strong basis for developing site-specific practices in most agricultural crops but in viticulture crop loads are often managed and quality parameters take precedence. Nevertheless, protocols for the mapping of ECa in vineyards as a tool in the application of precision viticulture (Williams and Bramley 2003), center on exploiting the advantages of the method for explaining the spatial variability of soil moisture, fertility and texture, which are related to yield. One factor which differs from many annual crops is that grape root systems can explore several soil horizons and to depths that may sometimes exceed that of the sensing capabilities of the EM38 (Smart et al. 2006).

The objectives of this study were (1) to assess the effectiveness of apparent electrical conductivity as a surrogate in the measurement of soil properties of high clay vineyard soils (clay content >25%) such as those found in the Coastal Regions of California, and (2) to develop regression models that might be used to predict soil properties based on measured ECa. The EM38 was used, positioning the instrument in both the horizontal and vertical modes of dipole orientation for the estimation of soil ECa. The data obtained were then correlated with the weighted mean averages of soil chemical and physical variables and moisture from boreholes extracted to the effective rooting depth of the soil. To accomplish this, three field data collection campaigns were carried out on different dates, each of which had different air temperatures and soil moisture conditions. This approach allowed the conditions to be identified under which soil ECa would effectively estimate horizontal changes in soil chemical and physical properties deemed important to vine performance.

Materials and methods


The work was conducted in a 3.66 ha vineyard located in the Carneros Region of the Napa Valley (CA, USA). The study location is shown in Fig. 1, and lies within the co-ordinates SW (38.247104°N, 122.3663210°W) and NE (38.247982°N, 122.361995°W) (WGS1984). The vineyard was planted in 1991 with Vitis vinifera cv. Pinot Noir clone UC 2A with a 1.5 m × 2.4 m vine by row spacing. The trellis/training system consisted of unilateral cordons trained to vertical shoot positioning (VSP) on a two-wire trellis system that was 2 m in height. The rootstock was V. rupestris × V. riparia cv. 3309C.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Location of the study area in the Carneros, Napa Co., California USA

Soil chemical and physical properties

The vineyard was sampled in 2003 to characterize soil chemical and physical properties. The lower slopes soils of the vineyard consisted of Haire Clay Loam series (fine, mixed, superactive, thermic Typic Haploxerult) while on the upper slopes the soils were Diablo Clay series (fine, montmorillonitic, superactive, thermic Typic Pelloxerert). Forty-four boreholes were used for physical and chemical analyses and twelve open soils pits were established to determine bulk densities and verify the major soil horizons observed for a total of 56 observations. The boreholes were laid out in a grid pattern of 8.5 m NS by 24.5 m EW to correspond with 300 data vines (20 rows with 15 data vines per row) that were slightly offset by the irregularity of the vine rows. The open pits were established paying attention to slope heterogeneity in the vineyard. Three soil pits were established on the shoulder of the slope, two sets of three were in the midslope region, and three were in the toe-slope. Nine of the twelve pits were analyzed for chemical and physical properties as described below for the borehole samples and were reported by Steenwerth et al. (2008). After these positions had been established, a Trimble Ag 132 backpack DGPS receiver (Trimble Navigation Inc. Sunnyvale, CA, USA) with sub-meter post processing accuracy was used to determine the geographic location of each pit and borehole.

The pits had the dimensions of 0.6 m width by 2.0–2.5 m depth and were 4 m in length. One wall of each pit was established at approximately 0.25 m away from the vine rows. Morphological designations were assigned to each horizon. The soil depth intervals sampled (1–4 depths in 9 of 12 pits) was 0–0.36, 0.36–0.70, 0.70–1.04 and 1.04–1.38 m, respectively. Soil depth 1, the surface depth, represented the Ap horizon (0–0.36 m). Soil depth 2 (0.36–0.70 m) corresponded to the beginning of the next subtending horizon and included morphological designations over the total vineyard area of A, BAt, Bt1, AC, and, in one case, C1. Soil depth 3 (0.70–1.04) was positioned below soil depth 2 and included Bt1, Bt2, C1, C2, and 2C2. Soil depth 4, the deepest sampled area at 1.04–1.38 m, corresponded to the deeper depths detected by the EM38, and included Bt2, BCt, C1 and C2 horizons. These designations and consolidations were selected because extensive terraforming occurred at this site during 1992 prior to planting (Smart et al. 2008). Geospatial redistribution of the vadose zone soils in order to mitigate undesirable slopes resulted in the inversion or otherwise removal of natural soil horizonation. Thus, the above groupings and use of depth-directed sampling of soils proved necessary.

Bulk density at each depth was measured using metal brass rings that were 60 mm in depth with a volume of 3.32 × 105 mm3. Soils were dried at 105°C for 48 h and used to calculate gravimetric water content (GWC). Air-dry soil samples were sieved at 2 mm. The 0–2 mm fraction was analyzed for exchangeable cations (x-K, x-Na, x-Ca, x-Mg; see Thomas 1982), cation exchange capacity (CEC), pH by the saturated paste method (US Salinity Lab Staff 1954), total carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) by Dumas combustion (Pella 1990), and particle-size distribution (i.e., sand, silt and clay) according to Gee and Bauder (1986). All soil analyses were conducted by the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Analytical Laboratory (URL:

Soil moisture content

Soil water content in situ was determined using a time domain reflectometry (TDR) system (Topp et al. 1980). The primary components of the TDR system (Environmental Sensors Inc., ESI, Victoria, BC, Canada) were an analog-to-digital converter and datalogger (ESI model MP-917) and a 0.9 m TDR waveguide (ESI model PRB-F). The PRB-F waveguide is partitioned into segments that measure at depths of 0–0.15 m, 0.15–0.30 m, 0.30–0.45 m, 0.45–0.60 m and 0.60–0.90 m. Recommended protocols (ESI 2002) were used for both calibration of the instrument and field data collection with it. Prior to its use, the PRB-F waveguide was calibrated in the laboratory by inserting it into a microcosm cylinder (0.40 cm diameter × 1.50 m depth) filled with fine sand and insuring that each segment reported the same moisture content at field capacity (FC, θv = 12%). In the field, θv estimates from the PRB-F were verified by inserting it into the soil to a depth of 0.90 m and gathering measurements from all segments. Then a 5.5 cm diameter by 0.90 m depth soil core was taken (n = 4) using a manual tool (Giddings, Windsor, CO, USA). At each depth corresponding to the PRB-F segments, approximately 50 g moist soil (sieved to pass a 2 mm mesh) was sub-sampled and dried in an oven at 104°C to determine gravimetric water content according to the method of Gardner (1986). The gravimetric water content (θg) was converted to θv using the soil bulk density (Mg m−3) and a specific mass for water of 1 (Mg m−3). No significant differences were detected and the measured values were within the reported accuracy of TDR technologies of 3%.

The soil moisture content campaigns were undertaken on July 7th and 8th, 2005. The position and number of points sampled were taken at locations corresponding to those of the borehole samples taken in 2003 (soil sampling campaign described above). The TDR system was used to determine θv parallel to locations and within 0.5 m of the 44 boreholes.

Apparent soil electrical conductivity

Measurements of soil ECa were collected using an EM38 soil electrical conductivity meter. Three EM38 campaigns were undertaken on July 8th, July 29th and September 19th, 2005. The EM38 instrument was calibrated before each measurement following Geonics Limited (1999) instructions. Measurements of soil ECa were made at 150 locations corresponding to alternating rows of the 150 paired and geo-referenced data vines. Included within these data positions were the 44 locations where boreholes had been established in 2003 for soil chemical and physical analyses. Thus, six data sets of ECa were obtained: three in horizontal dipole orientation ECa1h, ECa2h and ECa3h, and three in vertical dipole orientation ECa1v, ECa2v and ECa3v, collected on July 8th, July 29th and September 19th, respectively. When a sample was collected at a borehole location, the EM38 was positioned at approximately 1.5 m N offset, parallel with the row orientation and ECa data were gathered in both dipole orientations.

It has recently been reported that trellis systems can cause substantial interference with EM38 measurements when metal stakes are used with a full complement of foliage and drip irrigation support wires, and the EM38 is positioned close to it (Lamb et al. 2005). The vineyard trellis system consisted of wooden stakes and a limited number of foliage support wires (3). Several independent tests of the EM38 by our group indicated that no such interference existed when the EM38 was positioned in the center of the alley, thus maximizing its distance from the trellis (see Lamb et al. 2005). This was done by placing the EM38 in the center of the alley and taking a reading, and then moving it progressively closer to, and parallel to, the wooden posts of the vine row. The EM38 measurement did not change appreciably (<10%) when moved to the proximity of the posts (see Lamb et al. 2005, who generally noted less than a 20% increase of the signal in the center of the row when metal trellis stakes were used).

Data pre-processing and statistical analyses

Samples of soil taken from the 44 boreholes corresponded to visible soil horizons observed in the open pits, and therefore were taken at variable depths. For this investigation, the soil samples were weighted at each of the borehole positions by assigning a general value for soil chemical and physical properties to each location according to the following:

$$ x_{m} = {\frac{{\sum {x_{i} \cdot d_{i} } }}{D}} $$

where x m is the weighted mean average, x i is the analytical value observed for the depth sub-sample i, d i is the depth of the observed sub-sample i, and D is the total depth of the borehole. This approach may not be valid if large differences are observed in soil chemical and physical properties with depth, or if differences are noted in ECah versus ECav. However, neither of these situations were observed in the measurements.

To determine which soil characteristics most strongly influenced ECah and ECav, the Pearson Product Moment Correlations (r) were computed for measurements made at the borehole locations. Data pairs that were most strongly correlated were then subjected to linear regression analysis as described below. Statistical analyses were undertaken using the SPSS Statistics v.13.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois USA).

A general linear test (Bates and Watts 1988) was used to assess whether the linear relationships were different among different measurement dates and sampling positions. This method involves the fitting of full and reduced models and has frequently been applied to assess whether separate models are necessary for different data sets. The full model corresponds to different sets of global parameters for different measurement dates/sampling positions and is obtained by expanding the two parameters of the linear model by including an associated parameter and a dummy variable to differentiate the measurement date and the position of the sample. The dummy variable is a categorical variable which can only take the values of 0 or 1. The reduced model corresponds to the same set of global parameters for all measurements analyzed. For example, for the linear function:

$$ Soil \, Clay \, Content = a + b \cdot EC_{a} $$

The expansion of the slope parameter b for the three measurement dates and the two sampling positions can be written as:

$$ b_{1} + b_{2} \cdot I_{2} + b_{3} \cdot I_{3} + b_{4} \cdot I_{4} + b_{5} \cdot I_{5} + b_{6} \cdot I_{6} $$

where \( b_{i} \left( {i = 1,{ 2}, \ldots , 6} \right) \) are the associated parameters of the full model, and \( I_{j} (j = 2, \ldots , 6) \) are the categorical variables for considering the six different measurements (three dates and two positions), which are defined as follows:

  • I2 = 1 if measurement date = July 8th in horizontal position, otherwise I2 = 0;

  • I3 = 1 if measurement date = July 29th in vertical position, otherwise I3 = 0;

  • I4 = 1 if measurement date = July 29th in horizontal position, otherwise I4 = 0;

  • I5 = 1 if measurement date = September 19th in vertical position, otherwise I5 = 0;

  • I6 = 1 if measurement date = September 19th in horizontal position, otherwise I6 = 0.

The appropriate test statistic uses the following expression:

$$ F = {\frac{{SSE_{R} - SSE_{F} }}{{df_{R} - df_{F} }}} \div {\frac{{SSE_{F} }}{{df_{F} }}} $$

where \( SSE_{R} \) is the error sum of squares of the reduced model, \( SSE_{F} \) is the error sum of squares of the full model, and \( df_{R} \) and \( df_{F} \) are the degrees of freedom of the full and reduced models, respectively. Under the standard linear regression assumptions the statistic defined in Eq. 4 follows an F-distribution. It was not attempted to correct for possible spatial autocorrelation of errors. Preliminary analysis (not shown) indicated that spatial autocorrelation did not materially affect the analysis.

If the F-test indicates that no statistically significant differences exist in the linear models between the different dates and EM38 orientations, then one may aggregate all of the sample data into a single model. If the F-test indicates that significant differences exist, accepting as significant a value of p ≤ 0.05, further tests are necessary to evaluate whether or not the differences were caused by a few or many of the possible combinations of factors sampled at each location. For this report, the regressions for each edaphic factor were obtained for ECav and ECah for each ECa campaign. It was further tested whether or not differences existed among the soil chemical and physical properties on each sampling date, and it did not.

Spatial distribution of soil factors

Interpolated thematic maps were generated for the measured soil parameters from the 44 borehole and 9 analyzed pit sample locations using the geostatistical module contained in ArcGIS v. 9.1 (ESRI, Redlands, CA, USA), interpolating according to the ordinary kriging model. The number of borehole samples is generally considered much too low a number for accurate kriging interpolation, so these comparisons must be considered qualitative and informal only. Nevertheless, they do provide a general indication of the patterns of distribution of the various soil components. Maps were constructed for each estimated variable using the best-fit regression equations for ECav and ECah. The resulting map resolution was 2.5 m per pixel. This exercise was also realized using the Map Calculator module of ArcGIS v. 9.1.

Results and discussion

Chemical and physical soil properties

Table 1 presents overall summary statistics for soil samples taken from nine soils pits at the site at four overall depths. As expected, soil carbon and nitrogen contents significantly declined with depth. For particle size distribution (sand, silt, clay) and extractable cation contents, no significant differences existed with the exception of extractable sodium (Na+) content. The quantities of exchangeable cations observed, including sodium, indicated no general problems with salinity at this site. The values weighted for the total depth of the boreholes (Eq. 1) agreed well with the observations from the open pits (Table 2). Tests for normality indicated that the soils data generally followed normal distributions (Table 2) and therefore were appropriate for conducting correlation analyses against ECa and for mapping exercises using geostatistical methods. Coefficients of variation (CV) were generally less than 30% but in a few cases, most notably Na+, CVs greatly exceeded that level.

Table 1 Means, standard errors and mean separation for soil characteristics (n = 9)
Table 2 Extractable concentrations (meq 100 g−1) of the base cations of K+, Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+

Relationship between ECa and soil moisture content

The descriptive statistics for the soil θv campaign are shown in Table 3. Substantial variation was noted in moisture content, but this was attributed almost entirely to soils with either very high sand contents (lower θv) or very high clay contents (higher θv), as expected. Descriptive statistics for the ECa measurements are given in Table 4. Substantial variation among the ECa measurements over the vineyard also existed. The most elevated absolute values were acquired during the campaign of July 8th when the EM38 was held in the vertical dipole orientation and the lowest readings were obtained on the campaign of September 19th when soils were drier.

Table 3 Volumetric soil moisture content θv (%) measured on July 7–8th 2005
Table 4 ECa (mS m−1) data set collected during three field campaigns in 2005: (July 8th, July 29th and September 19th, 2005) for horizontal (ECa1h, ECa2h and ECa3h) and vertical (ECa1v, ECa2v and ECa3v) dipole orientations

The r values were calculated between EM38 measurements in both dipole orientations and the soil volumetric water content (θv) as determined for each soil depth interval using the TDR soil profiling system. The correlation coefficients for each soil depth interval are shown in Table 5. The correlation coefficients for θv were better when the EM38 was in the horizontal dipole and they greatly improved with increasing depth. In the deeper part of the soils in this vineyard, the correlation achieved r values of 0.670 and 0.656 for the horizontal and vertical dipole respectively, but they were not as good as estimations derived for certain chemical and physical components of the soils (Na+, Mg2+, clay and sand, see Table 6). The best estimation of θv from the EM38 corresponded to moisture in soil depths measured between 0.60 and 0.90 m using the EM38 values of ECa detected in the horizontal dipole (ECa1h) mode (Table 5).

Table 5 Pearson Product Moment Correlations (r) between ECa (mS m−1) and soil volumetric water content (%) for the depths of measurements
Table 6 Pearson product moment correlations (r) between soil chemical and physical soil properties and ECa for the three field campaigns

Relationship between ECa and chemical and physical soil properties

The r values between weighted values of the soil analyses (Eq. 1) and soil electrical conductivity measurements were calculated at each field campaign (Table 6). There was a high correlation between ECa and the soil particle size distribution (sand and clay). The correlation coefficient between ECa and sand varied between −0.622 and −0.731, while the correlations with clay content, in turn, ranged from 0.652 to 0.788 (Table 6). The data overall suggested that ECa was associated to a large extent with electrolyte (cation) concentration, as opposed to particle size. This is in general agreement with the report of Shmulik (2005). Larger particle sizes were generally associated with a modest decrease in electrical conductivity of soil.

The correlations were highest when considering the relation between soil Na+ and Mg2+ and ECa, which may suggest that these are more strongly associated with electrical properties of this soil. Correlations between ECa and soil extractable calcium (Ca2+) content were nonetheless statistically significant with the exception of the measurements made on the 29th of September. Surprisingly, no relation emerged between ECa and extractable potassium contents of these soils (Table 6).

Linear regression estimates for ECa and soil chemical and physical properties

One objective of this investigation was to develop regression models for those edaphic factors associated with ECa that are important to viticulture practices. From these analyses and under the conditions of measurement, it was apparent that ECa measurements and thematic mapping were appropriate in this field for mapping predicted spatial distributions of clay, sand, Na+ and Mg2+, all of which are important in the cultivation of grape. Thus, with the exception of potassium, ECa did provide a useful proxy for such soil properties.

Linear models between Na+, Mg2+, clay and sand soil contents with ECa reports from each field campaign were computed (Table 7). Differences in linear regression fits are probably due to differences in environmental conditions between the three dates of campaign. Studies have verified that soil moisture content (Sudduth et al. 2001) and temperature of the EM38 (Robinson et al. 2004) influence measurements acquired with this instrument.

Table 7 Linear regression coefficients (r 2) between ECa and Na+, Mg2+, clay and sand soil contents for the three field campaigns (RMSE in parentheses)

Results of the fitting process for full and reduced forms of a linear model with the combined data are shown in Table 8. The p value of the F-statistic in Eq. 4 was less than 0.01 for all the soil variables. There were therefore differences among the linear models from different measurement dates or sampling positions. Differences were also obtained between vertical and horizontal sampling positions for all soil variables (Table 8).

Table 8 Comparison of the linear regression coefficient (r 2) between Na+ content and ECa for the three field campaigns (July 8th, July 29th and September 19th, 2005) for horizontal (ECa1h, ECa2h and ECa3h) and vertical (ECa1v, ECa2v and ECa3v) dipole orientations

Since the differences may be caused by as few as two or as many as all of the measurements, F-tests were also carried out for each pair of measurement dates and sampling position so that the source of the differences could be identified. Most of the nine possible paired comparisons for each soil variable produced significant F-values, suggesting that significantly different linear models are required for the three EM38 field campaigns and the two sampling orientations. A total of 44 model comparisons were carried out, eleven for each of the four soil quantities. Because of the large number, the full set of comparisons is shown only for Na+. Only the comparisons between the full sets of measurements in the horizontal and vertical positions are shown for Mg2+, clay and sand. Table 7 contains the information for the best model for each soil component on each data.The p values shown in Table 8 represent the comparisonwise error rate, but they provide an indication of the differences in ECa values among most position and date combinations.

The predictive value of the regression model for Na+ was significantly better when the measurements were made with the instrument in the vertical position (Table 8). The best estimates for Na+, with the EM38 in the vertical and horizontal orientation respectively, were obtained with data of ECa from the 29th of July (ECa2v) and the 19th of September (ECa3h) (Table 7).

All differences between the full and reduced models for Mg2+ were statistically significant with the exception of ECa1v versus ECa2v and ECa2h versus ECa3h (data not shown). For soil clay content, statistically significant differences were also apparent between the reduced and full models with the exception of ECa1v versus ECa2v and ECa2h versus ECa3h (data not shown). The best linear relationships obtained for explaining clay content with ECa, were obtained with data taken on the 29th of July (Table 7).

The comparative statistical analysis of sand content showed that the predictions with relation to ECa were better than results obtained in the vertical dipole orientation (Table 8) and the r 2 values better than were obtained with the measurements conducted on the 29th of July; values of r 2 = 0.517 and 0.534, for the vertical and horizontal orientation respectively (Table 7).

Figure 2 shows the best linear models between ECa (both vertical and horizontal dipole orientation) and Na+, Mg2+, clay and sand soil contents, based on the results of the general linear test (Table 6). It is fairly clear from the coefficients of determination obtained in this investigation that the results obtained with the EM38 in the vertical dipole position (ECav) were better overall than those obtained with the horizontal orientation (ECah) (Table 8; Fig. 2). The sole exception concerned estimates for sand content. This result can be explained in part by the observation that higher clay content soil horizons were often at depths of greater than 0.60 m and the EM38 electromagnetic field penetrates to a greater depth (1.5 m versus 0.75 m) using the vertical dipole mode.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Linear relationships between ECa (mS m−1) in vertical dipole orientation (on July 29th, ECa2v) and horizontal dipole orientation (on July 29th, ECa2h and September 19th ECa3h) and Na+ (meq 100 g−1) (a, b), Mg2+ (meq 100 g−1) (c, d), clay (%) (e, f) and sand (%) (g, h) soil contents

On the other hand, the estimates derived from data gathered on the 29th of July (Fig. 2) were significantly better than those from the other dates (Table 8). It is believed this is due to the fact that the vineyard had been irrigated immediately prior to the measurement campaign, although since water was applied through drip irrigation, the majority of that water was constrained away from the point of measurement with the EM38. In addition, correlations between apparent electrical conductivity and soil moisture were not as good (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Linear relationships between soil moisture content (%, 0.60–0.90 m) and ECa (mS m−1) in the vertical (a) and horizontal (b) dipole orientations

Spatial distribution of soil variables

Interpolated maps were obtained from the best ECa linear equations represented in Fig. 2. For maps describing soil variables, all 150 ECa site locations were employed; unlike the statistical analyses of relational data, in which only the 44 locations coinciding with the soil samples taken to specific depths were used.

The ECa data gathered from the vertical and horizontal dipole measurements yielded maps that permitted the direct observation of patterns of spatial variability (Fig. 4). Maps of ECa indicated the distribution of differences in dielectric constant over the vineyard and reveal that the measurements were similar during each of the field campaigns (Fig. 4). Nonetheless, best results were obtained using EM38 data measured on July 29th for soil Na+ and Mg2+ concentration in the vertical positioning (Table 7) while, for sand and clay content, best results were achieved on July 29th for the horizontal and vertical dipoles, respectively. Thus, for the following mapping exercises, data is presented for these four parameters (Na+, Mg2+, sand and clay) with September 19th (horizontal, Na+ and Mg2+) and July 29th (vertical, sand and horizontal, clay) EM38 measurements for comparison.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Spatial variation of ECa for the three field campaigns (July 8th, July 29th and September 19th, 2005). ECa interpolations (mS m−1) were obtained by kriging using field samples of EM38 horizontal dipole orientation on July 8th (a), July 29th (c), September 19th (e); and EM38 vertical dipole orientation on July 8th (b), July 29th (d), September 19th (f)

The spatial distribution of extractable soil Na+ content from soil analytical data measured in the field is shown in Fig. 5a, and from regression models derived from ECa3h (Fig. 5b) and from ECa2v (Fig. 5c) measured on September 19th and July 29th respectively. It can be seen that the spatial distribution patterns are very similar, suggesting good estimates can be obtained for extractable Na+ using ECa with the EM38, although it must be kept in mind that ground verification and calibration will be required in all cases.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Spatial distribution of extractable soil Na+ content (meq 100 g−1). Maps obtained by kriging using soil analytical data (a), and field samples of EM38 horizontal dipole on September 19th (b) and EM38 vertical dipole on July 29th (c)

The estimation of extractable soil Mg2+ content (Fig. 6a) by regression of the ECa fit reasonably well, especially using ECa3h (Fig. 6b) and ECa2v (Fig. 6c) measured on September 19th and July 29th respectively. The variation in soil particle size distribution (texture) using the soils analyses revealed a clear spatial pattern for both clay (Fig. 7a) and sand (Fig. 8b) contents that corresponded well with those of Na+ (Fig. 5a) and Mg2+ (Fig. 6a).

Fig. 6
figure 6

Spatial distribution of extractable soil Mg2+ content (meq 100 g−1). Maps obtained by kriging using soil analytical data (a), and field samples of EM38 horizontal dipole on September 19th (b) and EM38 vertical dipole on July 29th (c)

Fig. 7
figure 7

Spatial distribution of soil clay content (%). Maps obtained by kriging using soil analytical data (a) and field samples of EM38 horizontal dipole on July 29th (b) and EM38 vertical dipole on July 29th (c)

Fig. 8
figure 8

Spatial distribution of soil sand content (%). Maps obtained by kriging using soil analytical data (a) and field samples of EM38 horizontal dipole on July 29th (b) and EM38 vertical dipole on July 29th (c)

Soil moisture content changes were very abrupt in the shallower soil horizons, whereas more gradual changes were noted as deeper soil profiles were encountered by the TDR wave guides (Table 2). For this reason, the thematic maps for soil moisture content were visually different (Fig. 9). In absolute terms, the θv values differ markedly by dipole position (Figs. 9a–c), but in relative terms they are similar. This statement can apply to just about all the well-estimated soil parameters that were modeled (Na+, Mg2+, sand and clay), since the relative distribution patterns were similar regardless of dipole orientation (Figs. 5, 6, 7, 8). This indicated that electrical conductivity may be better suited to mapping relative values of soil properties than absolute values.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Spatial distribution of volumetric soil moisture content (θv, 0.60–0.90 m depth). Maps of θv obtained by kriging using field samples of TDR (a), EM38 horizontal dipole on July 8th (b) and EM38 vertical dipole on July 8th (c)

The findings were similar to those of Johnson et al. (2001), Carroll and Oliver (2005) and Jung et al. (2005) who focused on Midwest soils and factors of nitrogen fertility. They were similar in as much as particle size distribution (sand and clay), which is extremely important in viticulture for estimates of total available water, were highly correlated with ECa. For other chemical and physical properties (such as extractable K+ content), the accuracy and precision of the estimates were lower. The above information would be valuable to precision viticulture as it relates to vineyard establishment. As pointed out by Smart et al. (2008), fruit loads are most often managed in viticulture. But vineyard establishment can require decisions such as dividing larger parcels into smaller irrigation blocks, or into blocks where rootstocks that differ in ‘vigor’ (Bauerle et al. 2008) or drought tolerance are required. The cartographic exercises presented in this report indicated that ECa can be a useful proxy in this respect.


Results showed that ECa data may be used within a GIS framework to obtain a cartographic representation of spatially complex soils. The highest correlation values were obtained with the EM38 in the vertical dipole and no spatial patterns in differences were detected between measurements made in the vertical or horizontal orientation. This investigation indicated that preliminary mapping exercises using ECa could save time and resources in the evaluation of soil resources that are important with respect to vineyard development and establishment, with the exception of soil depth. The soil components that were most effectively mapped using ECa were the chemical properties of extractable Na+ and Mg2+, while the best estimated physical properties were clay and sand content. These are of considerable importance for grape performance and nutrition.