Cambridge University Press continues its impressive program of books in evolutionary biology with a number of recent titles of interest.

Singularities: Landmarks on the Pathways of Life, by Christian de Duve

This new book by the Nobel Prize winner and author of several books – some devoting major attention to the origin of life (such as Blueprint for a cell and Vital Dust) – includes all of evolution in its scope. The singularities discussed by de Duve represent key breakthrough events in evolution. As all books by de Duve, it is elegantly written, informative and a worthy addition to any lineup of books on evolutionary biology. 0-521-84195-X, 2005, hardback, 258 pages, $48.00.

The First Americans, Race, Evolution, and the Origin of Native Americans, by Joseph E. Powell

This up-to-date review of a fascinating topic covers the history of the field, questions of race and the genetics of this population group, evolutionary approaches to human variation, the anthropologic background of the subject matter and more. Particularly interesting is a personal account of the controversy surrounding the Kennewick remains.

0-521-82350-1, 2005, hardback, $110.00; 0-521-53035-0, paperback, 268 pages, $35.00.

The Cambridge Dictionary of Human Biology and Evolution, by Larry L. Mai, Marcus Young Owl and M. Patricia Kersting

From the publisher’s description of this impressive reference work:

Special features: 13,000 descriptions of terms, specimens, sites and names; including an inventory of archaeological sites and the best-known hominid specimens evacuated from them. Reference tables including over 1,000 word roots, taxonomies and reference tables for extant primates, geological and oxygen isotope chronologies, etc.

0-521-66250-8, 2005, hardback, $120.00. 0-521-66486-1, paperback, 648 pages, $60.00.

Evolutionary Game Theory, Natural Selection, and Darwinian Dynamics, by Thomas L. Vincent and Joel S. Brown

A text and summary of the authors’ work on the mathematics of evolution.

0-521-84170-4, 2005, hardback, 382 pages, $100.00.

Evolutionary Pathways in Nature – A Pylogenetic Approach, by John C. Avise

A textbook on the derivation and interpretation of phylogenetic trees.

0-521-67417-4, 2006, hardback, $120.00. 0-521-67417-4, 2006, paperback, $65.00.

Primate and Human Evolution, by Susan Cachel

An advanced text developed from the author’s lectures and colloquia at Rutgers University.

0-521-53636-7, 2006, hardback, 469 pages, $120.00