1 Erratum to: Nat Hazards DOI 10.1007/s11069-017-2844-0

Several mistakes need to be corrected:

  1. 1.

    In the fifth column and at the last nine rows of Table 2, the Division standard attributes have been interchanged and reorganized under three sequential rating classes according to the functionality of each of those aspects in this section (marked in italics). The attributes have been written in 3, 2, 1 order in the place of 1, 2, 3 order. Corrected Table 2 showing Vulnerability criterion. At the same time formula of Exposure index has been replaced as “Exposure index = function of (Geology + Morphology + Relief + Slope + Bank angle + Near bank depth of water + Tidal range + Surge height + Proportion of exposed shoreline/9)” (3) instead of “Exposure index = function of (Geology + Morphology + Relief + Slope + Bank angle + Near bank depth of water + Tidal range + Surge height/8)” (3)

    Table 2 Vulnerability criterion
  2. 2.

    In the third column of Table 4, “extent of risk” has been replaced as “extent of erosion hazard”. The corrected portion of Table 4 has been highlighted in italics.

    Table 4 Spatial distribution of risk classes in connection with vulnerability and hazard factors
  3. 3.

    In the caption of Fig. 7, the meanings of af were not written in detail which has been described in this section. The caption of Fig. 7 has been replaced here. “Fig. 7 Different extent of exposure, susceptibility, resilience and erosion hazard risk in different parts of the study area: a extensive bank dwelling, b vertical exposed embankment, c exposed coastal embankments affected by tidal rushes, d commercial fishing just behind the embankment, e slumping of earthen bank materials and f exposed beach” instead of “Fig. 7 Condition of coastline and river banks”.