Correction to: Inflammation (2018)

The original version of this article contained mistakes, and the authors would like to correct them. The correct details are given below:

  • In Results section under “CP-25 Downregulated GRK2 and EP4 Co-expression of Spleen Tissue in AA Rats” section, the citation “(Fig. 3c, d)” should be “(Fig. 3a, b)”.

  • In Results section, the heading "CP-25 Downregulated the Level of cAMP in T Cell of AA Rats" should be "CP-25 Upregulated the Level of cAMP in T Cell of AA Rats", thus, the sentence “whereas CP-25 significantly reduced cAMP levels in T cells to normal levels (Fig. 7).” should read as "whereas CP-25 significantly upregulated cAMP levels in T cells to normal levels (Fig. 7).".

  • In Figure 7 caption, “Fig. 7. CP-25 downregulated T cell cAMP level in AA rats." should read as “Fig. 7. CP-25 upregulated T cell cAMP level in AA rats.”

  • In Conclusion section, the sentence "but also downregulated moderately inflammatory cytokines secreted by T cells during inflammation and cAMP levels in T cells." should read as "but also downregulated moderately inflammatory cytokines secreted by T cells during inflammation and upregulated cAMP levels in T cells.".

The authors apologize for potential issues raised by these mistakes.