Erratum to: Invest New Drugs 2017

DOI 10.1007/s10637-016-0423-y

The authors would like to note that in the original online first version of this article, the symbol ɣ is missing from the text where ɣ-secretase is stated. Also, labels to figures in the Results section should be “CYCLIN D1 levels were also reduced in a similar dose dependent manner while those of HES1 and NOTCH1 (shown by densitometry in Figure S6c) were marginally reduced and remained unaffected, respectively (Fig. 5d)” and “Also, we were able to show as mentioned earlier, that EDD3 treatment resulted in decreased CYCLIND1 levels and induction of p27KIP1 (Figure S8g)”. Subtitle in the Result section should be “Identification of 3 novel compounds with potential anti-Notch activity in zebrafish embryos” and ‘EDD3 inhibits proliferation and cell cycle progression of ORL-150 cells’. The original article was corrected.