It has been brought to our attention that some readers may interpret the publication of maps referenced by Liang et al., Climatic Change (2006) 79: 403–432 and Fan, et al., Climatic Change (2008) 86: 375–396 as a political statement by Climatic Change. This is not the case. Climatic Change’s submission policy is clearly expressed in the authors’ copyright transfer statements where they warrant sole ownership of their paper, confirm that they have been authorized by any additional copyright owner to assign the right to publish the work, and assert that the article does not infringe any third party rights. Works published therefore reflect the individual views of the authors and are not the official point of view of Climatic Change, its Board or its Publisher. Climatic Change does not have a position with regard to any jurisdictional claims in the area of water that might be inferred from the maps. Nor does Climatic Change have any interest in the details of the jurisdictional boundaries depicted, since they have no bearing on the scientific results reported.

Michael Oppenheimer & Gary Yohe
