George Treviño, a frequent contributor to Boundary-Layer Meteorology, died on 16 March 2013. He was 70 years old. Although George was raised in the barrio of San Antonio, Texas, through hard work and a fine mathematical mind, he graduated with a B.A. in mathematics from Texas A&I University in 1965 and completed his Ph.D. in applied mechanics at Lehigh University in 1969. He then taught physics at Del Mar Junior College in Corpus Christi, Texas, for ten years, was a senior postdoctoral fellow at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in 1975 and 1976, and held a U.S. National Research Council associateship at White Sands Missile Range in 1980–1982. During this time, he also founded his own small research company, CHIRES, Inc. (for Chi Research). In 1983, he moved to Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan, where he taught engineering for 15 years. He returned to San Antonio in 1998 to work exclusively through CHIRES.

George’s passion was to understand non-stationary turbulence. He was a leading authority on this topic and, in 1995, organized the Second Workshop on Non-stationary Random Processes and Their Application. George was also the lead editor of the book that comprised the proceedings of this workshop (Treviño, Hardin, Douglas, and Andreas, Eds., Current Topics in Nonstationary Analysis, World Scientific, 1996). In 1996, he completed his unpublished monograph on Nonstationary Random Processes. For the last 20 years of his career, George considered Boundary-Layer Meteorology his scientific home. During this time, he published seven papers in the journal, mostly on non-stationary turbulence.

George was a big, hearty man with impressive black hair, a quick laugh, and a constant upbeat and optimistic outlook on life. His family and colleagues will miss him; atmospheric turbulence is a richer field from his contributions.

—Edgar L Andreas, April 22, 2013