Correction to: Ocean Dynamics

After publication of this paper, it was found out the following typos:

  1. 1

    Eq. (16) tan(ωΔt)\(\frac{Im(\lambda )}{Re(\lambda )}\) should be tan(ωΔt) = \(\frac{Im(\lambda )}{Re(\lambda )}\)

  2. 2

    This is GLERL Contribution No. xxxx and CIGLR Contribution No. xxxx were changed to “This is GLERL Contribution No. 2024 and CIGLR Contribution No. 1217” in the Acknowledgements.

  3. 3

    In Eq. (14), u n+1(1 − β F2)un – F(1 − β2F2) vn = 0, should be “u n+1 – (1 − β F2)un – F(1 − β2F2) vn = 0”

  4. 4

    In Eq. (23), √ = (1 + (1 − 2β) F2 − β2F4 + β4F6) should be “ = √ (1 + (1 − 2β) F2 − β2F4 + β4F6)

  5. 5

    In 3.1, 2nd line: 4th-order Runge-Kutta scheme should be “4th-stage Runge-Kutta scheme”

The original article has been corrected.