Correction to: Archives of Virology

We would like to correct the information on the antibody used in this study. In Fig. 5 of the article, cellular β-actin was detected as an internal control using anti-β-actin antibody (Fujifilm Wako Pure Chemicals, #017-24573). Recently, however, the manufacturer/provider informed us that the antibody reacts with cellular γ1-actin, but do not react with cellular β-actin. Consequently, we detected cellular γ1-actin molecules in the experiment. Fortunately, expression pattern of γ1-actin is similar to that of β-actin in most of cultured cells and, therefore, the alteration of the target molecules does not affect our interpretations and conclusions. The name of the antibody has been corrected in the paper. We apologize for any inconvenience and confusion caused by this error.

Sites should be corrected:

  1. (1)

    Materials and methods section

    Western blotting

    Vero cells were infected with …… The membranes were reacted with peroxidase-conjugated anti-γ1-actin monoclonal antibody (FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemicals) for detection of γ1-actin, an internal control. Protein bands were detected using LAS-3000 (FUJIFILM, Tokyo, Japan), and ………

  2. (2)

    Figure legend

    Fig. 5. Effect of cyclofenil on the expression level of viral proteins in Vero cells infected with DENV-2. Vero cells were infected with …….. anti-NS3 rabbit Ab. Cellular γ1-actin was also detected as an internal control.

  3. (3)

    Fig. 5


figure 5