Correction to: Archives of Dermatological Research (2019) 311:141–162

Two of the references included in this review concern antigens derived from the fungus Malassezia globosa that have also been found in human sweat. Therefore, these publications are not strictly concerned with autoimmunity and autoantibodies in atopic dermatitis, and should therefore not be considered in this context. The two references are:

20. Hiragun M, Hiragun T, Ishii K, Suzuki H, Tanaka A, Yanase Y, Mihara S, Haruta Y, Kohno N, Hide M (2014) Elevated serum IgE against MGL_1304 in patients with atopic dermatitis and cholinergic urticaria. Allergol Int 63:83–93

49. Kohsaka T, Hiragun T, Ishii K, Hiragun M, Kamegashira A, Hide M (2018) Different hypersensitivities against homologous proteins of MGL_1304 in patients with atopic dermatitis. Allergol Int 67:103–108