Correction to: Biology and Fertility of Soils

Table 2 of the original version of this article unfortunately contains the superscript letters “#” and “$” within columns instead of the stastistical letters “a” and “b”. Superscript letters “#” and “$” within columns were changed to “a” and “b”, respectively. The correct Table 2 is as follows:

Table 2 Mean values of soil organic C (SOC), soil microbial biomass C (MBC) and N (MBN), ergosterol and the ratios SOC to total N (TN), ergosterol to fungal glucosamine (GlcN) and fungal C to bacterial C at different distances from the tree rows at two soil depths combined for three alley cropping systems. Clay content and pH were used as covariates. Mean values and probability values based on the GLIMMIX procedure