Erratum to: J Evol Econ

                    DOI 10.1007/s00191-009-0136-x

As stated in the article, Theorems 2 and 4 are incorrect. They refer to strict equilibrium actions in the limit \(\vec{P} \to \vec{\hat{P}}\) when in fact the results only hold for pure, evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS) that are uniform in this limit. The corrected versions along with the definition of a uniformly ESS are included below.

FormalPara Definition

An equilibrium s is a uniformly ESS in the limit as \(\vec{P} \to \vec{\hat{P}}\) if there is a punctured neighborhood \(\dot{U}(\mathbf{s})\) of s such that for all \(\mathbf{s'} \in \dot{U}(\mathbf{s})\) and all \(\vec{P} \neq \vec{\hat{P}} \) in some neighborhood of \(\vec{\hat{P}}\),

$$ \mathbf{s} \cdot \vec{\pi}(\mathbf{s'}) > \mathbf{s'} \cdot \vec{\pi}(\mathbf{s'}), $$

where the payoff vector \(\vec{\pi} = (\pi_1, \ldots, \pi_n)\).

FormalPara Theorem 2


$$\lim\limits_{\vec{P} \to \vec{\hat{P}}} \sum\limits_{a} m\left( B(\mathbf{R}, a, \vec{P}) \cap B(\mathbf{B}, a, \vec{P}) \right) = 0.$$

Then every pure, uniformly ESS satisfies the Never an Initial Best Response Property at \(\vec{\hat{P}}\) . Footnote 1

FormalPara Proof

Suppose that s is a pure, uniformly ESS such that \(m\left(\mathrm{BR}^{-1}(s)\right)\) remains strictly positive in the limit \(\vec{P} \to \vec{\hat{P}}\). We will identify a nonvanishing region inside the basins of attraction of s for both replicator dynamics and best response dynamics.

As a pure strategy equilibrium, s can be written as (x s  = 1, x  − s  = 0) where s is the action always taken in this equilibrium. Let U(s) be a neighborhood of s such that \(\dot{U}(\mathbf{s}) = U(\mathbf{s}) \backslash \{\mathbf{s}\}\) satisfies the condition for s to be a uniformly ESS. Let ν = sup x ∉ U(s) x s . Define the neighborhood \(W(\mathbf{s}) \subseteq U(\mathbf{s})\) of all points satisfying x s  > ν. We have constructed W(s) such that \(\mathbf{x} \in \dot{W}(\mathbf{s})\) implies that \(\dot{x}_s > 0\) under the replicator dynamics (because by the ESS condition, action s has better than average payoff here) and in turn, \(\dot{x}_s > 0\) implies that x remains in W(s).

We now observe that BR − 1(s) is a convex set because of the linearity of payoffs. Additionally, since s is a pure Nash Equilibrium, s ∈ BR − 1(s). Thus, BR − 1(s) and W(s) have positive intersection. By the fact that W(s) is independent of \(\vec{P}\) and our hypothesis that BR − 1(s) is nonvanishing, we conclude that \(m\left(W(\mathbf{s}) \cap \mathrm{BR}^{-1}(s)\right)\) remains strictly positive in the limit \(\vec{P} \to \vec{\hat{P}}\). Note that by the ESS condition and the linearity of payoffs, we can rule out the possibility that there are multiple best responses anywhere in the interior of BR − 1(s). For points x in the interior of W(s) ∩ BR − 1(s), best response dynamics flows to s because BR(x) = {s} and replicator dynamics flows to s because x ∈ W(s).□

FormalPara Theorem 4


$$\lim\limits_{\vec{P} \to \vec{\hat{P}}} \sum\limits_{a} m\left( B(\mathbf{OSPP}, a, \vec{P}) \cap B(\mathbf{TD}, a, \vec{P}) \right) = 0.$$

Then every pure, uniformly ESS satisfies the Never an Initial Best Response Property at \(\vec{\hat{P}}\).

FormalPara Proof

The proof here mirrors the one for Theorem 2. We construct the neighborhood W(s) in the same way, but with the additional condition that \(x_s > 1 - \hat{K}\). We need only show that for \(\mathbf{x} \in \mathrm{int}\!\left(W(\mathbf{s}) \cap \mathrm{BR}^{-1}(s)\right)\), both classes of dynamics flow to s. Under one-sided payoff positive dynamics, \(\dot{x}_s > 0\) for x ∈ W(s) because action s has an above average payoff, and such a flow cannot leave W(s). Under threshold dynamics, when \(\mathbf{x} \in \mathrm{int}\!\left(W(\mathbf{s}) \cap \mathrm{BR}^{-1}(s)\right)\), Eq. 5 applies to all actions other than s because they have payoffs below the \(\hat{K}^{{\rm th}}\) percentile. All other actions must have the same negative growth rate, so \(\dot{\mathbf{x}} = \alpha (\mathbf{s} - \mathbf{x})\) for some positive constant α.□