Editorial Expression of Concern: Intensive Care Med (2011) 37:1110–1119 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00134-011-2241-1

The Editor-in-Chief would like to alert the readers that concerns have been raised regarding the PCR gel images presented in Fig. 2. Specifically:

  • Fig. 2a and e Liver PCR gels appear highly similar.

  • Fig. 2e Intestine gel appears to have a splice mark between lanes 1 and 2.

Readers are therefore alerted to interpret these results with caution.

Barbara Rinaldi, Maria Donniacuo, Annalisa Capuano, Francesco Imperatore, Francesco Rossi, Salvatore Cuzzocrea, Emanuela Mazzon and Rosanna Di Paola agree to this Editorial Expression of Concern. The publisher has not been able to obtain current email addresses for Donatella Di Palma and Loredana Sodano.