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Net-zooplankton biomass of the Adriatic Sea

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Marine Biology Aims and scope Submit manuscript


On the basis of 1 107 plankton samples collected during 1971–1981 in the different parts of the Adriatic Sea, the horizontal distribution of net zooplankton biomass, expressed as dry weight and ash-free dry weight, is discussed. The northern Adriatic combined with the Gulf of Trieste usually had the highest standing crop of zooplankton. Biomass in other regions was lower and more uniform. In general, the highest zooplankton stocks came from the shallow regions close to the coast where the sources of enrichment from the land (fresh water inflow, land drainage. “pollution” where it exists) and the shallow sediments are the highest. We believe the elevated zooplankton biomass encountered in the north Adriatic to be due to proliferation of tolerant non-selective feeding zooplankton species, such as copepods, which can use detritus as a major fraction of their diet. The northern Adriatic is rich in living and non-living suspended particles throughout the year and can thus maintain high zooplankton biomass. This conclusion is probably valid for similar regions of the Mediterranean Sea.

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Benović, A., Fonda-Umani, S., Malej, A. et al. Net-zooplankton biomass of the Adriatic Sea. Mar. Biol. 79, 209–218 (1984).

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