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Maturation, epitoky and regeneration in the polychaete Eunice siciliensis under field and laboratory conditions

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Marine Biology Aims and scope Submit manuscript


In the gonochoric polychaetous annelid Eunice siciliensis Grube, germ cells only develop in the posterior segments of the worm; these segments subsequently differentiate into an epitokous portion separating at maturity from the infertile body part. As in the Pacific and Atlantic palolo worms, the epitokous portions die some hours after spawning. Laboratory investigations revealed that the anterior parts of spawned worms survive and regenerate genital segments. After a period of at least 8 months, paired gonads are developed in these segments. Gonia proliferating later from the germinal tissue are released from gonadal sacs into the coelomal cavities, where gamete development occurs. A reproductive epitokous portion does not mature and separate until the second year of cultivation; it is followed by caudal regeneration. These facts and the observation that only about 50% of the individuals obtained from samples of coralligène were sexually differentiated, led to the conclusion that E. siciliensis probably has a bi-annual reproductive cycle. Caudal regeneration does not depend on the presence of a prostomia hormone. The ability to form posterior regenerates is inherent to the parapodial segments of all body regions, except for mature genital segments. This is also valid for the formation of morphologically different secondary prostomia. However, for initiation and further promotion of gametogenesis and epitokous development, at least one gonadotropic factor originating from the prostomium is required. Neurosecretory cells within the brain suggest this factor(s) to be of neuro-endocrine nature. Specimens developing secondary prostomia were found both under field and laboratory conditions. In several cases, sexual development took place, and even epitokous portions were separated from such individuals. From this it appears that the gonadotropic functions are re-established by the regenerated prostomia in order to ensure reproduction in individuals accidentally deprived of the anterior end. The possible rôle of temperature and light as environmental factors involved in the control of normal and regenerative growth, of sexual development and reproduction is discussed.

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Hofmann, D.K. Maturation, epitoky and regeneration in the polychaete Eunice siciliensis under field and laboratory conditions. Mar. Biol. 25, 149–161 (1974).

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