1 Introduction

IDEA (which is an acronym for International Data Encryption Algorithm) was introduced by Lai and Massey in 1991, and quickly became one of the best known and most well studied block ciphers. Even though it has only 8.5 relatively simple rounds which consist of just XOR’s, additions, and multiplications of 16-bit values, it withstood more than 20 years of cryptanalysis surprisingly well (e.g., [26, 8, 9, 1114, 1721, 23, 2528]).

The best attack on IDEA published until 2006 was the improved Demirci–Selçuk–Türe [2] attack on 5 rounds, whose 2124 time complexity is only slightly better than exhaustive search. At ASIACRYPT 2006 [4], we introduced the keyless Biryukov–Demirci relation and used it to reduce the time complexity of the attack on 5-round IDEA to 2103. At FSE 2007 [5], we used an improved version of the same technique to devise the first attack on a 6-round variant of IDEA, but its complexity was extremely high: it was only twice as fast as exhaustive search, and required essentially the whole codebook of 264 plaintext/ciphertext pairs. This 6-round attack was considerably improved by Sun and Lai at ASIACRYPT 2009 [28], who showed at how to reduce the data complexity from 264 to 249 chosen plaintexts, while at the same time reducing the time complexity from 2126.8 to 2112.1.

In this paper we combine the keyless Biryukov–Demirci relation with a highly optimized meet-in-the-middle attack and obtain a new attack on 6-round IDEA which reduces the data complexity from 249 chosen plaintexts to 16 known plaintexts while remaining faster than the Sun and Lai attack (alternatively, we can reduce the data complexity all the way to its information-theoretic lower bound of 2 known plaintexts, but then its time complexity increases to 2123.4).

By using higher data complexities, we can attack larger variants of IDEA, which could not be successfully attacked by any previously published technique. By combining the keyless Biryukov–Demirci relation with the splice-and-cut variant of the meet-in-the-middle attack [1, 24, 29], we can break 6.5 rounds using about one thousand plaintexts in 2122 time. With further optimizations, we can attack 7 rounds in 2112 time using 248 data, 7.5 rounds in 2114 time using 263 data, and the full 8.5-round IDEA in 2126.8 time using only 16 plaintexts.

After the submission of our paper, Khovratovich, Leurent, and Rechberger [21] independently developed a different type of attacks on 5, 6, 7.5 and 8.5 round IDEA, using their new biclique approach in order to slightly optimize the complexity of exhaustive search. Compared to our techniques, their approach requires much larger data complexities to achieve tiny time savings. For example, their attack on full IDEA requires 252 chosen plaintexts in order to reduce the time complexity to 2126 time, whereas our attack needs only 16 chosen plaintexts to reduce the time complexity to 2126.8.

Table 1 summarizes the major previously published attacks on reduced-round IDEA variants, and compares them to the new attacks presented in this paper.

Table 1. Comparing other attacks on IDEA with our new results.

The paper is organized as follows: In Sect. 2 we describe the structure of IDEA and introduce our notations. In Sect. 3 we overview the techniques used in this paper, including a keyless version of the Biryukov–Demirci relation (which gets rid of all the subkeys in the equation). In Sect. 4 we present our attacks on 6-round IDEA. The attacks on up to 7.5 rounds, which incorporate the splice-and-cut technique, are presented in Sect. 5. In Sect. 6 we show how to use our techniques to speed up exhaustive search on the full IDEA. In Sect. 7 we introduce a different technique called Zero-in-the-Middle, and show how to use it to devise a related-key attack on 7.5 rounds of IDEA with a practical data complexity. In Appendix A, we present a surprising attack on 4.5-round IDEA which uses merely the meet-in-the-middle technique. We conclude with a short summary and discussion in Sect. 8.

2 Description of IDEA and Notations

IDEA [22] is a 64-bit, 8.5-round block cipher with 128-bit keys. It uses a composition of XOR operations, additions modulo 216, and multiplications over GF(216+1).

The structure of a single round of IDEA is shown in Fig. 1. As can be seen in the figure, every round of IDEA is the concatenation of two layers. The input of round i, denoted by X i, consists of four 16-bit words, denoted by \((X_{1}^{i},X_{2}^{i},X_{3}^{i},X_{4}^{i})\). In the first layer (denoted by KA for Key Addition), the first and the fourth words are multiplied by subkey words (mod 216+1) where a 0 operand is replaced by 216, and an outcome of 216 is replaced by 0, and the second and the third words are added to subkey words (mod 216). The intermediate value after this half-round is denoted by \(Y^{i} = (Y_{1}^{i},Y_{2}^{i},Y_{3}^{i},Y_{4}^{i})\). Formally, let \(Z_{1}^{i},Z_{2}^{i},Z_{3}^{i}\), and \(Z_{4}^{i}\) be the four subkey words, let ⊞ denote addition modulo 216 and let ⊙ be IDEA’s special multiplication, then

$$Y_1^i = Z_1^i \odot X_1^i; \quad\quad Y_2^i = Z_2^i \boxplus X_2^i; \quad\quad Y_3^i = Z_3^i \boxplus X_3^i; \quad\quad Y_4^i = Z_4^i \odot X_4^i. $$

The pair \((p^{i},q^{i}) = (Y_{1}^{i} \oplus Y_{3}^{i} , Y_{2}^{i} \oplus Y_{4}^{i})\) enters the second layer, a structure composed of multiplications and additions denoted by MA. Denoting the subkey words that enter the MA function by \(Z_{5}^{i}\) and \(Z_{6}^{i}\), the computation is performed as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} s^i =& p^i \odot Z_5^i; \\ t^i =& \bigl(q^i \boxplus s^i\bigr) \odot Z_6^i; \\ u^i =& t^i \boxplus s^i. \end{aligned}$$

The output of the MA function is (u i,t i), where u i and t i are related through u i=t is i, a fact which is later used.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

One round of IDEA.

The output of the ith round is \(X^{i+1} = (Y_{1}^{i} \oplus t^{i} , Y_{3}^{i} \oplus t^{i} , Y_{2}^{i} \oplus u^{i} , Y_{4}^{i} \oplus u^{i})\). In the last round the MA layer is removed (i.e., the ciphertext is \(Y^{9}=(Y_{1}^{9}||Y_{2}^{9}||Y_{3}^{9}||Y_{4}^{9})\)), and thus we refer to the full IDEA as an 8.5-round rather than as a 9-round scheme.

IDEA’s key schedule is extremely simple, and turns out to be the source of many attacks. It is completely linear, and each subkey is a subset of 16 consecutive bits selected from the key. Since the exact structure of the key schedule is crucial for our attacks, the entire key schedule is described in Table 2. In this table and the remainder of this paper, we denote the first bit of the key by 0 and the last bit of the key by 127, and use a cyclic interval notation such as 121–8 to denote the 16 bits 121,122,…,127,0,1,…,7,8.

Table 2. The key schedule algorithm of IDEA. Each cell describes the bits of the secret key used in the corresponding subkey.

3 Overview of the Used Techniques

In this section we present the techniques we use in this paper. First we present the generic techniques—the standard Meet-in-the-Middle attack [15], along with its variant called the Splice-and-Cut attack [1, 24]. Then we present the keyless Biryukov–Demirci relation, which is specific to IDEA and allows to exploit the simplicity of IDEA’s operations and key schedule in an efficient way.

3.1 The Meet-in-the-Middle Attack

The Meet-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack, introduced by Diffie and Hellman [15] in 1977, is one of the most classic cryptanalytic techniques. The MitM attack on a block cipher uses the observation that given a (plaintext, ciphertext) pair, some (possibly partial) intermediate value V during the encryption process can be computed in two different ways:

  • Using only the plaintext and part of the secret key material, denoted by K t (where t stands for “top”), and

  • Using only the ciphertext and a (possibly different) part of the key material, denoted by K b (where b stands for “bottom”).

In the attack, the adversary considers several known (plaintext, ciphertext) pairs, and for each guess of K t , she computes from the plaintexts the corresponding V values and stores them in a hash table. Then, for each guess of K b , she computes the V values from the ciphertexts, and searches for a match in the hash table. (If |K t |>|K b |, it is more efficient to swap the roles of K t and K b .)

Since the right value of the key material in K t and K b must lead to the same value of V in the two different computations (for each of the (plaintext, ciphertext) pairs), this right value can be found by checking all the (K t ,K b ) values which lead to a match in the hash table. If d (plaintext, ciphertext) pairs are examined, the expected number of such suggestions is \(2^{|K_{t}|+|K_{b}|-d \cdot |V|}\), where |X| denotes the length of X in bits. If more than one suggestion passes the filtering, the remaining suggestions are checked by exhaustive search over the remaining bits of the secret key.

The time complexity of the attack is \(2^{\max(|K_{t}|,|K_{b}|)}\) encryptions.

The memory complexity of the attack is \(2^{\min(|K_{t}|,|K_{b}|)}\) blocks of size d|V|+min(|K t |,|K b |) bits. If the key materials guessed in the top and the bottom parts (i.e., K t and K b ) share a common part K c , the memory complexity can be reduced without affecting the time complexity by guessing K c in advance, and repeating the attack for each value of K c . The resulting memory complexity is \(2^{\min(|K_{t}|,|K_{b}|) - |K_{c}|}\) blocks of size d|V|+min(|K t |,|K b |)−|K c | bits.

The data complexity in a naive application of the attack is (|K t |+|K b |)/|V| (plaintext, ciphertext) pairs, required for discarding all wrong values of (K t ,K b ) in the first filtering step. This complexity can be reduced with only a small effect on the time complexity by letting \(2^{\max(|K_{t}|,|K_{b}|)}\) key candidates remain after the first filtering step, and then checking them exhaustively. (Note that this makes the time complexity of the second filtering step roughly equal to that of the first step, and hence is optimal.) The resulting data complexity is

$$\frac{|K_t|+|K_b|-|K_c|-\max(|K_t|,|K_b|)}{|V|} = \frac{\min(|K_t|,|K_b|) - |K_c|}{|V|} $$

(plaintext, ciphertext) pairs.

3.2 The Splice-and-Cut Technique

A promising enhancement of the meet-in-the-middle attack is the recently rediscovered (and renamed) method of Splice-and-cut. Originally presented in the attack on double-key triple-DES in [24], the attack was reintroduced in 2009 by Aoki and Sasaki [1] for cryptanalysis of hash functions, and was recently adapted to block ciphers by Wei et al. [29].

The idea behind the technique is rather simple. Instead of treating the encryption process as directed from the plaintext to the ciphertext, we consider it as a cyclic process, where the plaintext is connected to its corresponding ciphertext by an encryption oracle. In this treatment, the last rounds of encryption and the first ones are considered consecutive (with the oracle in between), and the plaintext and ciphertext are no longer treated as “special” points of the process. This treatment allows to apply a “cyclic” variant of the MitM attack. We fix an intermediate value I of the encryption process, and apply the MitM attack to the cyclic construction treating I as the plaintext/ciphertext point.

Specifically, like in the basic MitM attack, we compute the same intermediate value V in two ways, where in the first way we guess the key material K t used in the rounds between I and V, and in the second way we guess the key material K b used in the rounds below V and in the rounds above I. The new subdivision of the cipher is demonstrated in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The general idea of splice-and-cut.

In some cases, including the case of IDEA, the ability to choose a “good” starting point I instead of the plaintext/ciphertext allows to exploit weaknesses of the key schedule to improve the attack significantly. A drawback of the attack is the need to use many chosen plaintext or chosen ciphertext queries in order to imitate the oracle used in the attack. However, if the new starting point I is relatively close to the plaintext or to the ciphertext, one can use structures to make the data complexity reasonable.

For a full presentation of the splice-and-cut technique, we refer the reader to [1, 24, 29].

3.3 The Keyless Biryukov–Demirci Relation

In this section we present a keyless variant of the Biryukov–Demirci (BD) relation—a linear equation involving the plaintext, the ciphertext, and several intermediate values computed during the IDEA encryption process.Footnote 1

We start with the basic observation made by Biryukov. Let us examine the second and the third words in all the intermediate stages of the encryption. There is a relation between the values of these words and the outputs of the MA layers in the intermediate rounds, which uses only XOR and modular addition, but not multiplication. Let P=(P 1,P 2,P 3,P 4) be a plaintext and let C=(C 1,C 2,C 3,C 4) be its corresponding ciphertext. Then

$$\begin{aligned} &\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl( \bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(P_2 \boxplus Z_2^1 \bigr) \oplus u^1\bigr) \boxplus Z_3^2\bigr) \oplus t^2\bigr) \boxplus Z_2^3\bigr) \oplus u^3\bigr) \boxplus Z_3^4\bigr) \oplus t^4\bigr) \boxplus Z_2^5\bigr) \oplus u^5\bigr) \\ &\quad{}\boxplus Z_3^6\bigr) \oplus t^6\bigr) \boxplus Z_2^7\bigr) \oplus u^7\bigr) \boxplus Z_3^8\bigr) \oplus t^8\bigr) \boxplus Z_2^9\bigr) = C_2. \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} &\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl( \bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(\bigl(P_3 \boxplus Z_3^1 \bigr) \oplus t^1\bigr) \boxplus Z_2^2\bigr) \oplus u^2\bigr) \boxplus Z_3^3\bigr) \oplus t^3\bigr) \boxplus Z_2^4\bigr) \oplus u^4\bigr) \boxplus Z_3^5\bigr) \oplus t^5\bigr) \\ &\quad \boxplus Z_2^6\bigr) \oplus u^6\bigr) \boxplus Z_3^7\bigr) \oplus t^7\bigr) \boxplus Z_2^8\bigr) \oplus u^8\bigr) \boxplus Z_3^9\bigr) = C_3. \end{aligned}$$

If we restrict our interest to the values of the least significant bits (LSB) of the words, modular addition is equivalent to XOR and we can simplify the above equations into

$$\begin{aligned} &\mathit{LSB} \bigl(P_2 \oplus Z_2^1 \oplus u^1 \oplus Z_3^2 \oplus t^2 \oplus Z_2^3 \oplus u^3 \oplus Z_3^4 \oplus t^4 \oplus Z_2^5 \oplus u^5 \oplus Z_3^6 \oplus t^6 \oplus Z_2^7 \\ &\quad{}\oplus u^7 \oplus Z_3^8 \oplus t^8 \oplus Z_2^9\bigr) = \mathit{LSB} (C_2), \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} &\mathit{LSB} \bigl(P_3 \oplus Z_3^1 \oplus t^1 \oplus Z_2^2 \oplus u^2 \oplus Z_3^3 \oplus t^3 \oplus Z_2^4 \oplus u^4 \oplus Z_3^5 \oplus t^5 \oplus Z_2^6 \oplus u^6 \oplus Z_3^7 \\ &\quad{}\oplus t^7 \oplus Z_2^8 \oplus u^8 \oplus Z_3^9\bigr) = \mathit{LSB} (C_3). \end{aligned}$$

As observed by Demirci [13], u i=t is i, thus, LSB(u i)=LSB(t is i), which is equivalent to LSB(u it i)=LSB(s i). Taking this into consideration and XORing the two above equations, we obtain

$$\begin{aligned} &\mathit{LSB} \bigl(P_2 \oplus P_3 \oplus Z_2^1 \oplus Z_3^1 \oplus s^1 \oplus Z_2^2 \oplus Z_3^2 \oplus s^2 \oplus Z_2^3 \oplus Z_3^3 \oplus s^3 \oplus Z_2^4 \oplus Z_3^4 \oplus s^4 \\ &\quad\quad{}\oplus Z_2^5 \oplus Z_3^5 \oplus s^5 \oplus Z_2^6 \oplus Z_3^6 \oplus s^6 \oplus Z_2^7 \oplus Z_3^7 \oplus s^7 \oplus Z_2^8 \oplus Z_3^8 \oplus s^8 \oplus Z_2^9 \oplus Z_3^9\bigr) \\ &\quad= \mathit{LSB} (C_2 \oplus C_3). \end{aligned}$$

This equation is called in [19] “the Biryukov–Demirci relation”, which we shall refer to as the BD-relation.

In this paper we use a keyless variant of the BD-relation in which all the \(Z_{j}^{i}\) subkeys are canceled. Consider any pair of known plaintexts P 1 and P 2. Denote the XOR difference between the encryptions of P 1 and P 2 (under the same secret key) in an intermediate value X by ΔX. Then, XORing the equations given by P 1 and P 2 yields

$$\begin{aligned} &\mathit{LSB} \bigl(P_2^1 \oplus P_3^1 \oplus P_2^2 \oplus P_3^2 \oplus \Delta s^1 \oplus \Delta s^2 \oplus \Delta s^3 \oplus \Delta s^4 \oplus \Delta s^5 \oplus \Delta s^6 \oplus \Delta s^7 \oplus \Delta s^8\bigr) \\ &\quad= \mathit{LSB} \bigl(C_2^1 \oplus C_3^ 1 \oplus C_2^2 \oplus C_3^2\bigr). \end{aligned}$$

In the sequel, we refer to this equation as the keyless BD-relation.

4 Meet-in-the-Middle Biryukov–Demirci Attack on 6-Round IDEA

In this section, we combine the standard MitM technique with the keyless BD-relation to obtain a new attack on a 6-round variant of IDEA, which starts after the KA layer of round 2. The data complexity of our best attack is just 16 known plaintexts, its memory complexity is 225 64-bit blocks, and its time complexity is less than 2112 encryptions. This is a significant improvement over the best previously known attack on 6-round IDEA [28], which required 249 chosen plaintexts and 2112 encryptions.

First we present the basic attack, and then we present a tradeoff that allows us to slightly reduce the high time complexity, at the expense of slightly increasing the low memory complexity. A reader who is mainly interested in the idea of the attack and is less concerned with the details may concentrate on Sect. 4.1 and skip the other parts of this section.

4.1 The Basic Attack

The idea behind the attack is that the keyless BD-relation can be incorporated into the standard meet-in-the-middle framework. Instead of computing the same intermediate value V in two different ways, we divide the terms of Eq. (6) into two sets, such that the terms in the first set can be computed using only the plaintexts and the set K t of key bits (as defined in Sect. 3.1), and the terms in the second set can be computed using only the ciphertexts and the set K b of key bits.

In the attack, for each guess of K t , the adversary computes the XOR of all terms of the equation that belong to the first set, and stores it in a hash table. Then, for each guess of the subkey K b , she computes the XOR of all terms that belong to the second set, and searches for a match in the hash table. If the equation is satisfied (which is always the case for the correct guess of (K t ,K b )), the XOR of all the terms in the equation is zero, which corresponds to a match in the hash table. In the sequel, we call such an attack MitM BD attack.

In the specific case of a 6-round variant of IDEA which starts after the KA layer of round 2 and ends after the KA layer of round 8, Eq. (6) can be written in the form

$$\begin{aligned} &\mathit{LSB} \bigl(P_2^1 \oplus P_3^1 \oplus P_2^2 \oplus P_3^2 \oplus \Delta s^2 \oplus \Delta s^3 \oplus \Delta s^4\bigr) \\ &\quad= \mathit{LSB} \bigl(C_2^1 \oplus C_3^ 1 \oplus C_2^2 \oplus C_3^2 \oplus \Delta s^5 \oplus \Delta s^6 \oplus \Delta s^7\bigr). \end{aligned}$$

We choose the sets as follows:

  • The first set consists of the terms: \(P_{2}^{1}, P_{3}^{1}, P_{2}^{2}, P_{3}^{2}, \Delta s^{2}, \Delta s^{3}, \Delta s^{4}\).

  • The second set consists of the terms: \(C_{2}^{1}, C_{3}^{1}, C_{2}^{2}, C_{3}^{2}, \Delta s^{5}, \Delta s^{6}, \Delta s^{7}\).

This division emphasizes the advantage of the MitM BD attack over the standard MitM attack. In the standard MitM attack, the adversary has to compute values from both the plaintext and ciphertext sides until she reaches a common intermediate value V. The use of the BD-relation allows us to “jump” over one round in the middle: the adversary computes only up to Δs 4 in the encryption direction and only up to Δs 5 in the decryption direction, and the meet-in-the-middle effect is achieved using Eq. (7) to bridge between these values. The attack algorithm is given by a pseudo-code in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The algorithm of our attack on 6-round IDEA (starting after the KA layer of round 2).

In order to compute the complexity of the attack, we have to find the values |K t |,|K b |,|K c |,|V| (as defined in Sect. 3.1). The terms of the first set can be computed from the plaintexts given key bits 50–33 (i.e., the entire subkeys of the MA layer of round 2 and the entire round 3, and the subkeys \(Z_{1}^{4}, Z_{3}^{4}, Z_{5}^{4}\)). The terms of the second set can be computed from the ciphertexts given key bits 125–99 (i.e., the entire subkeys of the KA layer of round 8 and the entire round 7, in addition to the subkeys \(Z_{1}^{6}, Z_{2}^{6}, Z_{5}^{5}\)). Hence, we have |K t |=112, |K b |=103, |K c |=87 (since K t and K b share key bits 125–33 and 50–99), and |V|=1 (since Eq. (7) considers only the LSB of the word).

Thus, using the formulas given in Sect. 3.1, the data complexity of the attack is (min(|K t |,|K b |)−|K c |)/|V|=16 plaintext pairs (which can be obtained from 17 plaintexts), the memory complexity is \(2^{\min(|K_{t}|,|K_{b}|) - |K_{c}|} = 2^{16}\) 32-bit blocks (which are equivalent to 215 64-bit blocks), and the time complexity is \(2^{\max(|K_{t}|,|K_{b}|)}=2^{112}\) partial encryptions of 17 plaintexts, which are roughly equivalent to 2115 encryptions.

4.2 A Time-Memory-Data Tradeoff

In this section we show that the time and data complexities of the attack can be slightly reduced to less than 2112 encryptions and 16 known plaintexts, at the expense of increasing the memory complexity to 225 64-bit blocks. The tradeoff may seem to be unattractive, but in fact, it reduces the largest complexity (time) while keeping a smaller complexity (memory) completely practical.

The most time-consuming part of the basic attack is computing the terms Δs 3 and Δs 4 for 16 plaintexts,Footnote 2 which requires the knowledge of the 112 key bits 50–33. We observe that bits 25–33 are required only for the subkey \(Z_{5}^{4}\), which is used only in the last multiplication operation in the computation of Δs 4. Hence, at a first glance it seems that the adversary can guess the 103 key bits 50–24 and perform all operations except for the last multiplication, and then guess the remaining 9 key bits and perform a single multiplication operation for the 16 plaintexts. However, this is impossible since key bits 25–33 are also part of K b , and hence, their value should be guessed and fixed in advance, before the beginning of the MitM phase.

This technical problem can be solved at the expense of increasing the memory complexity. The adversary simply ignores the fact that bits 25–33 are shared by K t and K b , and treats them as independent parts of K t and K b . As a result, the number of shared key bits is reduced to 78, and thus the memory complexity is increased to 225 40-bit blocks.Footnote 3 On the other hand, this allows the adversary to reduce the time complexity of the computation of Δs 3 and Δs 4, since it is now possible to postpone the guess of bits 25–33 until the last multiplication operation, as described above. As a result, this phase of the attack requires 2112⋅16=2116 modular multiplications. Since each encryption with 6-round IDEA contains 24 modular multiplications (in addition to other operations), the time required is less than 2111.4 6-round encryptions.Footnote 4

After reducing the time complexity of the MitM phase, the second phase of the attack (i.e., discarding the 2113 remaining subkey candidates), becomes the most time-consuming phase of the attack. However, this part can also be performed more efficiently, as follows: at the phase of generating the hash table, the adversary also computes the entire value \(p^{5} = X_{1}^{6} \oplus X_{2}^{6}\) for one of the plaintext/ciphertext pairs and stores it in the hash table. Then, for a remaining subkey guess, the adversary only computes the value p 5 for that plaintext/ciphertext pair from the plaintext side, and checks whether it matches the value in the corresponding entry of the hash table. As this is a 16-bit filtering, only 297 key candidates remain after this stage, and they can be easily checked by trial encryption. Since during the computation of Δs 3 and Δs 4, the adversary already performs full encryption through round 3 and partial encryption through round 4, obtaining the value of p 5 requires only three modular multiplications, which are roughly equivalent to 1/8 encryption. Thus, the time complexity of this phase is (1/8)⋅2113=2110 encryptions.

Therefore, the total time complexity of the attack is 2111.4+2110=2111.9 encryptions. The memory complexity is increased by a small factor (due to the need to store the p 5 values) to 225 56-bit blocks, which are less than 225 64-bit blocks.

4.3 Other Attacks on 6-Round IDEA

For the sake of completeness, we consider in this section several other attacks on 6-round IDEA, which represent different time/memory/data tradeoffs, or target different consecutive sets of rounds.

4.3.1 An Attack with Only Two Known Plaintexts

A variant of the attack described above can be used to attack the same 6-round variant of IDEA with only two known plaintexts and time complexity of 2123.4 encryptions.

First, the adversary constructs the tables and performs the MitM phase of the basic attack described above. Since the adversary has only two plaintexts in his disposition, she can check the validity of the keyless Biryukov–Demirci relation only once, and thus, 2127 key suggestions remain after this stage.

As described in the previous section, most of these suggestions can be discarded efficiently by storing in the table also the p 5 value in one of the encryptions and computing it from the plaintext side for each subkey suggestion. In order to make this step even more efficient, the adversary can make a small change in the MitM phase of the attack: In addition to computing Δs 3 and Δs 4, she computes the intermediate values until the multiplication with the subkey \(Z_{6}^{4}\) in the MA layer of round 4. Given these intermediate values, p 5 can be computed with only 2 modular multiplications, 2 modular additions, and 2 XORs, which are less than 1/12 of a 6-round encryption.

The time complexity of the attack is dominated by the second phase (i.e., discarding the subkey suggestions), whose complexity is 2127⋅(1/12)=2123.4 encryptions.

We note that a similar attack can be applied to any number 2≤k≤16 of plaintexts, with time complexity of 2107.4k+2125.4−k encryptions.

4.3.2 Attacks on Other Reduced-Round Variants of IDEA

Our analysis indicates that no other 6-round variant of IDEA (with a shifted starting position) can be attacked using our technique.

Two specific cases of interest are reduced-round variants in which the targeted rounds are either the first or the last rounds of IDEA. In these cases, we obtained the following results.

If the reduced-round variant must end at the KA layer of round 9, then 5.5 rounds can be attacked, with data complexity of 10 known plaintexts, memory complexity of 224 64-bit blocks, and time complexity of 2119 encryptions.

If the reduced-round variant must start at the beginning of round 1 (as considered in [21, 28]), then 5 rounds can be attacked, with data complexity of 10 known plaintexts, memory complexity of 224 64-bit blocks, and time complexity of 2119 encryptions.

For the sake of comparison, the best previous attack on the same variant which was presented in [28] requires either 217 chosen plaintexts and 2125.5 encryptions, or 264 known plaintexts and 2115.5 encryptions. The attack of Khovratovich et al. [21], which was obtained independently after the first version of this paper was submitted, requires 225 chosen plaintexts, and either 216 memory and 2110 encryptions or 2110 memory and 2112 memory accesses.

In addition, [21] presents an attack on 6-round IDEA which targets the first six rounds, with data complexity of 241 chosen plaintexts, time complexity of 2118.9 encryptions and memory complexity of 212. While these complexities are higher than those of our attack on 6-round IDEA presented above, this attack targets a set of consecutive rounds which cannot be attacked using our technique.

5 Splice-and-Cut Biryukov–Demirci Attacks on up to 7.5-Round IDEA

In this section, we show that by using the splice-and-cut [1] variant of the meet-in-the-middle technique, we can increase the number of rounds the MitM BD attack can target from 6 to 7.5, without affecting the time complexity of the attack.

In Sect. 5.1 we present the basic attack procedure, which can break the first 7.5 rounds of IDEA with time complexity of 2112 encryptions, but requires the entire codebook. In the following sections, we show how the data complexity can be reduced significantly by allowing the fixed value of the intermediate state I to vary as function of the bits of K c which are guessed at the beginning of the attack. These sections consider separately variants of 6.5, 7, and 7.5 rounds of IDEA, where the 6.5-round variant starts at the beginning of round 2, the 7-round variant starts after the KA layer of round 1, and the 7.5-round variant consists of the first 7.5 rounds of IDEA. The complexities of the attacks are presented in Table 1.

A reader who is mainly interested in the attack’s idea and is less concerned with the details, can concentrate on Sect. 5.1 and the beginning of Sect. 5.2, and skip the remaining parts of this section (which are similar in nature but more technical).

5.1 The Basic Attack on 7.5-Round IDEA

Consider a reduced-round variant which consists of the first 7.5 rounds of IDEA. We want to show that the basic attack on 6-round IDEA presented in Sect. 4.1 can be extended to this variant, without increasing the time complexity.

Recall that in our 6-round attack, K t consists of all the key except for bits 34–49, and K b consists of all the key except for bits 100–124.

The basic observation behind the 7.5-round attack is that all the subkeys used in round 1 are included in K b , and the four subkeys used in the KA layer of round 2 consist of \(Z_{1}^{2},Z_{2}^{2}\) which are included in K t and \(Z_{3}^{2},Z_{4}^{2}\) which are included in K b . This allows us to perform a Splice-and-Cut BD attack, where the intermediate value I is located at the KA layer of round 2 in a ladder-type fashion: In the first two words, I represents the value before the subkey addition/multiplication, while in the last two words I represents the value after the subkey addition/multiplication. That is, \(I = (X_{1}^{2},X_{2}^{2},Y_{3}^{2},Y_{4}^{2})\). The location of I is presented in Fig. 4. We note that a similar ladder-type technique was used in another context by Biryukov and Khovratovich [7], under the name ladder switch.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The 7.5-round splice-and-cut location.

In our case, Eq. (6) can be rewritten as

$$\begin{aligned} &\mathit{LSB} \bigl(\Delta s^2 \oplus \Delta s^3 \oplus \Delta s^4\bigr) \\ &\quad= \mathit{LSB} \bigl(P_2^1 \oplus P_3^1 \oplus P_2^2 \oplus P_3^2 \oplus C_2^1 \oplus C_3^1 \oplus C_2^2 \oplus C_3^2 \oplus \Delta s^5 \oplus \Delta s^6 \oplus \Delta s^7 \oplus \Delta s^1\bigr). \end{aligned}$$

Given the intermediate value in the state I, the left-hand-side of Eq. (8) can be computed using only the subkeys included in K t . On the other hand, given the value in the state I and the subkey K b , the adversary can partially decrypt the intermediate value at I through the first 1.5 rounds to obtain the plaintext. Assuming that the entire codebook is available, she can obtain the corresponding ciphertext, and then partially decrypt through rounds 8,7,6,5 to compute the right-hand-side of Eq. (8). The attack procedure is presented as a pseudo-code in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The algorithm of the basic splice-and-cut attack on 7.5-round IDEA.

In order to compute the complexity of the attack, we have to find the values |K t |,|K b |,|K c |,|V|. As in the basic 6-round attack in Sect. 4.1, we have |K t |=112, |K b |=103, |K c |=87, and |V|=1. Thus, the attack requires (min(|K t |,|K b |)−|K c |)/|V|=16 plaintext pairs (which can be obtained from 17 fixed intermediate values), the memory complexity is \(2^{\min(|K_{t}|,|K_{b}|) - |K_{c}|} = 2^{16}\) 32-bit blocks (which are equivalent to 215 64-bit blocks), and the time complexity is \(2^{\max(|K_{t}|,|K_{b}|)}=2^{112}\) partial encryptions of 17 plaintexts, which are roughly equivalent to 2115 encryptions. The time-memory tradeoff presented in Sect. 4.2 works without change as well, allowing us to reduce the time complexity to less than 2112 encryptions.

The crucial difference between our attack and the 6-round attack is in the data complexity. In the basic form described above, the 7.5-round attack requires the entire codebook, which is used to imitate the oracle that maps plaintexts to the corresponding ciphertexts (see Sect. 3.2). In the following sections, we show that the data complexity can be reduced significantly with only a small effect on the time and memory complexities, using the ability to vary the value at the intermediate state I, depending on the key bits in K c guessed at the beginning of the attack.

5.2 Reducing the Data Complexity for 6.5-Round IDEA

Consider a 6.5-round variant of IDEA, which starts at the beginning of round 2 and ends after the KA layer of round 8. The splice-and-cut attack presented above applies, of course, to this variant as well. We would like to show that the value of the intermediate state I can be chosen such that only 223 specific plaintext values are encountered during the computation of the right-hand-side of Eq. (8). In such a case, the knowledge of the 223 ciphertexts corresponding to these specific plaintexts is sufficient to imitate the encryption oracle, and hence, the data complexity of the attack is reduced to 223 chosen plaintexts.

First, note that in our variant, the first two words of I (i.e., \(X_{1}^{2}\) and \(X_{2}^{2}\)) are simply the first two words of the plaintext. Hence, by fixing the value of these two words to zero in all values of I considered in the attack, we assure that only plaintexts whose first two words are equal to zero are encountered during the attack.

Second, note that the 9 most significant bits (MSBs) of the addition subkey \(Z_{3}^{2}\) (i.e., bits 25–33) are included in K c in the basic 6-round attack. This allows us to choose the value of the third word of I (i.e., \(Y_{3}^{2}\)) in a more sophisticated way. Recall that the inner loop of the basic 6-round attack is repeated for each possible value of the 87 bits of K c (see Fig. 5).

We suggest to choose a different value of \(Y_{3}^{2}\) for each value of bits 25–33, as follows. Denote the value of bits 25–33 by v∈{0,1}9. In the application of the inner loop which corresponds to the guess v, we choose the intermediate value \(Y_{3}^{2}\) to be v||1111111, where || denotes concatenation of bit strings. For this choice, the 27 corresponding values of P 3 (obtained for the 27 possible values of the 7 LSBs of \(Z_{3}^{2}\)) are the 27 values of the form 000000000||w, where w takes all possible values in {0,1}7. This assures that all the plaintexts encountered during the attack have zeros as the 9 MSBs of P 3.

Therefore, by choosing the values of \(X_{1}^{2},X_{2}^{2}\), and \(Y_{3}^{2}\) as a function of the bits in K c as described, we assure that all plaintexts encountered in the attack have zeros at their 41 MSBs. This reduces the data complexity to 223 chosen plaintexts.

The price of the significant data reduction is a slightly increased time complexity (from 2112 to 2113), as the time-memory tradeoff described in Sect. 4.2 is not compatible with the sophisticated choice of \(Y_{3}^{2}\) suggested above. Indeed, in the attack presented in Sect. 4.2, key bits 25–33 are no longer part of the external loop, and thus, \(Y_{3}^{2}\) cannot be chosen according to their value.

To minimize the computation overhead, we note that the adversary can still perform part of the computation of Δs 3 and Δs 4 before guessing all the 25 key bits 100–124. Specifically, she can compute Δs 3 and perform the multiplication with \(Z_{4}^{3}\) before guessing subkey bits 105–120, and only then guess these key bits and perform the rest of the computation of Δs 4. As a result, this phase of the attack is roughly equivalent to 2112⋅16⋅3=2117.6 modular multiplications. Since each encryption with 6.5-round IDEA contains 26 modular multiplications, this is roughly equivalent to 2112.9 6.5-round encryptions. The time complexity of the rest of the attack (which is equal to the complexity of the corresponding steps of the 6-round attack) is negligible, and hence, the overall time complexity of the attack is about 2113 encryptions.

The data complexity can be further reduced by another factor of 213 to only 210 chosen plaintexts, at the expense of increasing the time complexity by a factor of 29. Note that out of the 16 bits of the multiplication subkey \(Z_{4}^{2}\), 7 bits are included in K c . If we guess the 9 remaining bits (i.e., bits 41–49) at the beginning of the attack, we can choose the value \(Y_{4}^{2}\) in accordance with the value of \(Z_{4}^{2}\), such that the corresponding value of P 4 is fixed. Since the attack requires 8 intermediate values for performing the match in the middle (such that the remaining part of the attack has a smaller time complexity), the data complexity is reduced to 210 chosen plaintexts (27 possible values of P 3, and 8 possible values of P 4).

We note that various other tradeoffs between the data and the time complexities of the attack are possible as well.

5.3 Reducing the Data Complexity for 7-Round IDEA

In this section we show that for 7-round IDEA, the data complexity can be reduced to 248 chosen plaintexts without affecting the time complexity of 2112, and can be further reduced to 238 chosen plaintexts, at the expense of increasing the time complexity to 2123.

The 7-round variant we target starts after the KA layer of round 1 and ends after the KA layer of round 8. In particular, the plaintexts in this variant correspond to the state \((Y_{1}^{1},Y_{2}^{1},Y_{3}^{1},Y_{4}^{1})\). Obviously, the basic 7.5-round attack applies to this variant as well.

To obtain the first data complexity reduction, we observe that by the structure of the MA layer in IDEA, we have

$$X_2^1 \oplus X_2^2 = Y_1^1 \oplus Y_3^1 = P_1 \oplus P_3. $$

Hence, we can choose \(X_{1}^{2}=X_{2}^{2}\) in all values of I considered in the attack, and this assures that all encountered plaintexts satisfy P 1=P 3. This reduces the data complexity to 248 chosen plaintexts.

The data complexity can be further reduced from 248 to 239 chosen plaintexts, at the expense of increasing the time complexity by factor of about 210. As described at the end of Sect. 5.2, if we guess the value of key bits 41–49 at the beginning of the attack, we can choose the value \(Y_{4}^{2}\) according to the value of the subkey \(Z_{4}^{2}\), such that \(X_{4}^{2}\) always assumes the same prescribed value. If we choose them such that \(X_{4}^{2}=0\), then \(P_{2} \oplus P_{4} = X_{3}^{2}\) holds throughout the attack. This allows us to choose the value \(Y_{3}^{2}\) in such a way that the 9 MSBs of P 2P 4 are equal to zero (like in the 6.5-round attack).

This reduces the data complexity to 239 chosen plaintexts (since the 9 MSBs of P 2P 4 and all 16 bits of P 1P 3 are equal to zero in all encountered plaintexts). On the other hand, the time complexity is increased by a factor of 210, due to the guess of bits 41–49, and since this improvement is not compatible with the time-memory tradeoff presented in Sect. 4.2.

The data complexity can be reduced by another factor of 2, at the expense of increasing the time complexity by the same factor. Here we use the fact that by the BD-relation,

$$\mathit{LSB}\bigl(X_2^2 \oplus X_3^2 \bigr) = \mathit{LSB}(P_2 \oplus P_3) \oplus \mathit{LSB} \bigl(s^1\bigr). $$

Note that since \(p^{1} = X_{1}^{2} \oplus X_{2}^{2}\) and the subkey \(Z_{5}^{1}\) is included in K c , we can choose the values of \(X_{1}^{2}\) and \(X_{2}^{2}\) according to the value of \(Z_{5}^{1}\) in such a way that \(s^{1} = p^{1} \odot Z_{5}^{1}\) is fixed in all encountered encryptions. Furthermore, if we guess the LSB of the subkey \(Z_{3}^{2}\) (i.e., bit 40) at the beginning of the attack, we can choose the values \(X_{2}^{2}\) and \(Y_{3}^{2}\) such that \(\mathit{LSB}(X_{2}^{2} \oplus X_{3}^{2})\) is fixed in all encryptions encountered in the attack. By the equation above, this means that we can choose \(X_{2}^{1},X_{2}^{2}\), and \(Y_{3}^{2}\) in such a way that LSB(P 2P 3) is fixed for all plaintexts encountered in the attack. This reduces the data complexity by an additional factor of 2, at the expense of increasing the time complexity by the same factor (due to the external guess of bit 40).

The two reductions of the data complexity can be combined, resulting in data complexity of 238 chosen plaintexts, and time complexity of about 2123 encryptions.

5.4 Reducing the Data Complexity for 7.5-Round IDEA

In the case of the first 7.5 rounds of IDEA, the data complexity can be reduced to 263 chosen plaintexts, using the second improvement of the 7-round attack described above. We use the equation

$$\mathit{LSB}\bigl(X_2^2 \oplus X_3^2 \bigr) = \mathit{LSB}(P_2 \oplus P_3) \oplus \mathit{LSB} \bigl(Z_2^1 \oplus Z_3^1\bigr) \oplus \mathit{LSB}\bigl(s^1\bigr). $$

As described above, we can choose \(X_{2}^{1},X_{2}^{2}\), and \(Y_{3}^{2}\) in such a way that \(\mathit{LSB}(X_{2}^{2} \oplus X_{3}^{2})\) and LSB(s 1) are fixed for all encryptions encountered in the attack. If we guess \(\mathit{LSB}(Z_{2}^{1} \oplus Z_{3}^{1})\) at the beginning of the attack, then we can adjust the choice of \(X_{2}^{1},X_{2}^{2}\), and \(Y_{3}^{2}\) such that \(\mathit{LSB}(X_{2}^{2} \oplus X_{3}^{2}) \oplus \mathit{LSB}(Z_{2}^{1} \oplus Z_{3}^{1}) \oplus \mathit{LSB}(s^{1})\) will be fixed throughout the attack. By the equation, this implies that LSB(P 2P 3) will be fixed for all plaintexts encountered in the attack.

This reduces the data complexity to 263 chosen plaintexts, while increasing the time complexity to slightly less than 2114 encryptions.

6 Reducing the Time Complexity of Exhaustive Key Search on the Full IDEA

In this section we show that the techniques presented in Sect. 5 can be used to marginally reduce the time complexity of exhaustive key search on the full 8.5-round IDEA to 2126.8 encryptions, at the expense of slightly increasing the data complexity to 16 chosen plaintexts. After the first version of this paper was submitted, Khovratovich et al. [21] obtained (independently) another attack on the full IDEA, which reduces the complexity of exhaustive search to 2126.0 encryptions, but at the expense of a much higher data complexity of 252 chosen plaintexts.

We present our attack in Sect. 6.1, and in Sect. 6.2 we compare it with generic methods of optimized exhaustive search, and with the results of [21].

6.1 Splice-and-Cut Biryukov–Demirci Attack on the Full IDEA

The Splice-and-Cut BD attack presented in Sect. 5 cannot be extended directly to the full 8.5-round IDEA, since for any division of the terms of Eq. (6) into two sets, the computation of each set requires the knowledge of the entire secret key. What we can do is to reduce the complexity of exhaustive key search by computing most of the terms before guessing the entire key, such that only a few operations have to be performed for every guess of the full key.

The attack is similar to the basic Splice-and-Cut BD attack presented in Sect. 5.1. First, we treat the full IDEA in a cyclical manner, and choose the “starting point”—the intermediate value I. In order to minimize the data complexity, we choose I to be as close to the plaintext as possible. The choice, which is \(I=(X_{1}^{1},Y_{2}^{1},X_{3}^{1},X_{4}^{1})\) is demonstrated in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

The 8.5-round splice-and-cut location.

Second, we divide the terms of the BD-relation into two sets. Note that we use the original variant of the BD-relation and not the keyless one, since the keyless relation requires examining two (plaintext, ciphertext) pairs, which would double the encryption time, thus eliminating most of the time saving. The representation of the BD-relation we use is the following:

$$\begin{aligned} & \mathit{LSB} \bigl(Z_2^1 \oplus Z_3^1 \oplus Z_2^2 \oplus Z_3^2 \oplus Z_2^3 \oplus Z_3^3 \oplus Z_2^4 \oplus Z_3^4 \oplus Z_2^5 \oplus Z_3^5 \oplus Z_2^6 \oplus Z_3^6 \oplus Z_2^7 \\ &\quad\quad{} \oplus Z_3^7 \oplus Z_2^8 \oplus Z_3^8 \oplus Z_2^9 \oplus Z_3^9 \oplus s^1 \oplus s^2 \oplus s^3\bigr) \\ &\quad = \mathit{LSB} \bigl(P_2 \oplus P_3 \oplus C_2 \oplus C_3 \oplus s^4 \oplus s^5 \oplus s^6 \oplus s^7 \oplus s^8 \bigr). \end{aligned}$$

We observe that the left-hand-side of the equation can be computed entirely using the knowledge of the value at state I and bits 0–15 and 25–127 of the secret key. On the other hand, all terms in the right-hand-side, except for s 4,s 5,s 6, can be computed using the value at state I, bits 0–12 and 16–127 of the key, and the encryption oracle (which will be later replaced by the appropriate chosen plaintext queries). Note that the two sets of bits have key bits 0–12 and 25–127 in common.

Now we are ready to present the attack algorithm.

Attack algorithm:

  1. 1.

    Choose an arbitrary value of \(I=(X_{1}^{1},Y_{2}^{1},X_{3}^{1},X_{4}^{1})\).

  2. 2.

    For each value of bits 0–12 and 25–127 of the key, perform the following:

    1. (a)

      For each value of bits 13–15 of the key, perform the following:

      1. (i)

        Compute the value

        $$\begin{aligned} &\mathit{LSB} \bigl(Z_2^1 \oplus Z_3^1 \oplus Z_2^2 \oplus Z_3^2 \oplus Z_2^3 \oplus Z_3^3 \oplus Z_2^4 \oplus Z_3^4 \oplus Z_2^5 \oplus Z_3^5 \oplus Z_2^6 \\ &\quad{}\oplus Z_3^6 \oplus Z_2^7 \oplus Z_3^7 \oplus Z_2^8 \oplus Z_3^8 \oplus Z_2^9\bigr). \end{aligned}$$
      2. (ii)

        Partially encrypt I through rounds 1,2,3, and compute the values s 1,s 2,s 3 (which allow to compute the left-hand-side of Eq. (9).

      3. (iii)

        Store the value of the LHS of Eq. (9), along with the intermediate value p 3, in a table entry corresponding to the value of bits 13–15.

    2. (b)

      For each value of bits 16–24 of the key, perform the following:

      1. (i)

        Decrypt I through the key addition with \(Z_{2}^{1}\) to obtain the corresponding plaintext. Consider the corresponding ciphertext,Footnote 5 and partially decrypt itFootnote 6 through rounds 9,8,7 to obtain the values s 7,s 8.

      2. (ii)

        For each value of bits 13–15 of the key, continue the partial decryption to compute the values s 4,s 5,s 6 (which allow to compute the right-hand-side of Eq. (9)).

      3. (iii)

        Check, using the corresponding entry in the table, whether Eq. (9) holds. If not, discard the key guess.

      4. (iv)

        For the remaining keys, continue the partial decryption through rounds 5 and 4 and check whether the value of \(p^{3} = X_{1}^{4} \oplus X_{2}^{4}\) matches the corresponding value in the table. As this is a 16-bit filtering, most of the key guesses are discarded at this stage.

      5. (v)

        Check the remaining key guesses by a trial encryption.

Reducing the Data Complexity

As we show below, this algorithm allows to speed-up exhaustive search by a factor of about 2.5. However, in a naive implementation, it increases the data complexity to 216 chosen plaintexts, since for different values of key bits 16–31, the intermediate value I leads (by partial decryption) to 216 different plaintexts. The data complexity can be reduced by varying the value at the state I according to the value of (part of the) bits 16–31.

Specifically, we can reduce the complexity to 29 chosen plaintexts by setting the 7 LSBs of \(Y_{2}^{1}\) to be equal to bits 25–31 of the key (which are guessed in the external loop of the attack), which assures that the 7 LSBs of P 2 are zero in all encountered plaintexts.

The complexity can be reduced even further by adding part of bits 16–24 to the external loop of the attack. For example, adding bits 20–24 to the external loop increases the time complexity of the attack by less than 5 %, while reducing the data complexity to only 16 chosen plaintexts. The data complexity can be reduced even further, but at the expense of increasing the time complexity. We compute below the time complexity for the variant of the attack that requires 16 chosen plaintexts.

The Time Complexity of the Attack

The most time-consuming step of the attack is Step 2(b)(ii), consisting of 11 multiplications, 10 additions, 20 XORs, and 1 table lookup, is performed for all the keys. After adding the effect of the other steps, and using the assumption that additions and XORs are negligible (compared to a modular multiplication), we conclude that the average number of modular multiplications for each key guess is 14.75. Since the full 8.5-round IDEA contains 34 multiplications, the time complexity of the attack is \(\frac{14.75}{34} \cdot 2^{128} = 2^{126.8}\) encryptions.

6.1.1 An attack on 7.5-Round IDEA

We note that a similar attack can be applied to 7.5-round IDEA, starting at the plaintext. In this case, I is chosen as in the attack on the full IDEA, and the adversary uses the fact that key bits 100–124 are not used between the plaintext and I, in rounds 8,7, and in part of round 6. The data complexity of the attack is 16 chosen plaintexts, and its time complexity is 7.25 multiplications on average for each key, which are equivalent to 2125.9 7.5-round encryptions. This attack has a higher time complexity than the 7.5-round attack presented in Sect. 5 (2125.9 vs. 2114), but we mention it due to its greatly reduced data complexity (16 vs. 263).

6.2 Comparison with Optimized Exhaustive Search and with the Results of [21]

When comparing our attack to optimized exhaustive search, we take into considerations well-known optimizations such as those implemented in the EFF DES cracking machine [16] or in [10]. For sake of comparison, we describe the case of an attack which divides the key into two (not necessarily disjoint) sets, and note that in many attacks these sets may contain the entire key.

The basic idea behind these optimizations is to use a meet-in-the-middle approach, deploying the following observation: Assume that there exist subsets K t ,K b of the secret key, such that the first few operations of the encryption process require only the knowledge of K t , and the last few operations require only the knowledge of K b . Let K c =K t K b denote the set of common key bits. Then, exhaustive key search can be trivially enhanced by the following algorithm:

For each value of K c , perform the following:

  1. 1.

    For each value of K t K c , perform the first few operations of the encryption process (which require only the knowledge of K t ) for the given plaintext. CreateFootnote 7 a table that contains the intermediate values corresponding to the values of the bits in K t K c .

  2. 2.

    For each value of K b K c , perform the last few operations of the encryption process (which require only the knowledge of K b ) in the decryption direction for the given ciphertext. Then, guess the remaining bits of K, compute the rest of the operations until the intermediate values, and check the match with the values stored in the pre-computed table.

In the case of IDEA, most operations in the first two rounds can be performed without the knowledge of bits 112-127 of the key. In particular, the value \(p^{2} = X_{1}^{3} \oplus X_{2}^{3}\) can be computed without the knowledge of these 16 key bits. In the decryption direction, all operations of rounds 8,9 and the multiplication with \(Z_{5}^{7}\) can be performed without the knowledge of bits 13–21 of the key.

Hence, using the above algorithm with K t ={0–111}, K b ={0–12,22–127} and matching at the value V=p 3, the number of modular multiplications performed for each key guess can be reduced to 18 out of 34 total multiplications in IDEA. Therefore, we estimate the time complexity of optimized exhaustive search as \(\frac{18}{34} \cdot 2^{128} = 2^{127.1}\) encryptions. The data complexity of optimized exhaustive key search is, of course, 2 known plaintexts.

For comparison, our attack presented in Sect. 6.1 allows reducing the time complexity to 2126.8 encryptions, at the expense of increasing the data complexity to 16 chosen plaintexts. The attack presented in [21] allows further reducing the time complexity to 2126.0 encryptions, at the expense of significantly increasing the data complexity to 252 chosen plaintexts.

The main difference between our attack and the attack of [21] is that the attack of [21] places the “starting point” of the attack at \(I=(X_{1}^{2},X_{2}^{2},Y_{3}^{2},Y_{4}^{2})\), like in our 7.5-round attack. On the one hand, this allows to slightly reduce the time complexity since more operations can be performed before the full key must be guessed. On the other hand, since the “starting point” is farther from the plaintext, the data complexity is increased significantly.

6.2.1 The Case of 7.5-Round IDEA

In the case of 7.5-round IDEA (where the targeted rounds are the first 7.5 rounds), the time complexity of optimized exhaustive search is slightly lower than in the case of the full IDEA, since the last 2.5 rounds of encryption can be computed without the knowledge of key bits 100–115. Applying the algorithm above with K t ={0–111}, K b ={0–99,116–127} and V=p 2 leads to 11 multiplications on average for each subkey guess. Since the total number of multiplications in 7.5-round IDEA is 28, the time complexity of optimized exhaustive search is \(\frac{11}{28} \cdot 2^{128}= 2^{126.7}\) encryptions.

In [21], two attacks on this variant were presented. The first allows to slightly reduce the time complexity to 2126.5 encryptions, at the expense of increasing the data complexity to 218 chosen plaintexts. The second allows to further reduce the time complexity to 2123.9 encryptions, but requires a larger amount of 252 chosen plaintexts.

For comparison, our attack presented in Sect. 6.1 has time complexity of 2125.9 encryptions, and requires 16 chosen plaintexts. Hence, our attack is strictly better than the first attack of [21], and is incomparable with the second attack of [21]. A comparison of exhaustive search speedups on 7.5-round and 8.5-round IDEA is presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Comparison of exhaustive search speedups on 7.5-round and 8.5-round IDEA.

7 Zero-in-the-Middle Biryukov–Demirci Attack on Reduced-Round Variants of IDEA

The keyless Biryukov–Demirci relation was used to attack reduced-round variants of IDEA in several previous papers [4, 5, 28]. All these papers used a technique that can be called “Zero-in-the-Middle” (ZitM BD attack), in which the adversary uses proper choice of plaintext/ciphertext pairs, in conjunction with additional differential-type techniques, in order to ensure that some terms of the BD-relation are canceled. While all the attacks presented in [4, 5, 28] are inferior to the MitM BD attacks presented in the previous sections, we show in this section that there are other scenarios in which the ZitM BD technique is more efficient than the MitM BD technique.

The first such scenario is practical-time attacks. All the MitM attacks presented in the previous sections have a completely non-practical-time complexity of beyond 2100 encryptions. Moreover, as we argue in Sect. 8, the MitM technique is not expected to produce practical-time attacks on reduced-round variants of IDEA with at least 2 rounds. In contrast, we show in Sect. 7.2 that the ZitM BD technique can be used to distinguish 2.5-round IDEA from a random permutation using only 218 data and time. This is the first attack of practical complexity of a variant of IDEA with at least 2 rounds.

The second such scenario is related-key attacks. The MitM BD attacks presented in the previous sections cannot take advantage of the ability to ask for encryptions under related (but unknown) keys. On the other hand, we show in Sect. 7.3 that the ZitM BD technique can use related-key differentials to attack a 7.5-round variant of IDEA which starts at the first round, with data complexity of 225 chosen plaintexts and time complexity of 2103.5 encryptions. This is the only attack on 7.5-round IDEA (in any model) with a practical data complexity and a non-marginal time complexity.

We begin this section with briefly describing the previous ZitM BD attacks presented in [4, 5, 28], which are inferior to the MitM BD attacks presented in this paper. This description spans Sect. 7.1. The new ZitM BD attacks on 2.5-round IDEA and on 7.5-round IDEA in the related-key model are presented in Sects. 7.2 and 7.3, respectively.

7.1 Previous Zero-in-the-Middle Keyless Biryukov–Demirci Attacks

The Zero-in-the-Middle Biryukov–Demirci attack was used in several papers to attack 5-round, 5.5-round, and 6-round variants of IDEA:

  1. 1.

    Differential BD attack on 5 rounds: The first attack that exploited the keyless BD-relation is [4]. In the attack, the reduced-round variant starts after the KA layer of round 3 and ends after the KA layer of round 8, and a differential property is used to cancel the term Δs 4 in the BD-relation. The data complexity of the attack is 219 known plaintexts, and the time complexity is 2103 encryptions. In [5] it was shown that the data complexity can be reduced to 16 known plaintexts, at the expense of increasing the time complexity to 2114 encryptions, and a slightly improved variant of the attack of [4] which uses only 218.5 known plaintexts was presented.

  2. 2.

    Square BD attack on 5.5 and 6 rounds: The second attack that exploited the keyless BD-relation in larger versions of IDEA appeared in [5]. In this attack, the reduced-round variant starts either after the KA layer of round 2 or at the beginning of round 3 and ends after the KA layer of round 8, and a Square property is used to cancel the terms Δs 3 and Δs 4 in the BD-relation. The data complexity of the attack on 6-round IDEA is almost the entire codebook, and the time complexity is 2126.8 encryptions.

  3. 3.

    Key-Dependent Differential BD attack on 5.5 and 6 rounds: The third attack that exploited the keyless BD-relation is [28]. The attack targets the same variant as [5] and uses a differential-type technique called key-dependent attack to cancel the terms Δs 3 and Δs 4 in the BD-relation (instead of the Square technique used in [5]). This allows to reduce the data and time complexities of the attack on 6-round IDEA to 249 chosen plaintexts and 2112.1 encryptions, respectively.

All these attacks are clearly inferior to the MitM BD attack on 6-round IDEA presented in Sect. 4, whose data complexity is just 16 known plaintexts, and whose time complexity is less than 2112 encryptions.

7.2 A Zero-in-the-Middle Biryukov–Demirci Distinguishing Attack on 2.5-Round IDEA

In this section we present an extremely efficient distinguishing attack on 2.5-round IDEA, based on the Zero-in-the-Middle Biryukov–Demirci technique. The attack applies to any 2.5 consecutive rounds starting with the KA layer, and does not depend on any property of the IDEA key schedule. The time complexity of the attack is 218, which is significantly lower than the complexity of any previously published attack on IDEA (including attacks on 2 and 2.5 rounds).

For 2.5 rounds of IDEA, Eq. (6) is reduced to

$$ \mathit{LSB} \bigl(P_2^1 \oplus P_3^1 \oplus P_2^2 \oplus P_3^2 \oplus \Delta s^1 \oplus \Delta s^2\bigr) = \mathit{LSB} \bigl(C_2^1 \oplus C_3^1 \oplus C_2^2 \oplus C_3^2\bigr). $$

Note that if for some round of IDEA, Δp r=0, then Δs r=0 as well. Hence, if the plaintexts and the ciphertexts are chosen such that Δp 1p 2=0, then the terms Δs 1 and Δs 2 in Eq. (11) are canceled, and the equation reduces to a simpler form:

$$ \mathit{LSB} \bigl(P_2^1 \oplus P_3^1 \oplus P_2^2 \oplus P_3^2\bigr) = \mathit{LSB} \bigl(C_2^1 \oplus C_3^ 1 \oplus C_2^2 \oplus C_3^2\bigr), $$

whose validity can be checked using only the plaintexts and the ciphertexts, independently of the key.

In order to satisfy the relation Δp 1=0, we can consider pairs of chosen plaintexts (P 1,P 2) such that \(\Delta(X_{1}^{1},X_{2}^{1},X_{3}^{1},X_{4}^{1}) = (0,\beta,0,\gamma)\) for arbitrary values of β and γ. For such pairs, \(\Delta Y_{1}^{1} = \Delta Y_{3}^{1} = 0\) (independent of the values of \(Z_{1}^{1},Z_{3}^{1}\)), and hence, Δp 1=0. We note that the same idea was used in [19].

Similarly, if we take only ciphertext pairs satisfying \(\Delta(Y_{1}^{3},Y_{2}^{3},Y_{3}^{3},Y_{4}^{3}) \,{=} \,(0,0,\beta',\gamma')\) for arbitrary values of β′ and γ′, then \(\Delta X_{1}^{3} = \Delta X_{2}^{3} = 0\), and thus, Δp 2=0.

Based on these observations, we can mount a simple distinguishing attack on 2.5-round IDEA, using the following algorithm:

  1. 1.

    Ask for the encryption of 218 plaintexts of the form (A,Z,B,W), where A and B are fixed and Z and W assume arbitrary random values.

  2. 2.

    Insert the ciphertexts into a hash table sorted by the first two ciphertext words.

  3. 3.

    For every pair of ciphertexts in the same bin of the hash table, check whether Eq. (12) holds for the corresponding plaintext/ciphertext pair.

  4. 4.

    If there is a pair for which the equation does not hold, conclude that the cipher is not 2.5-round IDEA. Otherwise, conclude that the cipher is 2.5-round IDEA.

Due to the choice of the structure, for every pair of plaintexts in the structure we have Δp 1=0. Furthermore, for every pair of ciphertexts in the same bin of the hash table, we also have Δp 2=0. Hence, for all the checked pairs, Eq. (12) must be satisfied.

The 218 plaintexts can be combined into about 235 possible pairs, and a fraction of 2−32 of them is expected to have the required ciphertext difference of the form (0,0,β′,γ′). Hence, the expected number of pairs analyzed in Step 3 is 8. If there is a pair for which Eq. (12) fails, we know for sure that the cipher is not 2.5-round IDEA. On the other hand, for a random permutation, the probability that the equation holds for all the eight pairs is 1/256. Hence, the distinguisher succeeds with a very high probability.

Since the second and the third steps of the attack are implemented using a hash table, the time complexity of the attack is dominated by the time complexity of the encryptions in the first step of the attack. Hence, the data complexity of the attack is 218 chosen plaintexts and the time complexity is 218 encryptions.

7.3 Related-Key Zero-in-the-Middle Biryukov–Demirci Attack on 7.5-Round IDEA

In this section we present a related-key attack on the first 7.5 rounds of IDEA based on the Zero-in-the-Middle Biryukov–Demirci technique. In the attack, we use the difference between the keys to construct pairs of plaintexts for which the intermediate values (when encrypted under the two different keys) are equal during 2.5 rounds. In conjunction with an appropriate choice of the plaintext/ciphertext pairs, the terms Δs 1s 2s 3, and Δs 4 in the keyless Biryukov–Demirci relation are canceled.

The Related-Key Differential

Let K and K be two keys that differ only in the two bits 34 and 49. We observe that if for two plaintexts P and P , encrypted under K and K , respectively, the intermediate values of Y 2 (i.e., the values after the KA layer of round 2) are equal, then the intermediate encryption values remain equal until the MA layer of round 4. Indeed, bits 34 and 49 of the key are not used in the MA layer of round 2, in the entire round 3, and in the KA layer of round 4. Furthermore, these key bits are also not used in the subkey \(Z_{5}^{4}\), and hence, the terms Δs 2s 3, and Δs 4 in the BD-relation are equal to zero.

Therefore, for such pairs, Eq. (6) (for the first 7.5 rounds of IDEA) is reduced to

$$\begin{aligned} &\mathit{LSB} \bigl(P_2 \oplus P_3 \oplus P^*_2 \oplus P^*_3 \oplus \Delta s^1 \oplus \Delta s^5 \oplus \Delta s^6 \oplus \Delta s^7\bigr) \\ &\quad= \mathit{LSB} \bigl(C_2 \oplus C_3 \oplus C^*_2 \oplus C^*_3\bigr). \end{aligned}$$

All terms of this equation can be computed given the plaintexts, the ciphertexts, and 103 key bits (specifically, bits 125–99 of the key). Hence, if the adversary can construct 25 pairs (P,P ) for which the intermediate Y 2 values are equal, the attack can be completed within time complexity of about 2103 encryptions.

The Choice of the Plaintexts

In order to obtain the required pairs (P,P ) efficiently, we consider 28 pairs of structures \((S_{i},S^{*}_{i})\) of 216 chosen plaintexts each, to be encrypted under the keys K and K , respectively. In both structures S i and \(S^{*}_{i}\), the three first words are fixed to constants (A i ,B i ,C i ) and \((A^{*}_{i},B^{*}_{i},C^{*}_{i})\), respectively, and the fourth word assumes all the 216 possible values. The values \(A_{i}, B_{i}, C_{i}, A^{*}_{i}, B^{*}_{i}, C^{*}_{i}\) are chosen such that

$$A_i = A^*_i; \qquad B_i \oplus B^*_i = 0040_x; \qquad C_i \oplus C^*_i = 2000_x. $$

Note that by the chosen key difference, there is no difference in the subkeys \(Z_{1}^{1}\) and \(Z_{2}^{1}\), and the difference in the subkey \(Z_{3}^{1}\) is in the third-most significant bit (which is bit 34 of the secret key). Hence, the difference between the structures S i and \(S^{*}_{i}\) in the first three words of the state Y 1 (i.e., after the KA layer of round 1) equals (0,0040 x ,0) with probability 2−2.

In order to bypass the MA layer of round 1, we consider only pairs \((P_{i} \in S_{i}, P^{*}_{i} \in S^{*}_{i})\) for which the difference in \(Y_{4}^{1}\) is 0040 x . For each pair of structures \((S_{i},S^{*}_{i})\) and for any value of the subkey \(Z_{4}^{1}\), the pair of structures contains 216 pairs \((P_{i},P_{i}^{*})\) for which this condition is satisfied. Therefore, the data contains 28⋅2−2⋅216=222 pairs with difference (0,0040 x ,0,0040 x ) in the state Y 1.

Detection of the Right Pairs

The right pairs, i.e., the pairs \((P_{i} \in S_{i}, P^{*}_{i} \in S^{*}_{i})\) for which ΔY 2=0, are detected in a two-step procedure. First the adversary guesses the value of bits 0–63 of the key, encrypts all plaintexts through the KA layer of round 1 (under the corresponding keys), and chooses the 222 pairs for which the difference ΔY 1 is (0,0040 x ,0,0040 x ). The time complexity of this step is less than 225⋅264=289 encryptions.

In the second step, the adversary guesses the value of bits 64–95 of the key, and for each of the 222 remaining pairs, she checks whether ΔY 2=0.

Note that for each of the 222 pairs, we have ΔX 2=(0,0,0040 x ,0040 x ). Since there is no difference in the subkeys \(Z_{1}^{2}\) and \(Z_{2}^{2}\), it is assured that \(\Delta Y^{2}_{1} = \Delta Y^{2}_{2} = 0\), as required.Footnote 8

In the third word, we have \(\Delta X_{3}^{2} = 0040_{x}\), and there is key difference in the seventh least significant bit (which is bit 34 of the secret key), and hence, \(\Delta Y_{3}^{2} = 0\) holds with probability 1/2. In the fourth word, since the operation is modular multiplication and both the state difference and the subkey difference are non-zero, we make the randomness assumption that the values after the KA layer are equal with probabilityFootnote 9 2−16. Hence, the expected number of pairs satisfying ΔY 2=0 is 222⋅2−1⋅2−16=32.

The time complexity of detecting these pairs is 264⋅232⋅222=2118 partial encryptions, which are roughly equivalent to 2115 full encryptions.

Checking Whether Eq. (13) Holds

After the right pairs are detected, the adversary guesses 7 additional key bits (i.e., bits 96–99 and 125–127 of the key), and checks whether Eq. (13) holds. As this is a 32-bit filtering, only 2103⋅2−32=271 key suggestions are expected to remain, and these suggestions can be checked by guessing the remaining 25 key bits and performing a trial encryption.

Checking whether Eq. (13) holds requires partial decryption of the ciphertexts through 2.5 rounds. (Note that there is no need to compute Δs 1, as for all the right pairs, Δp 1=0, and thus, Δs 1=0). Hence, a naive application of this step requires 2103⋅(32⋅2)⋅(2.5/8)=2107.3 encryptions.

This step can be performed more efficiently by noting that half of the key guesses are discarded after considering the first right pair, half of the remaining key guesses are discarded after the second right pair, etc. Hence, instead of decrypting all the pairs at once, the adversary can decrypt the first pair and check whether the equation holds, then (if the key guess was not discarded) decrypt the second pair and check the equation for it, etc. Using this improvement, the time complexity of this step is 2104+2103+2102+⋯≈2105 partial decryptions, which are roughly equivalent to 2103.3 full encryptions.

However, the overall time complexity of the attack is dominated by the detection of the right pairs, whose complexity is about 2115 encryptions. In the next paragraph we present a more efficient algorithm that allows to detect the right pairs with time complexity of less than 2100 encryptions, thus reducing the overall complexity of the attack to about 2103.5 encryptions.

An Efficient Algorithm for Detecting the Right Pairs

As shown above, the first step in the detection of right pairs, which consists of guessing bits 0–63 of the key and detecting 222 pairs with difference ΔY 1=(0,0040 x ,0,0040 x ), requires less than 289 encryptions. We thus concentrate on the second step that consists of guessing bits 64–95 of the key and checking, for each of the 222 pairs, whether ΔY 2=0.

Consider the modular multiplication with the subkey \(Z_{4}^{2}\) in the KA layer of round 2. We observe that for all 222 pairs, the difference before this multiplication is \(\Delta X^{2}_{4} = 0040_{x}\), and for the right pairs, the difference after the multiplication is \(\Delta Y^{2}_{4}=0\). In addition, the subkey \(Z_{4}^{2}\) consists of bits 41–55 of the key, and thus is included in bits 0–63 that are guessed during the first step of the right pairs detection.

Hence, the adversary can go over all 216 pairs of 16-bit values with difference 0040 x , multiply them by the known value of \(Z_{4}^{2}\) and find those pairs for which the difference after the multiplication is zero. For each guess of \(Z_{4}^{2}\), one or two pairs with difference 0040 x lead after the subkey multiplication to zero difference, and thus, the adversary can compute the actual values \((X_{4}^{2},X^{*2}_{4})\) which a pair must have in order to be a right pair. The time complexity of this computation is less than 264⋅216=280 encryptions.

After the adversary computes the “required” \((X_{4}^{2},X^{*2}_{4})\) values, she guesses bits 64–79 of the key (i.e., the subkey \(Z^{1}_{5}\)), and partially encrypts the 222 pairs through the MA layer of round 1. Then, for each pair, she assumes that indeed it is a right pair, and using the required values of \((X_{4}^{2},X^{*2}_{4})\) on the one hand and u 1,s 1,q 1 (that can be computed from the partial encryption and the required values \((X_{4}^{2},X^{*2}_{4})\)) on the other hand, she computes the input and the output of the modular multiplication with the subkey \(Z_{6}^{1}\).

This gives the adversary an equation of the form \(a \odot Z_{6}^{1} = b\), where a,b are known. Since the modular multiplication is performed in a field, the adversary can invert the equation and get the value of \(Z_{6}^{1}\) with only a few operations. (For example, she can store the inverses of all elements in the field in a table of size 216, and perform a single table lookup and a single modular multiplication to compute \(Z_{6}^{1} = a^{-1} \odot b\)). Hence, for each of the 222 pairs, the adversary can find the value of \(Z_{6}^{1}\) for which that pair is a right pair.

Finally, the adversary inserts the tuples \((P_{1},P_{2}, Z_{6}^{1})\) into a hash table sorted according to the value of \(Z_{6}^{1}\), and then for each value of \(Z_{6}^{1}\), she can get the 32 right pairs with respect to that key by a single table lookup. The time complexity of this step is 264⋅216⋅222=2102 simple computations, which are less than 2100 encryptions.


Using this improved algorithm, the time complexity of the attack is reduced to less than 2103.5 encryptions. The data complexity of the attack is 225 chosen plaintexts, and the memory complexity is 222 32-bit blocks, or equivalently, 221 64-bit blocks.

A Known Plaintext Variant of the Attack

We note that a similar attack can be performed in the known-plaintext model. In the attack, the adversary considers two structures of 243 known plaintexts encrypted under the keys K and K , and for each guess of bits 0–63 of the key, she inserts the plaintexts into a hash table and detects the 222 pairs (P,P ) for which ΔY 1=(0,0040 x ,0,0040 x ). The rest of the attack is the same as the chosen-plaintext attack described above. Since the first step can be performed efficiently, the overall time complexity of the attack is the same as that of the chosen plaintext attack. The memory complexity is increased to 243 64-bit blocks.

8 Discussion and Open Problems

In this paper, we presented the keyless Biryukov–Demirci relation and combined it with Meet-in-the-Middle type techniques to devise new attacks on up to 7.5-round IDEA, whose complexities are significantly lower than that of exhaustive search. For up to 6.5 rounds, the data complexities of the attacks are practical. All these results are major improvements over previously published attacks, which could handle at most 6 rounds using impractical amounts of chosen plaintexts. In the stronger model of related-key attacks, we could attack up to 7.5 rounds with a practical data complexity.

The two major techniques we used in this paper are Meet-in-the-Middle Biryukov–Demirci (MitM BD) and Zero-in-the-Middle Biryukov–Demirci (ZitM BD) attacks. In general, the MitM BD technique yields better attacks in terms of the number of rounds that can be attacked, but there are scenarios in which the ZitM BD technique yields better results. It seems that such scenarios are of two types:

  1. 1.

    Low time complexity attacks: The MitM BD attack inevitably requires a large time complexity, since computing even a single Δs r value requires to guess at least 48 key bits (subkeys \(Z_{1}^{r}, Z_{3}^{r}\), and \(Z_{5}^{r}\) in the encryption direction, or subkeys \(Z_{1}^{r+1}, Z_{2}^{r+1}\), and \(Z_{5}^{r}\) in the decryption direction). Hence, it appears that any MitM BD attack would have time complexity of at least 248. In contrast, there is no lower bound on the complexity of a ZitM BD attack, since the adversary can choose the plaintexts such that some Δs r terms are canceled, independently of the key. This is demonstrated in the case of 2.5-round IDEA, where the ZitM BD technique allows to mount a distinguishing attack with an extremely low time complexity of 218.

  2. 2.

    Low data complexity attacks on a large number of rounds: Due to the key schedule of IDEA, the computation of any four consecutive Δs r values requires knowledge of the entire secret key. Hence, if the number of Δs r terms in the BD equation is greater than 6, the equation is not vulnerable to the MitM BD attack. This obstacle can be overruled by using the splice-and-cut technique (like in our 7.5-round attack), but only at the price of a higher data complexity. In contrast, there may be special scenarios, such as the related-key model, in which a special choice of plaintexts allows to cancel more than three consecutive Δs r values. This is demonstrated in the case of 7.5-round IDEA, where the BD-relation contains seven terms of the form Δs r, but a special choice of plaintexts according to a related-key differential allows to cancel four consecutive Δs r terms.

Summarizing, it seems that the MitM BD technique is better in the “usual” scenarios, where the required complexity of the attack is not “too low”. However, in specific scenarios, and especially in the related-key scenario, the ZitM BD attack can perform better. It would be nice to combine these two techniques into a unified framework.

The main open problem left in this paper is to find a “real” attack on the full 8.5-round IDEA, whose running time is considerably faster than the 2128 complexity of exhaustive search. In our opinion, the 2126.8 attack we described in this paper, and even the 2126.0 attack presented in [21], are too marginal to justify a claim that the full IDEA is (even academically) broken, and we encourage other researchers to try to improve them.