
Series Editor
  • Andrea Lenzi
  • Emmanuele A. Jannini

About the Editor

​Series editor: Andrea Lenzi

Andrea Lenzi (Bologna, 1953) lives in Rome (Italy). Current position: he is Full Professor of Endocrinology at Sapienza University of Rome and responsible for the Endocrinology, Metabolism, Obesity and Andrology branch at the Policlinico Umberto I University Hospital. Academic and scientific roles His past roles at the same University include President of the Degree Course in Medicine. He is, currently, Director of the Department of Experimental Medicine, Director of the PhD course in Endocrinological Sciences, of the Residency in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases and President of the e Sapienza School of Advanced Studies (SSAS) and Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair on Urban Health at Sapienza University. From a scientific and academic point of view Professor Lenzi is acclaimed nationally and internationally as an expert in Endocrinology. He was Secretary General of the International Society of Immunology of Reproduction, a former Secretary General of the European Academy of Andrology. In Italy he has been President of the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine (SIAMS) of the Italian Society of Endocrinology (SIE) and of the Italian Research Foundation of the Society of Endocrinology. He has been also President of the National Committee of Guarantors for Research of the Ministry of Education, University and Research (2017-19), and, finally, President of the Italian National University Council (2007-17), the highest-level university body in Italy. He is currently President of the Italian Board of Professors in Endocrinology, Metabolism and Andrology and President of the Italian Board of Professors in Life Sciences (InterCollegium). From an institutional point of view, he is now the President of the Italian Committee for Biosafety, Biotechnology and Life Sciences operating under the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (2016 - to date). Publications As Researcher in Endocrinology he has produced more than 850 publications, comprising full papers, books, monographs and chapters, including more than 450 original articles published in international journals (Hirsch Index 71 - CI. 21744 - http://www.topitalianscientists.org ). 

Series co-editor: Emmanuele A. Jannini

Emmanuele Angelo Francesco Jannini, MD, OMRI, KSG, KHS, Full Professor of Endocrinology, Andrology and Sexual Medicine at the Department of Systems Medicine, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, was born in Milan, Italy, on April 22, 1960. After the MD degree at Rome University Sapienza and residency in Andrology and Endocrinology, he was a PhD fellow in Endocrinology at the University of L’Aquila, Italy. Academic and scientific roles He actually holds the first, and unique, course of Endocrinology and Medical Sexology (ENDOSEX) in the Italian universities for the students of the English Medical School. Professor Jannini was a guest researcher and fellow at the Clinical Endocrinology Branch, NIDDK, NIH (Bethesda, MD, USA), lecturer at St Catherine’s College, Oxford (UK) on summer courses organized by the European Academy of Sexual Medicine, visiting professor of Andrology or Urology at the Sun Yat-sen University School of Medicine (Guanghzhou), Anhui Medical Universiy (Hefei), and Jiao Tong University (Shanghai) and Academic Advisor of the First Teaching Hospital of Tianjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has received the Valerio Monesi Fellowship for Research in Reproduction, the Becton Dickinson Award of the Italian Society of Endocrinology, the First Award of the European Academy of Andrology, the prize for the best Special Issue of the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, and the XXV Ottorino Rossi Award from the “Mondino” Neurologic Insitute. Prof. Jannini is chairman of the Education Committee of the European Academy of Andrology, chairman of the Multidisciplinary Joint Committee on Sexual Medicine (MJCSM) of the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes (UEMS), chairman of the Publication Committee of the International Society of Sexual Medicine, president of the Italian Academy for Couples. Publications and research interests 280 full papers published in peer-reviewed international journals [to^600; cited >14000 times; H-index: 57 (Scopus) –  67 (Google Scholar)]. His main research interests are sexual medicine and andrology (premature ejaculation – listed in the top 3 and 5 leading scientists in the world; erectile dysfunction – listed in the top 20 leading scientists in the world -  subcellular localization of type 5 phosphodiesterase, and functional anatomy of female orgasm) and endocrinology of reproduction and sexuality, particularly testosterone and thyroid physiopathology. He conducts his research in endocrinology, andrology and sexual medicine both from a clinical and a basic perspective employing molecular, clinical and psychometric tools. Professor Jannini is recipient of several public and private grants.