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Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants

An International Journal of Functional Plant Biology

Publishing model:

Aims and scope

Founded in 1995, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants (PMBP) is a peer reviewed monthly journal co-published by Springer Nature. It contains research and review articles, short communications, commentaries, book reviews etc., in all areas of functional plant biology including, but not limited to plant physiology, biochemistry, molecular genetics, molecular pathology, biophysics, cell and molecular biology, genetics, genomics and bioinformatics. Its integrated and interdisciplinary approach reflects the global growth trajectories in functional plant biology, attracting authors/editors/reviewers from over 98 countries.

·         Indexed by Clarivate-JCR (IF 3.023) and Scopus (IF 3.8)
·         Tripled in 2-yr impact on Scopus in the last decade
·         Scopus: h index grew from 6 in 2008 to 41 at present
·         In the top 5 Asian plant journals and top one-third globally
.          Springer Nature recognition for Editorial Excellence since last 3 yrs      
·         Google Scholar: h index 61 and I10 index 647 so far
·         Google Scholar: >3000 average citations/yr in last five years, >5100 in 2021
·         Articles received from 76 countries in the last 3 years
·         5700+ registered peer reviewers from 98 countries globally
.          Decision within 6 weeks by anonymous peer review
·         Over 80% rejection rate, no handling/publishing charges
·         ‘Online First’ publication within 2 weeks of acceptance
·         Welcomes proposals for thematic special issues/sections
·         Invites insightful review articles with novel perspectives
·         Globally subscribed in 10,000 institutions across continents
·         Over 1642 TOC alerts and 133,184 downloads last year
.         83% of associated editors reported feeling satisfied with their role
·         Broad scope - a major resource for research & teaching
·         Available in print & online through
·         Online submission at
