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Official Journal of the American Aging Association (AGE)

Publishing model:

GeroScience - GeroScience Outstanding Publication Awards

We are delighted to introduce the GeroScience Outstanding Publication Awards, a prestigious initiative designed to celebrate and honor outstanding original research papers and reviews in the field of aging. These awards consist of six categories, each aimed at recognizing excellence in GeroScience publications:

  • Outstanding Original Research Paper Award – First Prize: $2000
  • Outstanding Original Research Paper Award – Second Prize: $1500
  • Outstanding Original Research Paper Award – Third Prize: $1000
  • Outstanding Original Research Paper Award – Fourth Prize: $500
  • Outstanding Review Paper Award – First Prize: $1000
  • Outstanding Review Paper Award – Second Prize: $500

These awards will be presented annually during the meeting of the American Aging Association (AGE). At this event, the first author(s) of the winning papers will be awarded a monetary prize, while all author(s) will be recognized with certificates or plaques. We enthusiastically encourage all eligible authors to actively participate in the AGE meeting, which you can find more information about here:

Eligibility and Submission Process:

To be eligible for the GeroScience Outstanding Publication Awards, original research papers and reviews must have been published in GeroScience (the official journal of the American Aging Association) during the preceding three years, up to March 1 before the AGE meeting in the current year. Authors wishing to be considered for these awards must submit an application that includes the research paper and a curriculum vitae (CV) as a combined PDF file to Assistant Editor Zsuzsanna Tucsek, PhD (email: Trainees are encouraged to include a support letter from the last/corresponding author to enhance their application.

The submission deadline for the 2024 awards is March 15th, 2024.

Award selection:

The selection of awardees will be carried out by an impartial Outstanding Publication Award Committee. This committee comprises five Editors delegated by the Editor-in-Chiefs, the Editor-in-Chiefs themselves, and Deputy Editors. To ensure a comprehensive and equitable evaluation process, the committee will consider both quantitative and qualitative assessments. Quantitatively, the Field Weighted Citation Index (FWCI), published by Elsevier/Scopus, will be used to objectively assess the scientific impact of eligible papers. Qualitative factors, such as the significance of the research, will also be taken into account. This balanced approach guarantees the recognition of the best contributions to GeroScience.

GeroScience: A Premier Interdisciplinary Aging Research Journal

GeroScience has achieved the status of a Q1/D1 journal in Scopus, reflecting its prominence and influence. Key metrics, such as the CiteScore index of 9.6 based on Scopus citation data and an impact factor of 5.66 based on Clarivate/Web of Science citation data, place GeroScience alongside the most influential aging research journals. We welcome manuscripts that cover the entire spectrum of Geroscience, ranging from basic science, translational and clinical research, to epidemiology and public health interventions, all centered around aging research. Aims and scope:

Our journal's editorial board consists of internationally recognized leaders in their respective fields, representing the focus areas of the journal and ensuring that the highest quality research is published in the journal.

We eagerly anticipate receiving your outstanding contributions and strongly encourage you to submit your very best research to GeroScience! We look forward to celebrating the remarkable achievements in GeroScience.


Zoltan Ungvari, MD, PhD
Veronica Galvan, PhD
Editors-in-Chief, GeroScience
