
Building Inclusive Agricultural Value Chains

We invite researchers to submit a paper to be part of a Special Issue on building inclusive agricultural value chains. We welcome contributions from all relevant disciplines, including but not limited to innovation science, science and technology studies, development studies, economics and philosophy. We understand agricultural value chains to include chains leading to food products, clothing, energy, and biobased applications.


  • Lotte Asveld

    Together with her research group Lotte Asveld studies the societal aspects of biotechnological innovations. Her main research interests concern responsible innovation in the field of biotechnology and synthetic biology. For her research projects she has received various grants from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). Journals in which her publications have appeared include ‘Sustainability’, ‘Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining’, ‘Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning’, ‘Journal of Rural Studies’, ‘Science and Engineering Ethics’, ‘Journal of Agricultural and Enviornmental Ethics’

  • Zoe Robaey

    Zoë Robaey is Assistant Professor in Ethics of Technology at the Philosophy Group of Wageningen University. Her work investigates moral responsibility under conditions of uncertainty in the field of biotechnology in agriculture. In 2019, she received a VENI grant from the Dutch Research Organization for her research on the virtues for innovation in practice. In this work, she combines conceptual and empirical investigations to develop a notion of responsibility under uncertainty that builds on the practices of both scientists and farmers.

  • Emiel Wubben

    Dr Emiel F.M. Wubben is Associate Professor Strategic Management at Wageningen University, and Research Fellow of WASS. He is Doctor in Economics (Tinbergen Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 1993). Till 2001, he was Assistant Professor Strategy and Business Environment at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam.

  • Eefje de Gelder

    Eefje de Gelder is a PhD student researching the mainstreaming of Fairtrade at the Institute for Management Research (IMR) at Radboud University. She is doing research on how the development of increased supply and demand within the fairtrade movement affect transfers to the fairtrade beneficiaries. More specifically: the consequences of mainstreaming fairtrade for the smallholders in developing countries. Currently she’s setting up a competition model to analyze developments at the supply side, as well as experiments and a field study to see how the demand side –consumers- behave with respect to the increased popularity of fairtrade

Articles (5 in this collection)