
Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) in PICU/NICU

Point-of-care ultrasound is increasingly being used as it is a very accurate, quick and non-invasive tool. It is capable to guide critical care procedures and help refining diagnosing on a short turn around time. This eventually allows a better understanding of acute pathophysiology of critical ill children end neonates and tailoring vital support and other therapies. Unsurprisingly it has been considered the “stethoscope of the new millennium”. As every unit has at least one ultrasound machine, POCUS is also relatively cheap and the initiatives to teach it multiplies all over the world. At the same time research is refining POCUS use and interpretation. Thus, EJPE has commissioned some key opinion leaders in the field to write some comprehensive and update review about the use of POCUS for several organs and systems in critical ill children and neonates.

This series is limited for submissions to commissioned articles by invited authors.


  • Prof. Daniele De Luca, MD, PhD

    Full Professor of Pediatrics (Neonatology) Division Chief, Pediatrics, Transportation and Neonatal critical Care Immediate Past President - European Society for Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC) Editor - European Journal of Pediatrics

    AP-HP Université Paris Saclay “A. Béclère” Medical center & INSERM Research Unit “Physiopathology and Therapeutic Innovation"

Articles (12 in this collection)