
Lessons Learned

The lessons learned section is dedicated to providing space for trainees, early- and mid-career practitioners in neurocritical care to share a teachable moment. These lessons should provide an insightful observation on a translation between the textbook and real life. The publication should contain a clear teaching point(s) in a concise manner. Such teachable moments could be an interesting differential diagnosis, treatment decision making, stretching the common limits of use of certain diagnostic or treatment tools etc. A teachable moment may also raise awareness among trainees at all levels about the potential harms resulting from the misuse (either under- or overuse) of diagnostic tests or interventions. The primary objective is to educate clinicians and to aid them in providing high-quality, high-value care in the practice of neurocritical care. We are seeking common clinical scenarios that lend themselves to thoughtful discussions surrounding appropriate care. Note that this series is not intended to publish case reports (rare presentations of common conditions or common presentations of rare conditions). Using a real-life experience, this section is meant to deliver a clear teaching point to a reader who is at their first steps in neurocriticical care.


  • Ofer Sadan

    Ofer Sadan is a neurointensivist at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia in the US. Dually trained in critical care and in neurocritical care, one research focus of his is on the interplay between brain injury and its systemic effects. In addition he studies cerebral blood flow, and specifically innovative ways to measure it and augment it as needed.

Articles (3 in this collection)