
News Personalization and Analytics

This special issue of User Modelling and User-Adapted Interaction aims at presenting recent progress and developments of efficient user modeling and advanced machine learning techniques in various aspects of news personalization and analytics. We invite researchers and practitioners to contribute high-quality articles focusing on the following topics.


  • Özlem Özgöbek

    Özlem works as an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science at NTNU. Her research focuses on recommender systems, privacy issues in recommender systems and disinformation detection for online news. She is a co-founder of Norwegian Big Data Symposium (NOBIDS) and actively involved in organizing INRA workshop series since 2014.

  • Peng Liu

    Peng Liu works as a postdoctoral fellow at the Norwegian Research Center for AI Innovation (NorwAI) at NTNU. His research focuses on natural language processing and recommender systems. He has conducted research in the areas of temporal data mining and user behavior analysis in news recommender systems.

  • Andreas Lommatzsch

    Andreas Lommatzsch works as a senior researcher and director of the Application Center “Data Analytics” at the Distributed Artificial Intelligence Lab (DAI-Labor) at the TU Berlin. His research focuses on distributed knowledge management and machine learning algorithms. His primary interests lie in the areas of recommendations based on data-streams and context-aware meta-recommender algorithms. He co-organizes the NewsImages@MediaEval challenge focusing on recommender algorithms for news portals.

  • Jürgen Ziegler

    Jürgen Ziegler is a full professor in the Department of Computer Science and Applied Cognitive Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen where he directs the Interactive Systems Research Group. His main research interests lie in the areas of human-computer interaction, human-AI cooperation, recommender systems, information visualization, and health applications. Among many other scientific functions he is currently editor-in-chief of i-com - Journal of Interactive Media and chair of the German special interest group on User-Centred Artificial Intelligence.

  • Benjamin Kille

    Benjamin Kille works as a postdoctoral fellow at the Norwegian Research Center for AI Innovation (NorwAI) at NTNU. His research focuses on recommender systems, natural language processing, and machine learning. He has co-organized a series of workshops (INRA) and competitions (NewsREEL, NewsImages@MediaEval) in the field of news recommendation.


Articles will be displayed here once they are published.