
Rice Functional Genomics

Rice is not only a staple food crop worldwide but also a key model cereal crop for genomic and plant science research. Rice has made great progress in the last three decades in functional genomics and genetic improvement, playing a leading role among crops. Aiming to realize less pesticide, less chemical fertilizer, water saving and drought resistance, and acceptable grain quality and high yield in rice production, Green Super Rice (GSR), proposed by Prof. Qifa Zhang (Huazhong Agricultural University, China), provides a promising strategy for sustainable agriculture and will be boosted by the breakthrough and systematical achievements of rice functional genomics.

In this Rice Functional Genomics special issue, with the aim to present the advances of rice functional genomics research and offer their perspectives for future developments and practical applications in rice molecular breeding, 13 papers are published covering various aspects, including 5 main topics: yield capacity, nutrition use efficiency, biotic and abiotic stress resistance, and grain quality, which are vital agronomic traits for rice production.


  • Lizhong Xiong

    Huazhong Agricultural University, China

  • Yusaku Uga

    National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Japan

Articles (14 in this collection)