
Social Science and Sustainability Technology

The topical issue on Social Science and Sustainability Technology presents emerging, cutting-edge research that considers the interrelation of social science insights and emerging sustainability technologies. The issue brings together a diverse group of scholars from various disciplines, including sociology, psychology, political science, and economics. The papers will examine how social, moral, political factors, and psychological factors influence the adoption and diffusion of sustainability technologies.


  • Leaf Van Boven

    Leaf's scientific interests lie mostly in Social psychology, Social perception, Social cognition, Egocentrism and Feeling. He has researched Social psychology in several fields, including Experiential learning and Cognitive bias. His work carried out in the field of Egocentrism brings together such families of science as Empathy gap and Interpersonal relationship. He has included themes like Egocentric bias, Endowment effect and Anchoring in his Interpersonal relationship study.

  • Matthew Burgess

    Matthew is an Assistant Professor in Environmental Studies and Fellow of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), the Director of the Center for Social and Environmental Futures, and a Faculty Fellow of the Bruce D. Benson Center for the Study of Western Civilization. His research interests are broad, but largely focus on exploring possible economic growth futures and their implications for the environment and society, strategies to reduce political polarization of environmental issues, and mathematical modeling of human-environment systems.

Articles (10 in this collection)