
The Normative Dimension of Transformations towards a Sustainable Bio-economy – Expanding the Economic Perspective

We invite papers to a special issue which will focus on the ethical aspects to be considered in a transformation to a sustainable bio-economy. To read more, please click here


  • Vincent Blok

    Vincent Blok is associate professor in Philosophy of Technology and Responsible Innovation at the Philosophy Group, Wageningen University (The Netherlands). Together with seven PhD candidates and three Post-docs, he is involved in several (European) research projects in the field of philosophy of technology, biobased & circular economy and responsible innovation. Blok published over hundred articles in high ranked philosophy journals and in multi-disciplinary journals like Science, Journal of Cleaner Production, Public understanding of Science and Journal of Responsible Innovation.

  • Michael P. Schlaile

    Michael P. Schlaile is a postdoctoral researcher working in two part-time positions: First, as a research project coordinator at Cusanus University. Second, as a researcher at the Department of Innovation Economics at the University of Hohenheim. Michael's research revolves around the three interrelated themes of (i) complexity and evolution, (ii) sustainability and responsibility, and (iii) innovation and transformation. He has recently edited a book on Memetics and Evolutionary Economics, and he frequently publishes in renowned scientific journals from various disciplines.

  • Sophie Urmetzer

    Sophie Urmetzer is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Innovation Economics and manager of the state research program on bioeconomy at the University of Hohenheim. With her academic background in forest and natural resources management, she is used to systemic thinking and determined to change current paradigms towards an evident appreciation of sustainable development. Sophie is engaged in research on innovation systems and explores the particularities of transformation paths towards a sustainable circular bioeconomy with a special focus on transformative education.

  • Andreas Pyka

    Andreas Pyka holds the chair for innovation economics at the University of Hohenheim. His research areas are knowledge driven developments and transformation of economic systems towards sustainability.

Articles (6 in this collection)