
Clinical Practice Updates in Veterinary Hospitals

The aim of this special issue is to provide readers with the latest developments in the field of applied veterinary clinical sciences. This collection focuses on the updates and advancements in daily clinical practices conducted in veterinary hospitals. Scientific articles in this issue will revolve around the management of clinical cases or case series, which will be critically analyzed and discussed in the context of existing scientific literature. Additionally, clinical research activities that have direct implications for veterinary practice will also be considered.

Contributions can encompass various aspects of veterinary clinical specialties, across both small and large domestic animals, as well as studies involving unconventional and wild animals including one of the following topics are welcomed:

• Internal Medicine

• Surgery

• Clinical Pathology

• Diagnostic Imaging

• Reproduction

• Emergency

• Intensive Care

Interdisciplinary reports from interns, PhD students, residents, researchers, as well as other academic and non-academic professionals, are highly encouraged. Original papers and literature reviews, in regular or short article format, will be considered for publication.

Prospective authors should send an expression of interest (title and abstract) to the Guest Editors.


  • Adolfo Maria Tambella

    Researcher, School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine, University of Camerino, Matelica (MC) - Italy

  • Fabrizio Ceciliani

    Professor, Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy

Articles (10 in this collection)