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Recent developments in the chemistry of adamantane and related polycyclic hydrocarbons

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Chemistry of Adamantanes

Part of the book series: Fortschritte der Chemischen Forschung ((TOPCURRCHEM,volume 18/1))


The chemistry of adamantane and related “cage-like” hydrocarbons has developed rapidly in recent years. These developments, encompassing a broad spectrum of the chemical world, have not been stimulated by any unique properties associated with the cage strutures of these molecules; the chemistry of such systems is typically hydrocarbon in nature. The particular utility of “cage-like” substrates in a variety of chemical investigations arises, for the most part, from their conformational rigidity; variables (e.g. those associated with structure) appropriate to more mobile compounds are often eliminated by the use of “cage-like” systems. The availability, ease of functionalization, and the near ideal structure of adamantane make it extremely useful for this purpose.

National Institutes of Health Predoctoral Fellow, 1968–1970.

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Bingham, R.C., Schleyer, P.v.R. (1971). Recent developments in the chemistry of adamantane and related polycyclic hydrocarbons. In: Chemistry of Adamantanes. Fortschritte der Chemischen Forschung, vol 18/1. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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